R.I.P. Tommy Nobis

Very saddened over his passing. Imo, he was among the top 5 players in school history and without question the best defensive player in school history. He wore number 60 and it is the most respected jersey number at UT. Bbr you are right he was a good man who loved the University of Texas. He was burnt orange to the bone.
I feel saddest for those Texas fans that never had the opportunity to watch Nobis play. I read where one pro QB said he would rather play against Dick Butkis 10 times than have to play against Nobis once. I suspect the accolaids will roll in as they should, but you have to remember that while He was the greatest defensive player ever at UT, he was also first team AA as an O lineman. He played that side in the red zone and as unblockable as he was on defense, he always moved his man backwards as a guard.

I saw him hit a TCU WR so hard in the end zone when he went up for a certain TD that the poor guy hit the ground 5 yds behind the end zone. RIP Mr Nobis.
I feel saddest for those Texas fans that never had the opportmiunity to watch Nobis play. I read where one pro QB said he would rather play against Dick Butkis 10 times than have to play against Nobis once. I suspect the accolaids will roll in as they should, but you have to remember that while He was the greatest defensive player ever at UT, he was also first team AA as an O lineman. He played that side in the red zone and as unblockable as he was on defense, he always moved his man backwards as a guard.

I saw him hit a TCU WR so hard in the end zone when he went up for a certain TD that the poor guy hit the ground 5 yds behind the end zone. RIP Mr Nobis.

I was going to mention that he was the last two way player at the University of Texas.

And we wouldn't have won the nc in 1963 without him.

It's always sad when someone passes away during the holiday season.
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Tommy Nobis was a terrific football player and anybody who played against him knew it.I once heard a story which I think is true that some Ou players would do a little razing of Texas players At the cotton bowl when they got off the bus before the game.It stopped one day when they saw a 19 year kid with red hair with a 19 inch neck named Tommy Nobis get off the bus and thought that it was no longer a good idea. Rip Tommy ,your legend lives on # 60.
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Tommy Nobis was a terrific football player and anybody who played against him knew it.I once heard a story which I think is true that some Ou players would do a little razing of Texas players At the cotton bowl when they got off the bus before the game.It stopped one day when they saw a 19 year kid with red hair with a 19 inch neck named Tommy Nobis get off the bus and thought that it was no longer a good idea. Rip Tommy ,your legend lives on # 60.

Cotton....that is absolutely true....It was 1963...OU ranked #1...Texas ranked #2...The OU players gathered around the Texas bus hoping to intimidate Texas. I dont remember the OU player that said it, but he said..." we were gathered around to show those Texas boys who was # 1 when this kid gets off the bus. He had the biggest neck I ever saw....I swear, we lost that game right then and there...."

You have to remember that in those days Freshmen could not play Varsity sports, at least not in football. Nobis was therefore the equivilant to a red shirt freshman. He made 1st team AA both on offense and defense. He always looked like he was playing against Jr high kids.
Non football story on Nobis. He grew up on the East side of San Antonio where all his playmates were black. When he went to Texas there was exactly ONE black kid on athletic scholorship and he ran track. One day Nobis came in the Athletic dorm to find Diron Talbert giving that poor kid the business. Nobis grabbed Talbert, threw him against the wall, lifted him off the floor and told him that from that day forward Talbert was to stand against the wall every time that kid passed and say...good after noon sir.....and if he didnt, Nobis would "explain" it to him again....Oh...did I mention that Talbert was the biggest guy on the team and played defensive tackle for the Super Bowl winning Redskins...all pro
#60. Longhorn Mount Rushmore. Hope he and Coach Royal are enjoying a couple of tall cold ones tonight. RIP, Tommy.
Non football story on Nobis. He grew up on the East side of San Antonio where all his playmates were black. When he went to Texas there was exactly ONE black kid on athletic scholorship and he ran track. One day Nobis came in the Athletic dorm to find Diron Talbert giving that poor kid the business. Nobis grabbed Talbert, threw him against the wall, lifted him off the floor and told him that from that day forward Talbert was to stand against the wall every time that kid passed and say...good after noon sir.....and if he didnt, Nobis would "explain" it to him again....Oh...did I mention that Talbert was the biggest guy on the team and played defensive tackle for the Super Bowl winning Redskins...all pro

Thanks for the story. Texas Longhorn or no Texas Longhorn Diron Talbert was an a**hole.

He played for the Redskins when the Dallas/Washington rivalry was at its peak. He talked non stop trash about the Cowboys especially Roger Staubach. He took enough cheap shots on Staubach to embarrass an Oakland Raider. But in the end Roger got the last laugh.

Btw the Redskin Super Bowl team Talbert played on didn't win they lost.
#60. Longhorn Mount Rushmore. Hope he and Coach Royal are enjoying a couple of tall cold ones tonight. RIP, Tommy.
Coach Royal's on the practice putting green and Tommy is chiding him every time he misses one.
i liked it when derrick johnson wore 60 for his final home game. i wish malik could have done the same. maybe gary johnson can make that kind of impact to where he might be worthy of that honor. though i do believe the heriarchy is clearly nobis and johnson.
i liked it when derrick johnson wore 60 for his final home game. i wish malik could have done the same. maybe gary johnson can make that kind of impact to where he might be worthy of that honor. though i do believe the heriarchy is clearly nobis and johnson.
With respect..... DJ earned the right to wear that number 60.
I feel saddest for those Texas fans that never had the opportunity to watch Nobis play. I read where one pro QB said he would rather play against Dick Butkis 10 times than have to play against Nobis once. I suspect the accolaids will roll in as they should, but you have to remember that while He was the greatest defensive player ever at UT, he was also first team AA as an O lineman. He played that side in the red zone and as unblockable as he was on defense, he always moved his man backwards as a guard.

I saw him hit a TCU WR so hard in the end zone when he went up for a certain TD that the poor guy hit the ground 5 yds behind the end zone. RIP Mr Nobis.
Well, feel sad for me. It's a name I've come to respect, but without fully knowing why. Not much on YouTube showing Nobis.

Thanks to all who know better, for sharing stories.
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Forgot to mention....Nobis was the # 1 draft pick by both AFL and NFL and the bidding war was partly responsible for the merger of the leagues.
Tommy nobis came and spoke to us once and I was surprised at his mobility. He got around quite well. Obviously this was 20 plus years ago.

But he did have a little hitch in his giddy up.
I feel saddest for those Texas fans that never had the opportunity to watch Nobis play. I read where one pro QB said he would rather play against Dick Butkis 10 times than have to play against Nobis once. I suspect the accolaids will roll in as they should, but you have to remember that while He was the greatest defensive player ever at UT, he was also first team AA as an O lineman. He played that side in the red zone and as unblockable as he was on defense, he always moved his man backwards as a guard.

I saw him hit a TCU WR so hard in the end zone when he went up for a certain TD that the poor guy hit the ground 5 yds behind the end zone. RIP Mr Nobis.

Tommy Nobis is the reason I started watching UT Football. One article I recently read claimed his own Offence HATED to practice against him.
Tommy Nobis is the reason I started watching UT Football. One article I recently read claimed his own Offence HATED to practice against him.
We used to hear these stories. Allegedly he had no "off" switch.
I just re read this and I dont want folks to think I am ragging on Malik.He is indeed a star. He got 110 tackles this year.......

But to put that in perspective and to help illustrate why Malik is not in the same league as Nobis....Nobis AVERAGED almost 20 tackles a game for his time on the 40.....