OT: Real College Courses


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2014
Dallas, Texas
So I was just browsing the internet and found these, you guys are going to have fun with these courses.

#1 MCL 135: Vampires: Evolution of a Sexy Monster (University of Kentucky)

#2 HIST 336: Saints, Witches, and Madwomen (University of Nebraska)

#3 WOMGEN 1225: Leaning In, Hooking Up(Harvard University)

#4 SOAN 261: Campus Sex in the Digital Age (Washington & Lee University)

#5 GSWS 434: The Politics of Ugly(University of Pennsylvania)

#6 AMS 398: FAT: The F-Word and the Public Body (Princeton University)

#7 GWS 462: Hip Hop Feminism (University of Illinois)

#8 GWS 255: Queer Lives, Queer Politics(University of Illinois)

#9 SOC 388: Marriage in the Age of Trump(Davidson College)

#10 HISTORY 330-0: Medieval Sexuality(Northwestern University)

#11 AI 318: Zombies: Modern Myths, Race, and Capitalism (DePaul University)

#12 SOCI 332: Alternative Genders (Texas A&M University)

#13 AMCULT 103: Drag in America(University of Michigan)

#14 AMCULT 334: Race, Gender, Sexuality and U.S. Culture in Video Games (University of Michigan)

#15 AMCULT 411: Rednecks, Queers, and Country Music (University of Michigan)

#16 WGS 255: Deconstructing the Diva(DePaul University)

#17 GLBT 3404: Transnational Sexualities(University of Minnesota)

#18 GSFS 0208: Unruly Bodies: Black Womanhood in Popular Culture(Middlebury College)

#19 MC 2002: Media, Sport and Culture: Amplifying the Sporting-Ism(Louisiana State University)

#20 THEO 025: The Bible and Horror(Georgetown University)

#21 SOAS 3500: Queerness in South Asian Literature and Cinema(University of Iowa)

#22 AADS 2204: Black Women and the Politics of Blackness and Beauty (Vanderbilt University)

#23 AFR 334: Radical Theories of Political Struggle: Anti-Black Racism and the Obama Administration (Williams College)

#24 COLT 0510F: Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, The Men and the Myths (Brown University)

#25 HIST 379: Queering Colonialism(Washington & Lee University)

#26 AMST 274: Rainbow Cowboys (and Girls): Gender, Race, Class, and Sexuality in Westerns (Wellesley College)

#27 AFA 4430: Black Lives Matter(University of Florida)

#28 RELI GU 4355: The African American Prophetic Political Tradition from David Walker to Barack Obama (Columbia University)

#29 RELG 032: Queering God: Feminist and Queer Theology(Swarthmore College)

#30 RELG 033: Queering the Bible(Swarthmore College)

#31 ENVS 042: Ecofeminism (Swarthmore College)

#32 FRSEMR 61D: Trying Socrates in the Age of Trump (Harvard University)

#33 GSWS 2219: Deconstructing Masculinities (Bowdoin College)

#34 GSFS 0325: American Misogyny(Middlebury College)

#35 BLSTU 3850: Gender, Hip Hop, and the Politics of Representation(University of Missouri)

#36 AAS 301: Black to the Future: Science, Fiction, and Society(Princeton University)

#37 SOC 105: Race, Religion, & Donald Trump (Davidson College)

Other courses that are not offered anymore

1.What If Harry Potter Is Real?” (Appalachian State University)

2.God, Sex, Chocolate: Desire and the Spiritual Path” (UC San Diego)

3.GaGa for Gaga: Sex, Gender, and Identity” (The University Of Virginia)

4.Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame” (The University Of South Carolina)

5.Philosophy And Star Trek” (Georgetown)

6.Invented Languages: Klingon and Beyond” (The University Of Texas)

7.The Science Of Superheroes” (UC Irvine)

8.Learning From YouTube” (Pitzer College)

9.Arguing with Judge Judy” (UC Berkeley)

10.Elvis As Anthology” (The University Of Iowa)

11.The Feminist Critique Of Christianity” (The University Of Pennsylvania)

12.Zombies In Popular Media” (Columbia College)

13.Far Side Entomology” (Oregon State)

14.Interrogating Gender: Centuries of Dramatic Cross-Dressing” (Swarthmore)

15.Oh, Look, a Chicken!” Embracing Distraction as a Way of Knowing (Belmont University)

16.The Textual Appeal of Tupac Shakur” (University of Washington)

17.Cyberporn And Society” (State University of New York at Buffalo)

18.Sport For The Spectator” (The Ohio State University)

19.Getting Dressed” (Princeton)

20.How To Watch Television” (Montclair)
I don't know about y'all but I'm getting an A+ in that #6 Princeton class.

@Belldozer1 would ace the #15 Michigan class.
Most look like upper division selected topics or seminar type elective courses in sociology or "___ studies" programs. They are mostly pet projects for faculty who are prepping for a big research project so your course prep doubles as research time. I am working on 2 outside of our core. Once is creating health, fitness, and wellness video content for social media platforms (instagram, youtube, and snapchat). The other is looking at activities of daily living as general physical preperation for combat in Viking Age Europe. (Longship building is far superior to farming). Then you need to come up with a catchy title so you can get enough people to sign up so the class will make. Still trying to figure out what to call mine.
Wait.....wut? Longship building? Please elaborate.....

Most look like upper division selected topics or seminar type elective courses in sociology or "___ studies" programs. They are mostly pet projects for faculty who are prepping for a big research project so your course prep doubles as research time. I am working on 2 outside of our core. Once is creating health, fitness, and wellness video content for social media platforms (instagram, youtube, and snapchat). The other is looking at activities of daily living as general physical preperation for combat in Viking Age Europe. (Longship building is far superior to farming). Then you need to come up with a catchy title so you can get enough people to sign up so the class will make. Still trying to figure out what to call mine.
Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin are rolling in their graves.
Wait.....wut? Longship building? Please elaborate.....

Viking longships were made with an ax, a sledge hammer made out of a tree stump and wooden wedges. So you go out to the forest and cut down a tree 100% with an ax. Then you hook it up to an ox and take it to the construction site. The log end of the log is cut flat and wooden wedges are driven into the tree that splits it into 4 pieces. Those pieces are hand hewn into planks. The guys that built the boats were probably on the raiding parties. The had a mix of max effort lifting(lifting logs and planks), Power training (felling and splitting trees), endurance training (hewing logs). Most of those guys fought with Axes because a sword cost about what a house would cost. During the construction process they would have to make thousands of very precise cuts which meant they were very skilled at swinging an ax. They also consumed massive amounts of protein. The farmland in Northern Europe was crap. So they ate a ton livestock, raindeer, and fish (all high in protein). So you got some big strong fit dudes who know how to handle their weapons. No one really had standing armies during the viking age so you had farmers picking up weapons when the viking ships appeared and those dudes didn't stand a chance.
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Forgot to mention rowing the boats on the passages from Northern Europe to England, France, Spain and Italy
So I was just browsing the internet and found these, you guys are going to have fun with these courses.

#1 MCL 135: Vampires: Evolution of a Sexy Monster (University of Kentucky)

#2 HIST 336: Saints, Witches, and Madwomen (University of Nebraska)

#3 WOMGEN 1225: Leaning In, Hooking Up(Harvard University)

#4 SOAN 261: Campus Sex in the Digital Age (Washington & Lee University)

#5 GSWS 434: The Politics of Ugly(University of Pennsylvania)

#6 AMS 398: FAT: The F-Word and the Public Body (Princeton University)

#7 GWS 462: Hip Hop Feminism (University of Illinois)

#8 GWS 255: Queer Lives, Queer Politics(University of Illinois)

#9 SOC 388: Marriage in the Age of Trump(Davidson College)

#10 HISTORY 330-0: Medieval Sexuality(Northwestern University)

#11 AI 318: Zombies: Modern Myths, Race, and Capitalism (DePaul University)

#12 SOCI 332: Alternative Genders (Texas A&M University)

#13 AMCULT 103: Drag in America(University of Michigan)

#14 AMCULT 334: Race, Gender, Sexuality and U.S. Culture in Video Games (University of Michigan)

#15 AMCULT 411: Rednecks, Queers, and Country Music (University of Michigan)

#16 WGS 255: Deconstructing the Diva(DePaul University)

#17 GLBT 3404: Transnational Sexualities(University of Minnesota)

#18 GSFS 0208: Unruly Bodies: Black Womanhood in Popular Culture(Middlebury College)

#19 MC 2002: Media, Sport and Culture: Amplifying the Sporting-Ism(Louisiana State University)

#20 THEO 025: The Bible and Horror(Georgetown University)

#21 SOAS 3500: Queerness in South Asian Literature and Cinema(University of Iowa)

#22 AADS 2204: Black Women and the Politics of Blackness and Beauty (Vanderbilt University)

#23 AFR 334: Radical Theories of Political Struggle: Anti-Black Racism and the Obama Administration (Williams College)

#24 COLT 0510F: Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, The Men and the Myths (Brown University)

#25 HIST 379: Queering Colonialism(Washington & Lee University)

#26 AMST 274: Rainbow Cowboys (and Girls): Gender, Race, Class, and Sexuality in Westerns (Wellesley College)

#27 AFA 4430: Black Lives Matter(University of Florida)

#28 RELI GU 4355: The African American Prophetic Political Tradition from David Walker to Barack Obama (Columbia University)

#29 RELG 032: Queering God: Feminist and Queer Theology(Swarthmore College)

#30 RELG 033: Queering the Bible(Swarthmore College)

#31 ENVS 042: Ecofeminism (Swarthmore College)

#32 FRSEMR 61D: Trying Socrates in the Age of Trump (Harvard University)

#33 GSWS 2219: Deconstructing Masculinities (Bowdoin College)

#34 GSFS 0325: American Misogyny(Middlebury College)

#35 BLSTU 3850: Gender, Hip Hop, and the Politics of Representation(University of Missouri)

#36 AAS 301: Black to the Future: Science, Fiction, and Society(Princeton University)

#37 SOC 105: Race, Religion, & Donald Trump (Davidson College)

Other courses that are not offered anymore

1.What If Harry Potter Is Real?” (Appalachian State University)

2.God, Sex, Chocolate: Desire and the Spiritual Path” (UC San Diego)

3.GaGa for Gaga: Sex, Gender, and Identity” (The University Of Virginia)

4.Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame” (The University Of South Carolina)

5.Philosophy And Star Trek” (Georgetown)

6.Invented Languages: Klingon and Beyond” (The University Of Texas)

7.The Science Of Superheroes” (UC Irvine)

8.Learning From YouTube” (Pitzer College)

9.Arguing with Judge Judy” (UC Berkeley)

10.Elvis As Anthology” (The University Of Iowa)

11.The Feminist Critique Of Christianity” (The University Of Pennsylvania)

12.Zombies In Popular Media” (Columbia College)

13.Far Side Entomology” (Oregon State)

14.Interrogating Gender: Centuries of Dramatic Cross-Dressing” (Swarthmore)

15.Oh, Look, a Chicken!” Embracing Distraction as a Way of Knowing (Belmont University)

16.The Textual Appeal of Tupac Shakur” (University of Washington)

17.Cyberporn And Society” (State University of New York at Buffalo)

18.Sport For The Spectator” (The Ohio State University)

19.Getting Dressed” (Princeton)

20.How To Watch Television” (Montclair)

Wow. Depressing. I was questioning my son when he took "History of Rock" at UT a few years ago. I don't feel as bad now.