OT: polio

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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2012
Scholz , do you know that Obama is almost certainly responsible for stopping polio eradication? He sent one of the vaccination teams to bin Laden's to identify the family. Which might have been ok, but then he had to tell the world he was certain. Thus stopping the eradication campaign. He is simply incapable of making decisions in real time. Life is not a debate.
Scholz , do you know that Obama is almost certainly responsible for stopping polio eradication? He sent one of the vaccination teams to bin Laden's to identify the family. Which might have been ok, but then he had to tell the world he was certain. Thus stopping the eradication campaign. He is simply incapable of making decisions in real time. Life is not a debate.

I played polio before. I got saddle rash because.....well, those saddles are weird.
Locked threads are a result of some people taking this stuff too serious. I just provide fuel, they are the spark. Eventually they will either mellow out, block me, or just explode.

So pull up a chair, get your popcorn and let's see what happens.
Scholz won't fall for this. It's too obvious and he knows it.
Guys, again, please no political threads. FYI, Scholz is in time out for going ballistic yesterday.
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