OT: NYC bombing terrorist caught in Jersey

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2014
Dude blew up a couple of bombs in Manhattan and then goes to NJ- falls asleep on the stoop of a bar, then gets in a shoot out with Jersey cops.

Jersey cops wound him and take him into custody. 29 people wounded, 1 severely.

Well, we finally caught a live one............. what would Mossad do????
Immigrated from Afghanistan 3 years ago. Went back two years ago for a few months (allegedly).

I'm dying to know if it was for a workshop or maybe a conference/convention of some sort. Lord knows he wouldn't go there for "terror training" or to learn how to build bombs.

Now he'll go to a federal detention center and wait for a high profile lawyer who will represent him pro Bono because the US government failed to provide him proper assistance when he immigrated from Afghanistan..........
Obama to pardon him.
What color is the sky in the conservative world? Just curious. :rolleyes: Guess it doesn't matter what the facts are, conservatives just "feel" things.

Meanwhile in reality, just 3 days ago:

An airstrike has killed a senior ISIS leader who, as the group's minister of information, produced some of its gruesome execution videos, the Pentagon announced today. A U.S. official described "Dr. Wa'il" as one of ISIS's top leaders who had special access to ISIS's senior leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The confirmed death of "Dr. Wa'il" is the second strike in the last two weeks targeting a senior ISIS leader involved in ISIS's media operation.

Feb'16 - More than 26,000 ISIS fighters -- and as many as 27,000 -- are estimated to have been killed in Iraq and Syria by the U.S. led coalition since airstrike operations began in 2014, a U.S. official told CNN.
That and allow 100,000 more refugees to to show we have no bias.
Or to, you know, help dying women and children. You know, the "Christian" thing that conservatives always try to falsely claim.
What color is the sky in the conservative world? Just curious. :rolleyes: Guess it doesn't matter what the facts are, conservatives just "feel" things.

Meanwhile in reality, just 3 days ago:

An airstrike has killed a senior ISIS leader who, as the group's minister of information, produced some of its gruesome execution videos, the Pentagon announced today. A U.S. official described "Dr. Wa'il" as one of ISIS's top leaders who had special access to ISIS's senior leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The confirmed death of "Dr. Wa'il" is the second strike in the last two weeks targeting a senior ISIS leader involved in ISIS's media operation.

Feb'16 - More than 26,000 ISIS fighters -- and as many as 27,000 -- are estimated to have been killed in Iraq and Syria by the U.S. led coalition since airstrike operations began in 2014, a U.S. official told CNN.

You get too defensive about that liberal trash in office. I'm a right leaning independent and we definitely see the world in a different light/shade of blue.
Sorry, tired of bigoted trash calling Obama a Muslim/Muslim sympathizer when he's killed tens of thousands of terrorists.
This thread has no chance.

Michael Savage once said that liberalism is a mental disorder. It really must be because I really can't see life in the same way.

There are two types of people in the world, those who kill other humans and those who don't. I spend none of my time trying to defend those who would murder their neighbors. Regardless of political affiliation.

I do find it very puzzling why American liberals protect the terrorists at every opportunity. They do everything with a political end in mind.....where is the gain for protecting the root cause of 99% of today's barbarism?
Who's defending a terrorist, lying trash?

Conservatism is the mental disorder. You people wouldn't know Christ if he were standing in front you. You want to kill brown people and you support a Presidential candidate who espouses murdering their innocent family members and bringing back torture.
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I found proof that Obama kills scores of terrorists. Not sure why you're indicting that? Oh wait, never mind, I know conservatives have problems with facts. You just "feel" like he's a Muslim.
Who's defending a terrorist, lying trash?

Conservatism is the mental disorder. You people wouldn't know Christ if he were standing in front you. You want to kill brown people and you support a Presidential candidate who espouses murdering their innocent family members and bringing back torture.
Trash huh? On top of our game today are we?

You need to brush up on your people skills. Just because someone isn't a liberal doesn't mean they are a Christian, follow the Bible verbatim, and subscribe to all of your straw man arguments.
Scholz, easy question:

Why is it when there is a night club, market, army base, airplane, or another place where innocent people congregate....and that place is blown to pieces......that liberals such as yourself must stampede to the front of the line to say it isn't terrorism or Islamic related?

When 99.9% of all terrorism is by the same ideology, why run cover for them? They don't vote for your candidates and they can't help you politically. Why not identify them for who they are?
I found proof that Obama kills scores of terrorists. Not sure why you're indicting that? Oh wait, never mind, I know conservatives have problems with facts. You just "feel" like he's a Muslim.
I argue with another dude on Facebook. Instead of having opinions he posts links. He ends up getting mad.
Or to, you know, help dying women and children. You know, the "Christian" thing that conservatives always try to falsely claim.
But I thought ISIS was contained? No? If they are contained as the POTUS claims then why are there still all of these refugees being displaced? Somebody not telling the truth here and I think I know who's involved. I have no problem with helping out refugees that are 100% properly vetted and realize they are entering a sovereign country with rules you will abide by and you will be a productive citizen willing to take up arms for your country if need be. This is assuming of course that these refugees will become full time citizens.
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It's reality. You conservatives are straight up bigots. Your credibility has been gone ever since you nominated a white nationalist as your nominee. Fact.

Cue the next bigoted lie about Obama now...
I voted for a Cuban Canadian sir....


noun noun: bigot, plural noun: bigots

  • 1. a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions:

So what would that make you? o_O
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Calling out bigotry is not bigotry. That's where you double digit IQ conservatives always get tripped up. You're not the victim. You're not being oppressed. You're the bigots.

So you can't use the N-word in mixed company anymore. Sorry, that doesn't make you the victim.
* unless they're Muslim or otherwise brown.
No sir. Peace loving Muslims promoting the American way of life and supporting and defending the laws of our country-- more than welcome in my book.
Man, ya'll need to simmer down Pronto and start talking instead of insulting. MM just pulled the paddle out of the closet........

A crazy a$$hat from the Stan setting bombs in NYC is the issue. The fact that we caught him alive- is the issue. I'm just hoping he doesn't vanish like the Orlando shooters wife did. She just went "poof" while allegedly under FBI surveillance.

Now everybody has to admit that's weird.......
Sorry, this kind of bigoted, conservative bullshit sets me off. If I'm banned so be it. I'm tired of white, racist POS conservatives in this country. Complete assholes.

"Obama to pardon him."
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When you get more upset with the racist white people criticizing a terrorist....than you do the evil bastards who KILL innocent have lost me.
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Sorry, this kind of bigoted, conservative bullshit sets me off. If I'm banned so be it. I'm tired of white, racist POS conservatives in this country. Complete assholes.

"Obama to pardon him."
I see where your coming from Scholz but look at it like this-- I am as MOTR as they come. The left won't let me in because I'm a "gun nut" and the fringe left aren't fans of people clinging to "guns and bibles". The right won't let me in because I believe a woman's body is her own business and two dudes wearing wedding rings phases me 0% of the time. The fringe right "evangelicals" think I'm the devil. So here I am. Middle of the road.
I will say, that when 90%+ of mass attacks that take place in the world share a common thread- I do expect those in power to acknowledge it and open the forum for discussion as to how to solve it instead of turning it into a "voting issue".
Take for instance Israel. Israel racially profiles every person that comes into their land. Does that make Israel racists? Or does that make Israel pragmatic insofar as recognizing that people want to kill them and those people, while not all sharing the sane skin tone, do 99% of the time share something else-- a faux belief based on religious "context".
There's a difference, and I hope you would agree, between being politically correct, and OVERLY politically sensitive. I think we've passed that threshold already. From kids being "triggered" by chalk drawings, to bar fights over Trump bumper stickers, to safe spaces, to white people "self identifying" as black.

It's getting out of hand. But my original point was, we finally CAUGHT one alive..... and as odd as it is that the Orlando shooters wife just vanished while on the no fly list AND under FBI surveillance-- I'm hoping our DOJ doesn't blow this opportunity v to study this a$$hat and figure out what makes him tick in order to help us profile future attackers.
Same old name calling, insults, condescending tone, etc. over differences of opinion regarding politics, which is not allowed on the board any way. Guys, please stop with the political threads. Thanks.
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