Early in my career I was much more of an interventionist and probably was under the Neocon fold. Though I wasn’t born yet I would have been for intervention in Vietnam as an example.
Since serving and seeing the impact that type of thinking has on our young men and women in service, our long term national security and the overall cost of it I’ve changed my views a bit.
question for the military folks (and others who would like to chime in) ..
1. What type of foreign policy is best for this country moving forward?
2. Did your views change or strengthen based on military service
possible considerations or current examples we can use to discuss
-Continued support for Ukraine (19 Billion so far)
-Countering China’s aggressive stance with Taiwan and the South China Sea)
-Another war breaking out in the Middle East (say Iran vs Saudi Arabia as an example)
-supporting regime change in unfriendly countries
Anyway, thanks to all the Vets and their families on here for your service
Since serving and seeing the impact that type of thinking has on our young men and women in service, our long term national security and the overall cost of it I’ve changed my views a bit.
question for the military folks (and others who would like to chime in) ..
1. What type of foreign policy is best for this country moving forward?
2. Did your views change or strengthen based on military service
possible considerations or current examples we can use to discuss
-Continued support for Ukraine (19 Billion so far)
-Countering China’s aggressive stance with Taiwan and the South China Sea)
-Another war breaking out in the Middle East (say Iran vs Saudi Arabia as an example)
-supporting regime change in unfriendly countries
Anyway, thanks to all the Vets and their families on here for your service