Random thoughts


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2015
You know when SC and UCLA left for the Big X it seemed like everything was looking up for the Big XII. But it's back too an uncertain future for them.

ESPN has staked their claim with the SEC and the ACC.

The Big X has locked up CBS, NBC, and Fox who I think played a part in the USC, and UCLA defections.

The Big XII had made some progress in sports. But they don't have any traditional powers and they don't have the big stadiums. What contract can they get? Amazon? Apple 1

I do wish the best for them.

Desmond Howard has Pitt, Utah, MI, and the cow college making the playoffs. It probably won't happen but I love Desmond for thinking outside the box.

I think Sean McDonough is an underrated play by play announcer. He's in the mold of John Saunders, and Verne Lundquist in that he lets the game to him and doesn't try to overpower the moment.

The only analysts that are interesting are Kirk Herbstreit, Todd Blackledge, and Joel Klatt.

And I have to admit that Herbstreit is very good definitely the best analyst.

I think Molly McGrath is the best looking sideline reporters and Jenny Taft is good looking too. Kris Budden is still that cute, perky, girl next door look that your mother wants you to marry.

But the best sideline reporter hands down Holly Rowe. I have a lot of respect for Holly.

She's survived 2 rounds of cancer, and 2 bouts of chemo and is not afraid to make a coach answer her question. Every coach addresses her by her first when she interviews them. Almost every hc called her when she was sick. You think they'd do that for Fowler?
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Gus Johnson has become my favorite. His energy makes it pretty fun.
Gus Johnson is fun. If you're having friends over to watch the game you want Gus there.

He's my favorite to and I think he's the best. McDonough is very good and doesn't get the credit he deserves.

Brett Yormark has to be a strong commissioner and save the Big XII.
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Did you all notice that Sam Ehlinger made the 53 man roster for the Colts while Kellen Mond was released by the Vikings. Both drafted the same year with Mond going 3rd round and Sam in the 5th round. It looks like Sam is going to have a decent career in the NFL.
We're all pulling for him. Who knows how much better he would have been with better coaches.
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I think the b12 will be fine. It's the p12 that is in trouble. The b12 could help itself by letting Texas go. ESPN is their only real tv partner and they keep pissing in the well by holding their grudge. I hear the little 8 spew their bitterness everyday. Move on already, they are so petty.

It will be weird going to the SEC. The SWC and B12 revolved around hate for Texas. It will be fascinating watching them survive without us. If there is something that will kill the b12, it will be not knowing where to place their hate.
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I think the b12 will be fine. It's the p12 that is in trouble. The b12 could help itself by letting Texas go. ESPN is their only real tv partner and they keep pissing in the well by holding their grudge. I hear the little 8 spew their bitterness everyday. Move on already, they are so petty.

It will be weird going to the SEC. The SWC and B12 revolved around hate for Texas. It will be fascinating watching them survive without us. If there is something that will kill the b12, it will be not knowing where to place their hate.
It really depends on if the Big X wants the Pac XII. I think it's a certainty that Cal, ST, OR, and WA are going. But the governor's in OR and WA have made it clear they can't go anywhere without little brother.

Which leaves the 4 corner states schools. Dave Arranda let it slip that UT was coming to the Big XII. I think they along with AZ would be good choices for the Big XII.

But it all depends on whether the Big X let's them in. If they do then the Big XII will have to go with what they got. How can they turn down 1.2 billion a year?

AZS and UCLA athletics are broke no sympathy for them. They deserve it for siding with Larry Scott.

So what can Brett Yormans do? ESPN is locked in with the SEC and the ACC.

The Big X has every other major network.

The Pac XII will be dead in 2 years.

So what can Yormans do? Apple 1? Amazon? What can a Big XII network do. I will hope for the best for them.

You know we had a target on our back last year when we announced we were going to the SEC. But at the end of the season so did OK. I would love to see a few more schools do it to them.

Should we look at what Baylor's defense did against OK? Without elite talent they held OK to only 14 points and less than 300 yards. Riley finally met his match with Arranda.

What they did was keep an eye on the qb which kept Williams from scrambling. That forced him to stay in the pocket and his inexperience finally started to show. They did have some athleticism.

And one more time. For the first time Baylor got some love from TX fans for calling to with 1 second left to kick a fg against OK.

I've waited a long time to see somebody do to OK what they've done to everyone else.
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Did you all notice that Sam Ehlinger made the 53 man roster for the Colts while Kellen Mond was released by the Vikings. Both drafted the same year with Mond going 3rd round and Sam in the 5th round. It looks like Sam is going to have a decent career in the NFL.
Sam looks like a totally different QB this year. It’s amazing what a couple of years of working with a great QB coach can do for you. He’s got the heart of a champion I hope he can take over the starting job in the next year or 2. If anybody deserves it he does.
What's most important to me is player development. Over the last 12 years our coaches have failed the players.

If these coaches are different we can have a good season the talent is there.
I don't advocate these guys, they are a bit goofy but they do follow realignment stuff and put it out.

klatt >>>>>>>>>>>>> herbstreit

I like Klatt. However, is it just me, or do others feel that he over-sensationalizes a lot of plays? Don't get me wrong, I like him, but at times he tends to get carried away and make routine plays out to be bigger than they actually are.
I like Klatt. However, is it just me, or do others feel that he over-sensationalizes a lot of plays? Don't get me wrong, I like him, but at times he tends to get carried away and make routine plays out to be bigger than they actually are.
Well when you work with Gus Johnson you do things like that 🤣
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If I'm lucky Chris Fowler will develop lock-jaw and will be unable to talk again until Jan. 10, 2023.

And maybe Rece Davis will summoned for jury duty and will be unable to go back to work until Jan. 10, 2023 as well.

Fans can hope can't they?
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The TT game is in Lubbock this year and it's always a fight to the finish whenever we play there. Something to consider.
RG III is not that good looking.

And to finish it up about the play by play guys. Besides Johnson and McDonough.

I like Joe Tessitore and Dave Pasch but they're saddled with terrible analyst's.
Hey everybody let's all give a show of support for Stan Drayton. He's got his first hc gig going back to his alma mater.

If there is anyone on that staff who did a decent job developing players it was Stan.

Good luck at Temple coach.