I’ve been to Vicksburg on many occasions, and to Gettysburg on several, and am reading Donald L Miller’s excellent recent book Vicksburg: Grant’s Campaign That Broke the Confederacy.
A lot of super smart women . . . err . . . friends that I know have “book clubs.” Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Frankly, that sounds like a good idea, but as my, and I suspect many of my OB colleagues’, attention deficit disorder increases with age, I don’t have the time or patience for that. So I turned to my OBers for a shorter discussion:
“Which battle was more decisive in the Civil War — Gettysburg or Vicksburg”?
I’ll weigh in a little later so I don’t bias the discussion.
A lot of super smart women . . . err . . . friends that I know have “book clubs.” Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Frankly, that sounds like a good idea, but as my, and I suspect many of my OB colleagues’, attention deficit disorder increases with age, I don’t have the time or patience for that. So I turned to my OBers for a shorter discussion:
“Which battle was more decisive in the Civil War — Gettysburg or Vicksburg”?
I’ll weigh in a little later so I don’t bias the discussion.
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