Stock market crashing

Yes, it's very sad and frustrating! Joe Biden's America. Everyone's 401k was thriving when Trump was president, but he put out mean tweets that hurt people's feelings. :rolleyes:

Last I checked, I'm down 15% YTD.
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Any President has very little, if anything to do with the current economy. It literally comes down to dumb luck as to where the nation is in any given economic cycle.
I'm neither a Democrat or a Republican, but one thing is for sure, and that is that Republican policies are terrible for the economy.
That's fact, not opinion.

In case you didn't know, you can look this stuff up.
I’m going to tell you boys something, right before covid hoax world shutdowns I liquidated any remaining investments I had and put it in real estate, specifically rentals. It was the right decision for me. Rentals may cease but my investment is paid for and I can sell if I ever need to.
Yes, it's very sad and frustrating! Joe Biden's America. Everyone's 401k was thriving when Trump was president, but he put out mean tweets that hurt people's feelings. :rolleyes:

Last I checked, I'm down 15% YTD.
I talked to my brother the other day, he's not wealthy by any means but has a good job and has his money invested through a Trust Co. He told me he has lost $260,000 of value this year. That may not seem like a ton to some folks but when that's coming off your retirement, it's noticed. This dude Biden is trying to ruin the economy and redistribute wealth. So in the end we'll all be living in my rentals for free.
Any President has very little, if anything to do with the current economy. It literally comes down to dumb luck as to where the nation is in any given economic cycle.
I'm neither a Democrat or a Republican, but one thing is for sure, and that is that Republican policies are terrible for the economy.
That's fact, not opinion.

In case you didn't know, you can look this stuff up.
Nominated for stupidest take of the year.

I dont know about y'all, but I lost over $75,000 today alone. What a moron. Dumb Luck? How about dumb policies of the current Admin.? That is this guys answer?.....dumb luck?....fact not opinion? what fact?
Any President has very little, if anything to do with the current economy. It literally comes down to dumb luck as to where the nation is in any given economic cycle.
I'm neither a Democrat or a Republican, but one thing is for sure, and that is that Republican policies are terrible for the economy.
That's fact, not opinion.

In case you didn't know, you can look this stuff up.
I literally feel sorry for you and whatever Econ professor you didn't pay attention to.
It's the Fed's fault
The Fed is trying to slow down the runaway train of 3 trillion dollars (1 by Trump, 2 by Biden) that has been printed in the last 2 years. Thanks to shutting down the world because of a flu bug- and now culminating with $10,000 in loan forgiveness for almost every college student. Who pays for that sh!t? I do.
It was the dumbest fvcking thing to do at this point for the economy. You want to do that sh!t in a few years when the economy is back on its feet-- fine.

But now? It's for pure politics. Trying to buy your vote. It's fvcking sad and disgusting. And when this economic umbrella caves in and the streets are lawless, those that enacted this and benefitted most from it, will be hunted down and dealt with most harshly.
The Fed is trying to slow down the runaway train of 3 trillion dollars (1 by Trump, 2 by Biden) that has been printed in the last 2 years. Thanks to shutting down the world because of a flu bug- and now culminating with $10,000 in loan forgiveness for almost every college student. Who pays for that sh!t? I do.
It was the dumbest fvcking thing to do at this point for the economy. You want to do that sh!t in a few years when the economy is back on its feet-- fine.

But now? It's for pure politics. Trying to buy your vote. It's fvcking sad and disgusting. And when this economic umbrella caves in and the streets are lawless, those that enacted this and benefitted most from it, will be hunted down and dealt with most harshly.
And adding record number of illegals daily with hotel stays, benefits you name it. No way Biden is trying to save the economy whatsoever
Nominated for stupidest take of the year.

I dont know about y'all, but I lost over $75,000 today alone. What a moron. Dumb Luck? How about dumb policies of the current Admin.? That is this guys answer?.....dumb luck?....fact not opinion? what fact?
Sorry to hear of your loss my friend, that’s a harsh reality
Nominated for stupidest take of the year.

I dont know about y'all, but I lost over $75,000 today alone. What a moron. Dumb Luck? How about dumb policies of the current Admin.? That is this guys answer?.....dumb luck?....fact not opinion? what fact?
Equity index fund my dude. Can't lose money.
The Fed is trying to slow down the runaway train of 3 trillion dollars (1 by Trump, 2 by Biden) that has been printed in the last 2 years. Thanks to shutting down the world because of a flu bug- and now culminating with $10,000 in loan forgiveness for almost every college student. Who pays for that sh!t? I do.
It was the dumbest fvcking thing to do at this point for the economy. You want to do that sh!t in a few years when the economy is back on its feet-- fine.

But now? It's for pure politics. Trying to buy your vote. It's fvcking sad and disgusting. And when this economic umbrella caves in and the streets are lawless, those that enacted this and benefitted most from it, will be hunted down and dealt with most harshly.
You forgot the anti-energy policies.
Equity index fund my dude. Can't lose money.

True, if you had moved your money there around the first of the year. At this point, it's best to ride it out with where you're at. The market will bounce back. It always does.
Any President has very little, if anything to do with the current economy. It literally comes down to dumb luck as to where the nation is in any given economic cycle.
I'm neither a Democrat or a Republican, but one thing is for sure, and that is that Republican policies are terrible for the economy.
That's fact, not opinion.

In case you didn't know, you can look this stuff up.
So Trump’s economy was bad?
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And adding record number of illegals daily with hotel stays, benefits you name it. No way Biden is trying to save the economy whatsoever
Driving down San Pedro avenue today and lo and behold, there's one of Biden's illegal immigrant centers with busses lined up. Hundreds of illegals lined up many more coming out of the woodwork disrupting traffic. Every one I saw had a cell phone. God dam keep them them busses Rollin. All the way up to Yankee land.
True, if you had moved your money there around the first of the year. At this point, it's best to ride it out with where you're at. The market will bounce back. It always does.
I think you’re giving Biden far too much of a favorable expectation. So far everything Biden has touched has gotten worse
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I think you’re giving Biden far too much of a favorable expectation. So far everything Biden has touched has gotten worse

So you think that the market is forever damaged and will never bounce back? Biden's time is limited. You're smarter than that.
So you think that the market is forever damaged and will never bounce back? Biden's time is limited. You're smarter than that.
My comment was specific to Biden, no way I see much good coming from his remaining time in office, I just hope the country survives the worst President in history. More specific I don’t think we’re anywhere near the bottoming out that is coming still under Dipshit Joe
In all likelihood, the cyclical bull market ended on the first of this year. We are at the end of a credit cycle and the deadwood needs to be cleared. It's coming. If I were to touch stocks or bonds, it would be to short them. Our government has unfunded liabilities that it cannot sustain. The Fed will print its way out of the mess. Think inflationary depression. Payoff any high-interest secured debt or sell the underlying asset. Growth is and will be hard to find because inflation dents profit margins and erodes wages. Commodities will be the winner til the printing comes to an end. If I were going to buy and hold til say 2030, I would split between being long commodities and short stocks and bonds to smooth the return.
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It comes and goes .Under this Admin it goes damned fast. As my avatar shows I do not worry. It will all be back plus some. It simply pisses me off to see some dumbasses defending ole Joe with ideas like....noone is at is merely the natural order of things... Only some fool with nothing that is waiting around for hie "wealth distribution" check could even say that.
It comes and goes .Under this Admin it goes damned fast. As my avatar shows I do not worry. It will all be back plus some. It simply pisses me off to see some dumbasses defending ole Joe with ideas like....noone is at is merely the natural order of things... Only some fool with nothing that is waiting around for hie "wealth distribution" check could even say that.
Worse than taxes.
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It comes and goes .Under this Admin it goes damned fast. As my avatar shows I do not worry. It will all be back plus some. It simply pisses me off to see some dumbasses defending ole Joe with ideas like....noone is at is merely the natural order of things... Only some fool with nothing that is waiting around for hie "wealth distribution" check could even say that.
How’s this for you, Rudy’s fatty brisket is $30/lb up from 17.99 2 years ago. The cost of living continues to skyrocket, no way we can sustain with Biden economics, no way, something’s going to bust imo
Any President has very little, if anything to do with the current economy. It literally comes down to dumb luck as to where the nation is in any given economic cycle.
I'm neither a Democrat or a Republican, but one thing is for sure, and that is that Republican policies are terrible for the economy.
That's fact, not opinion.

In case you didn't know, you can look this stuff up.

Any President has very little, if anything to do with the current economy. It literally comes down to dumb luck as to where the nation is in any given economic cycle.
I'm neither a Democrat or a Republican, but one thing is for sure, and that is that Republican policies are terrible for the economy.
That's fact, not opinion.

In case you didn't know, you can look this stuff up.

I'm sorry, but Jesus Christ. Don't forget Algernon's flowers when you go to work tomorrow.
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Unfortunately, that's not going to happen. The best that we can hope for is DeSantis.
This. I’m all in with Desantis. If Trump runs, I don’t think he will win. People just don’t like the guy. I’ve heard several life long democrats say that of Desantis runs, they will vote for him, but not Trump. I think a lot of dems feel this way. They are just looking for a reason to vote Republican, and Desantis is that reason.
Any President has very little, if anything to do with the current economy. It literally comes down to dumb luck as to where the nation is in any given economic cycle.
I'm neither a Democrat or a Republican, but one thing is for sure, and that is that Republican policies are terrible for the economy.
That's fact, not opinion.

In case you didn't know, you can look this stuff up.
Little contradicting there with those 2 statements LOL
Yes, it's very sad and frustrating! Joe Biden's America. Everyone's 401k was thriving when Trump was president, but he put out mean tweets that hurt people's feelings. :rolleyes:

Last I checked, I'm down 15% YTD.

It’s funny, mostly lefties (and by mostly I mean all), think the only people with money in the market are 1%ers. They don’t realize that is where their 401ks and what not are investing. Freaking idiots.
The two year treasury at this moment is 3.74%. On inauguration day it was .111%. That's an increase of over 3.6%.

We have a $30 trillion debt. Multiply that by 3.6% increase = over a trillion dollars in interest per year INCREASE. Our government only takes in approximately $4 trillion.

Granted - all the debt doesn't roll off at once, but let that sink in --- if this holds up (and that number is within the historical average of interest rates) -- 25% of our tax revenue will go to pay interest. And the debt continues to rise. The Fed can print money to lower the rates, but that will cause the inflation to continue. Damned if you do, Damned if you don't.

That is not a Republican issue. Or a Democrat issue. That is a survival of America issue.

Buy land.
Yes, it's very sad and frustrating! Joe Biden's America. Everyone's 401k was thriving when Trump was president, but he put out mean tweets that hurt people's feelings. :rolleyes:

Last I checked, I'm down 15% YTD.
20% for me MM,,,,,OUCH!!!,,,,F,,,,, that biden!!!!
Yen is about to crash fellas. They are defending atm but allas it's going down. The dollar is still the best thoroughbred in the glue factory.
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