NGOs and charities are not charities or NGOs if their funding comes from taxpayers.
As citizens of the USA we should be giving money to the charities of OUR choice not the government.
NGOs and charities should not be allowed government funding and raise all money from non-government sources such as individuals or companies.
What a fcuking mess!
If we cut all this wasteful spending several things would happen:
1. Government Spending Would Decrease - Leading to Lower Debt
2. Fewer Taxes Would Need to be Collected
3. All of These "Takers" Would Have to Get Jobs Which Would Lead to More Tax Revenue
4. Those of us "Makers" Would Pay Less In Taxes Subsiding These "Takers"
5. The "Takers" Will Have an "Attitude Adjustment" When They Learn to Pull Their Own Weight
How do these worthless pieces of shit look themselves in the mirror knowing they're entire paycheck is made of the backs of hard-working people.
They need to "Learn to Code" and/or get another real job.