According to the Lena Dunham, the creator of the HBO's "Girls", serving sushi in the college cafeteria is inappropriate "cultural appropriation".
Look, I'm as multicultural as you get. I've traveled the world and I agree that all cultures deserve a respectful eye when you're studying them. But this is absolute loony-making disfigurement of intellect.
For the record, there is nothing written in stone that says a culture goes on forever, and all the cultures we think are just part of the fabric of the universe are really pretty modern creations. Acknowledging this really helps with allowing you to be both open minded about others, but also supportive of your own.
I love being an American. I think English should be the common language here, period, as that binds us together as a society. And if I want to eat sushi or Indian food or anything else--all the better. It might be common to another culture, but I am allowed to use their raw ingredients for culture and assimilate them into my own.
Crazy that you would use "assimilation" to take away that cuisine from an entire student body, thus making them even more narrow minded and without diverse experience. And yes, even "shitty sushi" is something we're allowed to have in this world.
According to the Lena Dunham, the creator of the HBO's "Girls", serving sushi in the college cafeteria is inappropriate "cultural appropriation".
Look, I'm as multicultural as you get. I've traveled the world and I agree that all cultures deserve a respectful eye when you're studying them. But this is absolute loony-making disfigurement of intellect.
For the record, there is nothing written in stone that says a culture goes on forever, and all the cultures we think are just part of the fabric of the universe are really pretty modern creations. Acknowledging this really helps with allowing you to be both open minded about others, but also supportive of your own.
I love being an American. I think English should be the common language here, period, as that binds us together as a society. And if I want to eat sushi or Indian food or anything else--all the better. It might be common to another culture, but I am allowed to use their raw ingredients for culture and assimilate them into my own.
Crazy that you would use "assimilation" to take away that cuisine from an entire student body, thus making them even more narrow minded and without diverse experience. And yes, even "shitty sushi" is something we're allowed to have in this world.