OT: The American Buffalo by Ken Burns

Just came out on PBS. I watched it last night. I HIGHLY recommend it. If you want to know the true story about how we pretty much destroyed the American West, you should check it out.
Very informative and depressing.
All about perspective..... if your name was Prancing Little Bear, then ya--- we fvcking destroyed the west.
If your name is John P Rockafeller the 5th-- then no-- we didn't.

I had a discussion last night with my son about how discussions are often shaped around emotionally charged words.

Currently reading HW Brands' newest "The Last Campaign" about Geronimo and Sherman.

At one point the "vision" for the United States was to stop at the Mississippi. Of course that means no Texas.
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I had a discussion last night with my son about how discussions are often shaped around emotionally charged words.

Currently reading HW Brands' newest "The Last Campaign" about Geronimo and Sherman.

At one point the "vision" for the United States was to stop at the Mississippi. Of course that means no Texas.
Excellent book. If the history of "how the west was won" (even that old phrase is shaped toward an opinion) then this documentary would be to his liking.
Geronimo is featured, especially the time he spent touring with Buffalo Bill.
Just came out on PBS. I watched it last night. I HIGHLY recommend it. If you want to know the true story about how we pretty much destroyed the American West, you should check it out.
Came here to post a "Who Has Seen " thread.

Watching on DVR, and just started the series.
A great documentary no animal has been associated with American history more than the buffalo.

I didn't know Charlie Goodnight was a Texas ranger. And that he learned to understand the buffalo's importance to native Americans. He is to Texas history in the panhandle to what Sam Houston is to South Texas.

The buffalo has gone from near extinction to over 440, 000 today. It had a happy ending.
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The buffalo has gone from near extinction to over 440, 000 today. It had a happy ending.
Sort of. When you consider they used to roam pretty much from Mexico to Canada and from the Mississippi River to the Pacific, it doesn’t necessarily sound like they’re better off to just survive as a species.
Sort of. When you consider they used to roam pretty much from Mexico to Canada and from the Mississippi River to the Pacific, it doesn’t necessarily sound like they’re better off to just survive as a species.
Well the world has changed and I'm sure they will increase.
Sorry Cali, I didn’t mean to come across as ragging on your point. I’ve had a few glasses of PVW tonight sitting out by my fire pit and I was more or less making a philosophical observation as opposed to countering your point.
The world changes. Species adapt or get left behind. Just seems kind of sad tonight where humans have taken the world in the last 150 years.
Sorry Cali, I didn’t mean to come across as ragging on your point. I’ve had a few glasses of PVW tonight sitting out by my fire pit and I was more or less making a philosophical observation as opposed to countering your point.
The world changes. Species adapt or get left behind. Just seems kind of sad tonight where humans have taken the world in the last 150 years.
You should see a common theme here with the Buffalo, the otter and the beaver.

The people back east-- let's call them the "elite"---- the "have-s" of this nation--- they demanded something unique. Their own little taste of the "wild west". They wanted to be a part of the rugged country- the undiscovered part of America- without having to get their hands dirty or their feet muddy. They wanted luxury, without the sweat equity.

The "have nots"--- the working class-- they wanted to make their way in the world. So they went out to a place that was wild, brutal, deadly, and full of people that didn't like them. They did this to satisfy the lust of the "have-s". They risked their lives to do something, in order to provide something, that the elite people in this nation wanted. They wanted their Buffalo pelt. Their Buffalo horns. They wanted their Buffalo mounts. They wanted to be seen by their friends as a part OF the west without having to GO TO the west. It's called eating your cake and having it too.

And because of this lust of the elite people in this country-- an entire species of animal were almost wiped off the earth.

And for what? Bragging rights and a momentary fad.

And nothing has changed. The elite want their trinkets, and the "workers" go and fetch them. Later it was gold. Then diamonds. Then oil. Then uranium. Now it's cobalt and lithium--- just to make a battery for a car that's worse for the environment than the previous fad--- oil driven cars.

The Buffalo should have taught us a lesson. If only we would listen.
There is another Ken Burns doc I just saw it came out last year. The United States and the Holocaust. It was very moving.

The one thing that stood out most was how long and deep rooted xenophobia is in America. To be honest I didn't know it played a part why so many Jews weren't able to escape.

Clearly the Germans manipulated the rest of Europe to not trying to stop it. And xenophobia was and has always been rampant in Europe.

There were parts of Europe where some were able to get away. Sadly some of the guilty got away and we're never caught, and some cheated death by hanging and committed suicide.

75 years later and it's still happening all over the world.
One thing not mentioned in this discussion is the incredible effect the discovery of gold at Sitters Mill had on the west....It started a deluge of people going west. (Sutters mill). Seems like everything fed off of that.

I also think Echeese had a good point. Perspective is a strange critter. Who's ox is being gored.?
Thinking on it...I believe that perception is like a changes with environment

Hunter bad...buffalo gone....but here is a fun fact..

There are more whitetail deer in North America than there were when Columbus landed....
A great documentary no animal has been associated with American history more than the buffalo.

I didn't know Charlie Goodnight was a Texas ranger. And that he learned to understand the buffalo's importance to native Americans. He is to Texas history in the panhandle to what Sam Houston is to South Texas.

The buffalo has gone from near extinction to over 440, 000 today. It had a happy ending.
Thank you for resurfacing this thread. I had meant to watch it when clob first posted, but stuff comes up and subsequently, I forgot about it.
Thinking on it...I believe that perception is like a changes with environment

Hunter bad...buffalo gone....but here is a fun fact..

There are more whitetail deer in North America than there were when Columbus landed....
How do we know that?

Call parks and wild life. Did you know that in the 50's there Were almost no deer in Hayes county?

What made the deer population explode was the eradication of the screw know, when men messed with nature...
One thing not mentioned in this discussion is the incredible effect the discovery of gold at Sitters Mill had on the west....It started a deluge of people going west. (Sutters mill). Seems like everything fed off of that.

I also think Echeese had a good point. Perspective is a strange critter. Who's ox is being gored.?

One thing not mentioned in this discussion is the incredible effect the discovery of gold at Sitters Mill had on the west....It started a deluge of people going west. (Sutters mill). Seems like everything fed off of that.

I also think Echeese had a good point. Perspective is a strange critter. Who's ox is being gored.?
The 49ers went west during a global cholera epidemic. It's water borne. There were so many that the Comanche couldn't stop them. Single biggest death toll.
Ted Nugent wrote and composed a classic song about the great western Buffalo. Love this song. One of the best songs Ted ever put together. He’s an avid outdoorsman and historian so he’s rather passionate about it.



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