The points that I'm most concerned with. Trade Agreements, Immigration and the genuine concern for the American People (Especially the middle class).
It's time for a change! To hell with all the politicians that are bellied up with lobbyists and that are selling out the blue collar worker. As a union worker I've already seen what the Clintons( working mans party) have done, NAFTA and open up the flood gates for China with the WTO agreement in Dec of 2000.
I know it would never happen but I wish all of the House and the Senate would get voted out and start over from scratch.
I'm just tired of the bullshit!
It's time for a change! To hell with all the politicians that are bellied up with lobbyists and that are selling out the blue collar worker. As a union worker I've already seen what the Clintons( working mans party) have done, NAFTA and open up the flood gates for China with the WTO agreement in Dec of 2000.
I know it would never happen but I wish all of the House and the Senate would get voted out and start over from scratch.
I'm just tired of the bullshit!