this is highly personal for me. and at the risk of being ridiculed, i intend on sharing some personal information.
my twin sons were born feb 14, 2014, and their due date was june 1, 2014. they were 4.5 months premature, and they weighed 1 lbs, 9 oz. one of my sons fought very hard until april 7, 2014, when he lost his life due to a host of complications. my other son needed heart surgery at 2 weeks of age, 4 months on a ventilator, 6 months in the NICU, 10 months on supplemental oxygen, 2 years of home isolation...and he is now a relatively happy and healthy (but tiny) 2 year old.
he is relatively happy and healthy thanks to a myriad of speech, occupational and physical therapy that we have on a daily basis. literally, we have at least one therapy per day. but the therapies work wonders for him. there is no telling where he would be without this intervention. my monthly out-of-pocket cost is about $800.00. insurance covers 50% of the rest of the cost, and medicaid the rest (my son qualified for medicaid help due solely on his birth weight...finances are surprisingly not a factor).
now, the texas legislature has passed a bill (and defeated a subsequent lawsuit trying to fight it) that will cut this medicaid funding. inexplicably, the state intends to begin cutting payments to speech, physical and occupational therapy providers on July 15, targeting providers who see children covered by Medicaid.
my child needs these therapies. the taxes i pay (other than being a "liberal", i am also gainfully employed and employ others as well) used to cover these services. now, the legislature is using the excuse of balancing the budget to make these cuts. are you trying to tell me that there isn't $150mil elsewhere for nonessential services that we couldn't find to cut? these services flat out save children's lives. this is not some entitlement program which people may take advantage of.
this is so infuriating. it is the result of out of touch, clueless, selfish and lazy state legislators. to be honest, i am not sure what to expect on july 15. our therapists don't know. personally, i am at a loss.
this is highly personal for me. and at the risk of being ridiculed, i intend on sharing some personal information.
my twin sons were born feb 14, 2014, and their due date was june 1, 2014. they were 4.5 months premature, and they weighed 1 lbs, 9 oz. one of my sons fought very hard until april 7, 2014, when he lost his life due to a host of complications. my other son needed heart surgery at 2 weeks of age, 4 months on a ventilator, 6 months in the NICU, 10 months on supplemental oxygen, 2 years of home isolation...and he is now a relatively happy and healthy (but tiny) 2 year old.
he is relatively happy and healthy thanks to a myriad of speech, occupational and physical therapy that we have on a daily basis. literally, we have at least one therapy per day. but the therapies work wonders for him. there is no telling where he would be without this intervention. my monthly out-of-pocket cost is about $800.00. insurance covers 50% of the rest of the cost, and medicaid the rest (my son qualified for medicaid help due solely on his birth weight...finances are surprisingly not a factor).
now, the texas legislature has passed a bill (and defeated a subsequent lawsuit trying to fight it) that will cut this medicaid funding. inexplicably, the state intends to begin cutting payments to speech, physical and occupational therapy providers on July 15, targeting providers who see children covered by Medicaid.
my child needs these therapies. the taxes i pay (other than being a "liberal", i am also gainfully employed and employ others as well) used to cover these services. now, the legislature is using the excuse of balancing the budget to make these cuts. are you trying to tell me that there isn't $150mil elsewhere for nonessential services that we couldn't find to cut? these services flat out save children's lives. this is not some entitlement program which people may take advantage of.
this is so infuriating. it is the result of out of touch, clueless, selfish and lazy state legislators. to be honest, i am not sure what to expect on july 15. our therapists don't know. personally, i am at a loss.