Post Corona Virus Predictions

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2014
So once this bull sh!t is over and we try and return to a normal life-- what are your predictions as to what will happen down the road?

Do we return to things as they were pre-corona? Or do our lives change permanently like after 9/11?

Here's a few off the top of my head:

There will be a global population explosion in 9 to 10 months. Can't leave the house? Shag the Mrs's.

There will also be a record number of domestic violence incidents in the US. Some folks just can't get along no matter what the circumstances.

So we are either going to be fighting, or fvcking. Sometimes both.

Alcohol sales will sky rocket during and briefly after the epidemic. When you're sad, you drink. When you're stressed, you drink. But when you get really great news (like the coast is clear) you party like a fvcking rock star.

Beef prices will spike like we've never seen. Then chicken will spike because beef gets too high, then beef will plummet and then return to normal.

A large % of parents will keep their kids home through the end of the school year even though the coast is clear. You parents can be paranoid fvcks about your kids.

Airline travel will be clogged like we haven't seen since 9/11. Everybody needing to travel for work will rush to buy tickets to get unresolved business taken care of, and that will create really high prices for airline tickets. The fvck sticks running the airlines will use that to hike up flight prices because we will all get used to paying more for flights, and even though fuel costs are lower, they will still price gouge your ass.

Sex workers will have a hard time recovering. Strippers, escorts etc, will become desperate and start turning to alternative means of income and this will lead to a new influx of sex workers new to the business that will ride the wave up and replace the previous generation. Drug dealing, back alley BJ's for next to nothing, low rent porn shoots--- it's going to be bad.

Grain prices will explode. Feeding our cows and chickens and pigs will become a premium over the next 4-5 months. Farmers are going to be pushed to up their yields on crops.

Anybody else?
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Along those lines .... i’m Bullish on family law. Too much time together + financial stress = big fees for the legal industry.
I think that this isolation is far too soon. Ineffective. The "vaccines" are unlikely to be effective. Worthless.
We had a guy at work yesterday, freak the f*ck out and had to go home. Dude was watching YouTube videos about the virus and the impact of it etc. and had what I’d call an anxiety breakdown . Weird as hell. Too much tv, info is detrimental to some. On top of that with oil prices as they are, he probably won’t be coming back.

I predict oil will be in the 50’s by years end
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Mr Moody ground 25 hundred lbs of Hamburger meat last week and sold it in 6 hrs He took the meat from 2 lady's that fightin and threw their asses outa the store and told them not to come back..Terry's got the best meat in town...pretty good guy for Aggsy...I think meat will go higher, gonna have to do Meatless Tuesdays soon like WW2 diners did..
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I vote Trump threatens to remove our cloak of security off Saudi Arabia. Anyone want to bet oil prices would climb dramatically in 1 day?
I vote Trump threatens to remove our cloak of security off Saudi Arabia. Anyone want to bet oil prices would climb dramatically in 1 day?
The Saudis have bought enough of our second hand weapons that they could wreck shop in the ME. Though they are giant poosays for the most part, they still have some cute toys.
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Social divides will increase. While most people will experience a renewed sense of social responsibility, the people on the extremes (both left and right) will become stronger and more rigid in their beliefs. We can only hope that the number of such people goes down because of increased self and social awareness.

Vegetarianism will increase. Almost every new virus or disease spread in the last decade or more can be traced back to the consumption of dead beings.
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I'm concerned that we could be headed for a recession, if we're not already in one. The question that everyone wants the answer to, is when will the stock market recover?
From what I have read, recession is 100%, but the question is if it last long enough to turn into a depression.
Belldozer will keep coming to this board for intellectual discussions (something he cannot find in the Sooner site). And each time he comes here, we will be reminded of the gap...
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My prediction?....No baseball or football season this Olympics....No basketball.....damn!
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Belldozer will keep coming to this board for intellectual discussions (something he cannot find in the Sooner site). And each time he comes here, we will be reminded of the gap...
I’m here to keep posters like you grounded and in line.
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My wife and I were talking about this very subject of post covid pandemic. Trump has been vocal for many years about how our manufacturing needs to come back home. This pandemic has truly exposed how correct he has been. Think about this as a national security issue with a high percentage of our pharmaceuticals being manufactured in China along with many other things. Hell, it is Difficult just to keep masks, goggles, hand sanitizer in stock, not necessarily because of the hoarders, but because our supply lines from China are disrupted. Not only that, there is not enough for a whole nation to respond. Sure if we have an outbreak in a region like the West Coast or the East Coast or a state there is enough to care and provide sufficient aid to that area similar to how FEMA is able to respond sufficiently and with efficiency to flood victims or hurricane or fire victims. But when there is a rare national emergency from coast to coast as we are seeing now, it shows how unprepared we really are.

On a purely positive take with disregard for negative consequences, what will post Covid bring us? I see President Trump really focusing on bringing the manufacturing back to this hemisphere. We have seen the importance of dealing with nations with like minded political ideology. The communist ideology will lie to protect itself. I am not saying a free country is void of lying and corruption, but at least there’s press and opposition that voice their opinion’s to the public where they can be accountable. Did anybody find it interesting how Mexico stopped the caravan the last caravan of Central American immigrants? I think that possibly behind the scenes they are already talking about bringing a lot of Vital manufacturing to this hemisphere and lessen the dependency on China. I think Mexico will be a big part of it now that the North American agreement is in place. It won’t be smooth sailing, but I foresee good times ahead in the not too distant future as President Trump changes the dynamics of our trading partners. Hopefully, with time, we will see a great economy in all of N America and perhaps Mexico will allow our military to intervene with the drug cartels.
I think once we're told the coast is clear and everyone goes back to their normal lives that we'll then see another big spike of coronavirus cases. Then we'll all be ordered back to our homes.

This is why I think shutting us all down completely is too much of an over reaction. Those who are the most vulnerable should stay at home for sure but shutting down out whole economy is crazy.
The Saudis have bought enough of our second hand weapons that they could wreck shop in the ME. Though they are giant poosays for the most part, they still have some cute toys.
I’d be willing to test their bravado. We trimmed some fat at work yesterday because of their bs
My wife and I were talking about this very subject of post covid pandemic. Trump has been vocal for many years about how our manufacturing needs to come back home. This pandemic has truly exposed how correct he has been. Think about this as a national security issue with a high percentage of our pharmaceuticals being manufactured in China along with many other things. Hell, it is Difficult just to keep masks, goggles, hand sanitizer in stock, not necessarily because of the hoarders, but because our supply lines from China are disrupted. Not only that, there is not enough for a whole nation to respond. Sure if we have an outbreak in a region like the West Coast or the East Coast or a state there is enough to care and provide sufficient aid to that area similar to how FEMA is able to respond sufficiently and with efficiency to flood victims or hurricane or fire victims. But when there is a rare national emergency from coast to coast as we are seeing now, it shows how unprepared we really are.

On a purely positive take with disregard for negative consequences, what will post Covid bring us? I see President Trump really focusing on bringing the manufacturing back to this hemisphere. We have seen the importance of dealing with nations with like minded political ideology. The communist ideology will lie to protect itself. I am not saying a free country is void of lying and corruption, but at least there’s press and opposition that voice their opinion’s to the public where they can be accountable. Did anybody find it interesting how Mexico stopped the caravan the last caravan of Central American immigrants? I think that possibly behind the scenes they are already talking about bringing a lot of Vital manufacturing to this hemisphere and lessen the dependency on China. I think Mexico will be a big part of it now that the North American agreement is in place. It won’t be smooth sailing, but I foresee good times ahead in the not too distant future as President Trump changes the dynamics of our trading partners. Hopefully, with time, we will see a great economy in all of N America and perhaps Mexico will allow our military to intervene with the drug cartels.
It's a forgone conclusion that drug manufacturing in this hemisphere is the best idea. Problem is--- a guy in China will work all day for 10 cents an hour and no lunch break. Mexican workers will tell you to piss up a rope. The Mexicans that do have decent paying jobs at manufacturing facilities are mostly guys in their 30s and 40s. They make a good wage (by Mexican standards) and hope for the best for their kids. The youth population of Mexico (not all, but many) find the narco life romantic. I have fished pretty much every bass lake in the Sierra Madre mountains. Huites, Picachos, El Salto, comedero, baccarac-- and every fishing guide I've ever had would tell me they had two jobs. Fishing guide by day, where they get tipped roughly 200 bucks a day-- and marijuana guard by night. Most guys carry a "cuerna de shivo" to protect the plants that you can literally see growing on the mountain sides right next to the lakes. For those that don't speak Spanish, cuerna de shivo means "horn of the goat" which is slang for an AK-47. Because of the curvature of the mag in an AK (it's curved like a goat horn) the Mexicans call it that. My point is, would you rather slave all day making legal drugs for Americans, or spend your nights guarding plants and making 50 times the money?

Sadly, the lack of educated people in Mexico, coupled with the illegal drug trade being SO easy to profit from, means that Mexico can't be trusted to crank out quality product for American consumption.
I agree with some of the posts would be very good for the world (economically, politically and socially) to collectively reduce dependence on China.
It's a forgone conclusion that drug manufacturing in this hemisphere is the best idea. Problem is--- a guy in China will work all day for 10 cents an hour and no lunch break. Mexican workers will tell you to piss up a rope. The Mexicans that do have decent paying jobs at manufacturing facilities are mostly guys in their 30s and 40s. They make a good wage (by Mexican standards) and hope for the best for their kids. The youth population of Mexico (not all, but many) find the narco life romantic. I have fished pretty much every bass lake in the Sierra Madre mountains. Huites, Picachos, El Salto, comedero, baccarac-- and every fishing guide I've ever had would tell me they had two jobs. Fishing guide by day, where they get tipped roughly 200 bucks a day-- and marijuana guard by night. Most guys carry a "cuerna de shivo" to protect the plants that you can literally see growing on the mountain sides right next to the lakes. For those that don't speak Spanish, cuerna de shivo means "horn of the goat" which is slang for an AK-47. Because of the curvature of the mag in an AK (it's curved like a goat horn) the Mexicans call it that. My point is, would you rather slave all day making legal drugs for Americans, or spend your nights guarding plants and making 50 times the money?

Sadly, the lack of educated people in Mexico, coupled with the illegal drug trade being SO easy to profit from, means that Mexico can't be trusted to crank out quality product for American consumption.
The drug war won’t be pretty, but it will be a necessary war. A US military acting independently and free of corrupt Mexican officials tipping off their cartel business partners is the only way.
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Let's see now 48 hours ago the death toll in America was 115. 48 hours later and the death toll in America is over 200. And the number of deaths power day will continue to rise.

Still think the govt is overreacting?
Let's see now 48 hours ago the death toll in America was 115. 48 hours later and the death toll in America is over 200. And the number of deaths power day will continue to rise.

Still think the govt is overreacting?

22,000 people died from the flu last week bro!!! Just stop. This is very much an over reaction. It's serious and should be treated as such but shutting down the entire country is ridiculous and utterly stupid.
22,000 people died from the flu last week bro!!! Just stop. This is very much an over reaction. It's serious and should be treated as such but shutting down the entire country is ridiculous and utterly stupid.
Totally spot freaking on. This has got absolutely ridiculous and the people saying I told you so are no where to be found when discussing annual flu deaths which are and will be astronomically higher than caronavirus deaths.
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Let's see now 48 hours ago the death toll in America was 115. 48 hours later and the death toll in America is over 200. And the number of deaths power day will continue to rise.

Still think the govt is overreacting?
There have been 454 shootings in Chicago thus far this year. 96 of them ended in fatalities. This is a "thing", no doubt. But at some point, cratering our Entire economy to save a few lives will ultimately end with MORE deaths due to poverty, drug over doses, and suicides than the number of deaths by clovid. We are choosing to tear apart our Entire economy to save the elderly and weak. Not the smartest of trade offs.
Well, I am still doing what I did before, went to Walmart during Senior hour and stocked up on A little food and some Shiners, me and Troopers still going fishing this afternoon, I always thought that HEB was better than Walmart, but, now HEB not shit to them, Walmart stocks food every nite and HEB F%cks around, where are all HEB trucks?? Its a sellers market huh? HEB!
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People please stop with the flu virus comparison its getting old. There is good reason to think we'll top that. Then will you take it seriously? In drastic times you take drastic measures. We have to do it to stop this virus from spreading. I don't make the kind of money that other people on this board say they do but I'll be fine.

The sad thing is that the victims have been forgotten. Oh they were old it was their time. No!!! The number of cases among people 18 to 64 has risen dramatically. I know I'm talking time to pray for the people who are no longer with us and the people who are affected by this they're innocent we all should pray for them.

And btw please stop with the murder comparisons as well.
It' an elaborate ruse. I already had it. #Buildherdimmunity

Don't be afraid, kill that motherfvcker.

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