Unabomber has taken a dirt nap

SO, I am equivicating RBG to a pagan cannanite. The issue at hand is what God thinks of abortion and what happens to those that practice it. The people who practice abortion/infant sacrifice are always marked for destruction. Don't take my word for it, read it in his Bible references in the video. God had the Israelites wipe them from the face of the Erf.
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SO, I am equivicating RBG to a pagan cannanite. The issue at hand is what God thinks of abortion and what happens to those that practice it. The people who practice abortion/infant sacrifice are always marked for destruction. Don't take my word for it, read it in his Bible references in the video. God had the Israelites wipe them from the face of the Erf.
So let's say they are marked for destruction.
I'm not. What do I care if they are? They aren't my responsibility-- are they?
So let's say they are marked for destruction.
I'm not. What do I care if they are? They aren't my responsibility-- are they?
Murder isn't the only law. There's only one way out of here. That would be JC. It seems that God particularly hates the murder of the children so He wiped out the Cannanites.

I'll be the first to state that my behavior does not back up what I believe. That's on me.
Murder isn't the only law. There's only one way out of here. That would be JC. It seems that God particularly hates the murder of the children so He wiped out the Cannanites.

I'll be the first to state that my behavior does not back up what I believe. That's on me.
Ok cool.

Jesus the savior etc. So let's say I believe that. Only way to Gid us through Jesus. Cool.

What does that have to do with other ppl having an abortion. I can rail against it publicly-- but then what? I can condone it publicly-- but then what??

Or maybe I just mind my own business.
Napoleon said "Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake."
So--- why would I or you say anything?
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Have any of you pro lifers ever talked too anyone who had an abortion?
Are you pro choice? Don't have to answer if you don't want to - just the way your question was worded. To your question - one person I know talks about it like she ordered fast food. Another regrets it and has a tremendous guilt complex. Not a scientific poll, but I would guess different people respond differently - just like the issue itself.

Clob - "Go forth and make disciples of all nations." Now - trying to convince someone on the other side showing love without appearing judgmental - that is the hard part. If you sincerely believe that life begins at conception - "I formed you in the womb" - then abortion is murder and cannot be tolerated. Of course - a huge percentage does not believe the bible or this viewpoint.
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Ok cool.

Jesus the savior etc. So let's say I believe that. Only way to Gid us through Jesus. Cool.

What does that have to do with other ppl having an abortion. I can rail against it publicly-- but then what? I can condone it publicly-- but then what??

Or maybe I just mind my own business.
Napoleon said "Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake."
So--- why would I or you day anything?
1. He says He hates it.

2. I think of the people being murdered.

3. Believe it or not, some of the people I consider enemies are yet to be become Christians so doing what is right matters. If we are indifferent to what is right, that makes us against Him. Can't straddle the fence.
1. He says He hates it.

2. I think of the people being murdered.

3. Believe it or not, some of the people I consider enemies are yet to be become Christians so doing what is right matters. If we are indifferent to what is right, that makes us against Him. Can't straddle the fence.
Ehhhhhhh..... let's talk what we know.
1. The Bible is flawed. No matter how you try and slice it-- it was written by man. Man is flawed. Ergo-- the Bible is flawed. Council of Nicea etc.
2. We know that Jesus said- "the only way to heaven is through me." So essentially, if you believe Jesus is the son of God and was sent here for your salvation- according to Jesus- your ticket is punched. So-- my ticket is punched.
Those folks over there- the ones you say are murderers- that's on them. See, they know about God, Jesus etc- and if they choose to murder-- that's on them. None of my business. Guess who gets the final judgement? Not me. Not you. Not them. So why bother fvcking with them here? If you're right, they'll get theirs. If I'm right, they'll get theirs. Either way- they'll get what's coming to them.
Just not from us.

See, there's truly two things I know for an absolute fact-

There is a God.
I ain't him.

And if I ain't him----- then it isn't my place to act on his behalf.
Are you pro choice? Don't have to answer if you don't want to - just the way your question was worded. To your question - one person I know talks about it like she ordered fast food. Another regrets it and has a tremendous guilt complex. Not a scientific poll, but I would guess different people respond differently - just like the issue itself.

Clob - "Go forth and make disciples of all nations." Now - trying to convince someone on the other side showing love without appearing judgmental - that is the hard part. If you sincerely believe that life begins at conception - "I formed you in the womb" - then abortion is murder and cannot be tolerated. Of course - a huge percentage does not believe the bible or this viewpoint.
I guess I look at it like this--

This is my lawn. My area. My place. Over there-- that's yours. We have some common areas we share- and I tolerate you and your idiosyncrasies in the common area.
But over here, in my area, I will fvck your sh!t up if you misbehave. What you do on your lawn is your business. You want to jerk off in your own fecal matter while aborting babies-- knock yourself out. Just stay over there. If I don't want to see you, I stay inside or go into my back yard. In fact, I don't have to see you at all. And when I do, I don't have to acknowledge you. Just stay the fvck off my lawn and we all survive.
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Ehhhhhhh..... let's talk what we know.
1. The Bible is flawed. No matter how you try and slice it-- it was written by man. Man is flawed. Ergo-- the Bible is flawed. Council of Nicea etc.
2. We know that Jesus said- "the only way to heaven is through me." So essentially, if you believe Jesus is the son of God and was sent here for your salvation- according to Jesus- your ticket is punched. So-- my ticket is punched.
Those folks over there- the ones you say are murderers- that's on them. See, they know about God, Jesus etc- and if they choose to murder-- that's on them. None of my business. Guess who gets the final judgement? Not me. Not you. Not them. So why bother fvcking with them here? If you're right, they'll get theirs. If I'm right, they'll get theirs. Either way- they'll get what's coming to them.
Just not from us.

See, there's truly two things I know for an absolute fact-

There is a God.
I ain't him.

And if I ain't him----- then it isn't my place to act on his behalf.
After all these years it finally dawned on me. Clob is Puddy from Seinfeld!

Are you pro choice? Don't have to answer if you don't want to - just the way your question was worded. To your question - one person I know talks about it like she ordered fast food. Another regrets it and has a tremendous guilt complex. Not a scientific poll, but I would guess different people respond differently - just like the issue itself.

Clob - "Go forth and make disciples of all nations." Now - trying to convince someone on the other side showing love without appearing judgmental - that is the hard part. If you sincerely believe that life begins at conception - "I formed you in the womb" - then abortion is murder and cannot be tolerated. Of course - a huge percentage does not believe the bible or this viewpoint.
Through the 12 steps I have know some sister addicts who've had them. Guilt, fear, addiction, you name it. They were emotional talking about it. In theory I'm pro life, but listening to their stores I would never pass judgement on them so I guess I'm pro choice.

Above all else it's a privacy issue it really isn't no one's business. Even in deep red states like Kansas they overwhelmingly voted pro choice. This is about control. I don't like it.
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Ehhhhhhh..... let's talk what we know.
1. The Bible is flawed. No matter how you try and slice it-- it was written by man. Man is flawed. Ergo-- the Bible is flawed. Council of Nicea etc.
2. We know that Jesus said- "the only way to heaven is through me." So essentially, if you believe Jesus is the son of God and was sent here for your salvation- according to Jesus- your ticket is punched. So-- my ticket is punched.
Those folks over there- the ones you say are murderers- that's on them. See, they know about God, Jesus etc- and if they choose to murder-- that's on them. None of my business. Guess who gets the final judgement? Not me. Not you. Not them. So why bother fvcking with them here? If you're right, they'll get theirs. If I'm right, they'll get theirs. Either way- they'll get what's coming to them.
Just not from us.

See, there's truly two things I know for an absolute fact-

There is a God.
I ain't him.

And if I ain't him----- then it isn't my place to act on his behalf.
It is your place to have an opinion on murder, right?
Ehhhhhhh..... let's talk what we know.
1. The Bible is flawed. No matter how you try and slice it-- it was written by man. Man is flawed. Ergo-- the Bible is flawed. Council of Nicea etc.
2. We know that Jesus said- "the only way to heaven is through me." So essentially, if you believe Jesus is the son of God and was sent here for your salvation- according to Jesus- your ticket is punched. So-- my ticket is punched.
Those folks over there- the ones you say are murderers- that's on them. See, they know about God, Jesus etc- and if they choose to murder-- that's on them. None of my business. Guess who gets the final judgement? Not me. Not you. Not them. So why bother fvcking with them here? If you're right, they'll get theirs. If I'm right, they'll get theirs. Either way- they'll get what's coming to them.
Just not from us.

See, there's truly two things I know for an absolute fact-

There is a God.
I ain't him.

And if I ain't him----- then it isn't my place to act on his behalf.
Very well said. We just need to recognize and accept that there is Good and Evil that exists in our world. However, someone else’s actions is not my business regardless of how egregious it is. It doesn’t matter if it’s abortion, murder, theft, arson, vandalism, etc. I’ll consistently condemn it but there’s nothing I can do to stop it. However, if the evil conduct is targeted against me or someone close to me, I have a responsibility to take action and protect myself and others close to me.
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It is your place to have an opinion on murder, right?
Uhhhhh.... I have an opinion. Sucks for those that were murdered. But I can't seek retribution-- unless you murder someone I love. Then, jails fine for me. Unless the cops get you first of course. I'm willing to pay that price though.

But not for any schmo on the street.
Uhhhhh.... I have an opinion. Sucks for those that were murdered. But I can't seek retribution-- unless you murder someone I love. Then, jails fine for me. Unless the cops get you first of course. I'm willing to pay that price though.

But not for any schmo on the street.
Sure but I want to do my part to leave something of value to my kids. I can't stop rotten people from committing murder. Issue: what happened to the butt pirates of sodom and ghamora? What happened to the tribe of Benjamin in the last book of Judges? What happened to the pre flood world? I'll tell you, the phagottry, pedophilia, and murder got so bad God wiped it out... guess what... that's where we are headed again. Salt and light, we better be it or it's coming. How do I know this, I've read the book. I know how it ends.
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Sure but I want to do my part to leave something of value to my kids. I can't stop rotten people from committing murder. Issue: what happened to the butt pirates of sodom and gamora? What happened to the tribe of Benjamin in the last book of Judges? What happened to the pre flood world? I'll tell you, the phagottry, pedophilia, and murder got so bad God wiped it out... guess what... that's where we are headed again. Salt and light, we better be it or it's coming. How do I know this, I've read the book. I know how it ends.
Again--- either way, using your scenario or mine, the bad people get their comeuppance.
And, please correct me if I'm wrong, but God is pretty much done with the whole "smiting" of earth, thing. He went on sabbatical. Or at least that's what I was told.
So-- the next time someone from that realm visits us, it's supposed to be the part where trumpets play, dudes ride in on clouds, the sky opens up and all the believers get beamed up to heaven. Leaving the earth full of the "not so great" folks, for a little while.
(Unless I misread some sh!t)
And then some seals get opened up and some dudes on horses do some fvcked up sh!t to the world (which won't matter to you because you're already at the Big DKR fun park in the sky watching Earl and Ricky in the same backfield) and then some pale green horse rider guy shows up and lays waste to everything.
Am I on track here?
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Again--- either way, using your scenario or mine, the bad people get their comeuppance.
And, please correct me if I'm wrong, but God is pretty much done with the whole "smiting" of earth, thing. He went on sabbatical. Or at least that's what I was told.
So-- the next time someone from that realm visits us, it's supposed to be the part where trumpets play, dudes ride in on clouds, the sky opens up and all the believers get beamed up to heaven. Leaving the earth full of the "not so great" folks, for a little while.
(Unless I misread some sh!t)
And then some seals get opened up and some dudes on horses do some fvcked up sh!t to the world (which won't matter to you because you're already at the Big DKR fun park in the sky watching Earl and Ricky in the same backfield) and then some pale green horse rider guy shows up and lays waste to everything.
Am I on track here?
Flood yes, judgment of people and nations, no. Nuclear war is on the table. Holocaust is on the table, starvation is on the table... only the flood will not happen again. This mess we live in is going to get it, absolutely. I'm doing everything I can not to Bible thump y'all so I'll stop here. Let me know if you want my opinion on anything else.

SO, I am equivicating RBG to a pagan cannanite. The issue at hand is what God thinks of abortion and what happens to those that practice it. The people who practice abortion/infant sacrifice are always marked for destruction. Don't take my word for it, read it in his Bible references in the video. God had the Israelites wipe them from the face of the Erf.
One more thing, it is rumored that the above that I referenced in the Amorite archeology is still occurring today. This is what was rumored as going on with Epstein, etc.... It is also speculated that the elite in the Western world practice this same stuff. Human trafficking... children without social security numbers are easy targets. No one misses them when they are gone. I would wager a lot of money that this is going on but we'll never get the truth so... Baal Hadad = Molech go to 2:48.

I don't share this dude's belief system. He appears to be an atheist. His narrative about Adam and creation are clearly anti-Biblical. The worship of Satan, though is correct. This is only proof of what is going on. Anyway, one can see how evil believes it is right. Check the references this guy makes and how Satan positions himself and fools the Canaanites and all who follow the devil's beliefs.

Edit: In conclusion, anyone supporting the ESG agenda, including trans, homosexual stuff, and abortion is aligned with the camp of anti-Christ or pro Satanic politics/belief systems. Their sexual perversion and murder of infants is proof. I'm done.
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I guess I look at it like this--

This is my lawn. My area. My place. Over there-- that's yours. We have some common areas we share- and I tolerate you and your idiosyncrasies in the common area.
But over here, in my area, I will fvck your sh!t up if you misbehave. What you do on your lawn is your business. You want to jerk off in your own fecal matter while aborting babies-- knock yourself out. Just stay over there. If I don't want to see you, I stay inside or go into my back yard. In fact, I don't have to see you at all. And when I do, I don't have to acknowledge you. Just stay the fvck off my lawn and we all survive.
I couldn't agree more with this. If this was the mindset most Americans would have we would be better off as a country.
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I couldn't agree more with this. If this was the mindset most Americans would have we would be better off as a country.
I'd be for this as well as long as all vestiges of government are destroyed. Military, presidency, mayor, congress, dog catcher. All the way down to having to shit in our own yards, and provide our own water and electricity. ALL OF IT. This way, I pay no taxes. As soon as you steal my labor for your benefit, the pitbull gets out the yard.

One more thing, no more banking either. I keep my gold and you come near it, you die. Possies used to hang horse thieves without a trial and vagrants died in the county jail. Let's do it.
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Again--- either way, using your scenario or mine, the bad people get their comeuppance.
And, please correct me if I'm wrong, but God is pretty much done with the whole "smiting" of earth, thing. He went on sabbatical. Or at least that's what I was told.
So-- the next time someone from that realm visits us, it's supposed to be the part where trumpets play, dudes ride in on clouds, the sky opens up and all the believers get beamed up to heaven. Leaving the earth full of the "not so great" folks, for a little while.
(Unless I misread some sh!t)
And then some seals get opened up and some dudes on horses do some fvcked up sh!t to the world (which won't matter to you because you're already at the Big DKR fun park in the sky watching Earl and Ricky in the same backfield) and then some pale green horse rider guy shows up and lays waste to everything.
Am I on track here?
Is Chad Daybell posing as Clob94?
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Allow me to cut to the chase.

So Clob, nueces, and 722 you'd kill?

Wouldn't give it a seconds thought?

I'll bet you wouldn't.

So nueces it sounds like you want chaos. Is that what you want? For someone who says he's patriotic your sure don't sound like it.

Do you guys pay any attention to what you post?

This sounds like a little bit of social Darwinism.
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Allow me to vote to the chase.

So Clob, nueces, and 722 you'd kill?

Wouldn't give it a seconds thought?

I'll bet you wouldn't.

So nueces it sounds like you want chaos. Is that what you want? For someone who says he's patriotic your sure don't sound like it.

Do you guys pay any attention to what you post?

This sounds like a little bit of social Darwinism.
I was illustrating the logical outcome of their thought process