The genie has been out of the bottle since the first guns were brought to the new world. At first the indigenous
people had the advantage in firepower with the sheer number of arrows the could launch, including launching them aloft to bring death from above.
That changed when Colt Paterson revolvers were used by Jack Hay's and his Rangers against the Comanche @ the Battle of Walker creek 1841.
This evolution of firearms has continued.
To this end America has always solved its problems with force.
You won't be able to return the genie
to the bottle.
Regardless of the Second Amendment, who could actually disarm America?
people had the advantage in firepower with the sheer number of arrows the could launch, including launching them aloft to bring death from above.
That changed when Colt Paterson revolvers were used by Jack Hay's and his Rangers against the Comanche @ the Battle of Walker creek 1841.
This evolution of firearms has continued.
To this end America has always solved its problems with force.
You won't be able to return the genie
to the bottle.
Regardless of the Second Amendment, who could actually disarm America?