Question for Clob


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2013
Did you ever find your b orange loofah’s? HEB Pus in Kyle has a display of UT loofahs on sale... Lol. Sad sad day when I shop and remember an old thread in here. I need help.
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Did you ever find your b orange loofah’s? HEB Pus in Kyle has a display of UT loofahs on sale... Lol. Sad sad day when I shop and remember an old thread in here. I need help.
Thanks for asking Gordo. Yes in point of fact I did find some orange loofahs. But I do appreciate you looking out for a brotha.

To the rest of the haters--- it's not my fault that I like my man parts to smell like a top'o the mornin' Irish spring unicorn sorbet fart. I will get in the mud and sweat and stink with the best of'em. But when it comes time to get clean, I get Virgin Mary clean. Cleanliness = Godliness I just came home from my Saturday work out and I can't wait to stand under that dial spring water liquid soap dispenser and lather myself up like a cherub at a dish soap party.
For what it’s worth, I bought one myself... but I’m a Dove for Men soft soap kinda guy.

You be welcome my man.
This thread is getting Queer as shit!


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All HEB? Cause I will go looking too, but I did just recently buy a new one at target that is very soft
I like the ones that are more scratchy. Helps to get all that dead skin on elbows off.