The Mannings


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2005
Peyton isn't what he appears, IMO. To a small extent, that may go for Eli and Archie, too.

All 3 enabled Johnny Manziel, and decided at that time that he would be welcomed back to their camp. That's not setting a good example for the high school kids who attend their camp, but they made the same decision Kevin Sumlin did... to get into bed with Manziel, for better or worse. They ignored those who advised them to steer clear of Manziel, or to disassociate themselves, even after he got hung over at their camp.

Now, we learn that male and female witnesses state that Peyton made highly inappropriate sexual contact with a trainer, against her wishes, and without anything from her that led up to it, even. Peyton's version of it contradicts their statements, and doesn't make sense. He has to claim that they're lying in small, innocuous details, even, to try to make his version appear plausible.

Even if he didn't take PEDs, it still doesn't look good for Peyton.

That doesn't put Eli or Archie into the same boat, but the Manziel decision does.
He was probably a Johnson head who did a vulgar act as an 18 year old who didn't like the trainer. His dad was probably overly-aggressive in an effort to protect his son and the family legacy. The trainer seems like she is trying to cash in late in the game. That is what I took from the story and perhaps I am wrong. I am not all that concerned about it as it pertains to Peyton's legacy.
Mooning a teammate as an 18-19 year old in the presence of a female trainer is immature and boorish. However, its not something he should be condemned for 20 years later.

The condemnation for having Manziel at his camp or not removing him fast enough is hilarious. Just shows I guess that one can insert Manziel into just about any conversation. Its almost as bad as the Kartrashians.
Mooning a teammate as an 18-19 year old in the presence of a female trainer is immature and boorish. However, its not something he should be condemned for 20 years later.

The condemnation for having Manziel at his camp or not removing him fast enough is hilarious. Just shows I guess that one can insert Manziel into just about any conversation. Its almost as bad as the Kartrashians.

Mooning?! We talkin' 'bout mooning?!
I'm sure we've all done something at 18-19 years old that we aren't proud of. The difference between rational people and people like Johnny deushecanoe is that WE rational people learn from our mistakes and stupid antics after we are punished. That's called life. That's learning. That's becoming a man.

I really think the mannings saw Johnny's potential and thought "hey, if we can get this kid around us for long enough, maybe our good habits will rub off on him and we can 'help' him grow up by setting an example for him." I don't fault them for that one bit. But he's proven now that he's a lost cause. I really don't wish ill upon anyone- unless your a mass muderer/rapist/genocidal maniac etc. But johnny just doesn't get it-and he won't until rock meets bottom.

So in the interim, I will just keep grabbing my popcorn every time his dumb a$$ does something stupid.
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Mooning a teammate as an 18-19 year old in the presence of a female trainer is immature and boorish. However, its not something he should be condemned for 20 years later.

The condemnation for having Manziel at his camp or not removing him fast enough is hilarious. Just shows I guess that one can insert Manziel into just about any conversation. Its almost as bad as the Kartrashians.

I believe the story is he layers his junk on her face and the reason she's been paid twice is because he violated the confidentiality agreement.
Mooning a teammate as an 18-19 year old in the presence of a female trainer is immature and boorish. However, its not something he should be condemned for 20 years later.

The condemnation for having Manziel at his camp or not removing him fast enough is hilarious. Just shows I guess that one can insert Manziel into just about any conversation. Its almost as bad as the Kartrashians.
Whatever... Try to find any conversation where I've inserted Manziel into it, for no reason. Manziel is in this conversation due to the Manning Passing Academy.

Peyton didn't moon a teammate. He claimed he was mooning Malcolm Saxson, a cross-country runner. But Saxson wasn't behind him, so that excuse for putting his genitalia on her head and rectum in her face makes no sense. And Saxson was eventually willing to challenge Peyton's version of events. And what happened to him for it? He lost his scholarship.

The trainer's actions are completely consistent with a victim of sexual assault. So were the results. She knew she might lose her job, and that's exactly what happened.

And what happened to Peyton? Virtually nothing. His reputation as Mr. Straight-Up-Good Guy continued. That's a shame, but that's how it works where CFB, the sport we all love, is too powerful.
I'm sure we've all done something at 18-19 years old that we aren't proud of. The difference between rational people and people like Johnny deushecanoe is that WE rational people learn from our mistakes and stupid antics after we are punished. That's called life. That's learning. That's becoming a man.

I really think the mannings saw Johnny's potential and thought "hey, if we can get this kid around us for long enough, maybe our good habits will rub off on him and we can 'help' him grow up by setting an example for him." I don't fault them for that one bit. But he's proven now that he's a lost cause. I really don't wish ill upon anyone- unless your a mass muderer/rapist/genocidal maniac etc. But johnny just doesn't get it-and he won't until rock meets bottom.

So in the interim, I will just keep grabbing my popcorn every time his dumb a$$ does something stupid.
The "everyone did stupid stuff as an 18 YO" defense is weak. That's the kind of thinking in College Station right now.

As for if the Mannings just wanted to help Johnny, that's not the purpose of the camp. The purpose of the Manning Passing Academy, ostensibly, is to help middle and high school athletes. It's not to help the camp counselors. It stands to reason that the Mannings invited (and initially planned to re-invite) Manziel to attract more campers.

Put yourself in the position of the father of an 8th grade boy, Do you really want your son to be alone with Johnny Manziel, or even to be taught by him in small groups?

Now, put yourself in the position of the owner of a camp. Do you really want to invite someone like Manziel to be in a position of leadership at your camp, and to represent your brand?

With all the warnings the Mannings had before the camp, and during the camp where Johnny got hung over or whatever, and sent home, they were still happy to have Johnny Hungover teach their campers. As a dad, that doesn't impress me one bit.
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Whatever... Try to find any conversation where I've inserted Manziel into it, for no reason. Manziel is in this conversation due to the Manning Passing Academy.

Peyton didn't moon a teammate. He claimed he was mooning Malcolm Saxson, a cross-country runner. But Saxson wasn't behind him, so that excuse for putting his genitalia on her head and rectum in her face makes no sense. And Saxson was eventually willing to challenge Peyton's version of events. And what happened to him for it? He lost his scholarship.

The trainer's actions are completely consistent with a victim of sexual assault. So were the results. She knew she might lose her job, and that's exactly what happened.

And what happened to Peyton? Virtually nothing. His reputation as Mr. Straight-Up-Good Guy continued. That's a shame, but that's how it works where CFB, the sport we all love, is too powerful.
Well I guess we can all learn a lesson. If you are a cross country runner on scholarship, stfu and be glad the football team is paying for your scholarship.