Sanctimonious celebrities - I guess the American people don't give a sh*t about your free concerts and your celebrity status influence and to that I say go f*#k yourself.
Arrogance of Obama - He was more concerned with his legacy than he was with the concerns of the American people. He thought he could wave his hand and the black community would just follow his orders and vote for Hillary. No so fast my smug, elitist president.
Main stream media- We found out you have no integrity whatsoever. We found out you don't own or influence the American people and we could see right through your liberal souls.
Bush family - lost a lot of respect for the Bush's. As someone who voted for George W twice I couldn't be more ashamed of him. Not only would he not give any support whatsoever to Trump, the Bush family gleefully proclaimed they might vote for Hillary. This is a punch in the gut to the American people who faced the possibility of Hillary picking two or more supreme Court justices. If it was jeb running instead of Trump they would have expected full support from all conservatives. Won't ever vote for another Bush.
Arrogance of Obama - He was more concerned with his legacy than he was with the concerns of the American people. He thought he could wave his hand and the black community would just follow his orders and vote for Hillary. No so fast my smug, elitist president.
Main stream media- We found out you have no integrity whatsoever. We found out you don't own or influence the American people and we could see right through your liberal souls.
Bush family - lost a lot of respect for the Bush's. As someone who voted for George W twice I couldn't be more ashamed of him. Not only would he not give any support whatsoever to Trump, the Bush family gleefully proclaimed they might vote for Hillary. This is a punch in the gut to the American people who faced the possibility of Hillary picking two or more supreme Court justices. If it was jeb running instead of Trump they would have expected full support from all conservatives. Won't ever vote for another Bush.