Life is perfect, just the way it is and just the way it is not.
~Peggy BassettComing to believe that life is perfect however it is takes willingness and concentrated faith. Most of us waste precious hours every day wishing for something that isn't. Will we ever learn?
It isn't wrong to want some things to be different. If our own behavior can inspire positive changes in ourselves or others, then it's not wrong to take responsibility for what we can do. What is futile, though, is assuming we know what is best for everyone. We can't see the big picture. God gives us only what we need right now. What may look like trouble, what may appear as imperfect one minute, may be God's greater plan. Let's wait and see.
I will find comfort in the message that all is well. I will use that today if I get worried about how events seem to be unfolding.