Urban Meyer getting a booty grind from not his wife....

Is Urban getting a feeler in between the cinna-buns there? Looks like he's trying to get a hand full of moose knuckle.
I wish I was a fly on that wall at his home! Was it hi honey and a knife to his heuvos or packed bags and a long stay at the Ritz Carlton.
Did anybody see what his wife was tweeting after she saw this? She was not very happy at all. Supposedly she was at home watching the kids lol!
Did anybody see what his wife was tweeting after she saw this? She was not very happy at all. Supposedly she was at home watching the kids lol!
“Meanwhile, I am babysitting. #MyChoice #MimiRules #BuddyDeservedANightOut”
It wasn’t after it was before. She’ll probably delete it or change the # to #didntdeserveit
I wish I was a fly on that wall at his home! Was it hi honey and a knife to his heuvos or packed bags and a long stay at the Ritz Hotel de Paris
Hotel de Paris Monte Carlo.

Princess Grace Diamond suit.

10,000 square feet at $38,000 a night.

That'll show Urban.

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So here's another one. Looks like he didn't fly home with the team and chose to stay in Ohio that night. Dude had a piece lined up and got busted lol!

Just shows that when you win the money people turn a blind eye. Obviously a lot more to his one year suspension at tOSU only to bring him back. Then he resigns under interestingly timed health diress. Let’s take a look back at his time at Florida. Aaron Hernandez? Resigns under health diress. Hmmm. C’mon, the dude is a slime ball. Let’s see what the Jags do with their new coach. I’d like to believe that the reason he didn’t come to UT was due to the background investigation by UTs hiring committee. He went to the Jags after we told him no or when they started asking questions.
Just shows that when you win the money people turn a blind eye. Obviously a lot more to his one year suspension at tOSU only to bring him back. Then he resigns under interestingly timed health diress. Let’s take a look back at his time at Florida. Aaron Hernandez? Resigns under health diress. Hmmm. C’mon, the dude is a slime ball. Let’s see what the Jags do with their new coach. I’d like to believe that the reason he didn’t come to UT was due to the background investigation by UTs hiring committee. He went to the Jags after we told him no or when they started asking questions.
Yep pretty much this. A lot of the Florida stuff didn’t get talked about because the media was focused on Tebow and all the goody good family values nonsense, but most coaches would of got run out of there for the off field stuff that was going on at Florida.

Then at Ohio state he had a wife beater on staff knew about it and did nothing. Now that he’s out of the college football bubble his character is being exposed.

As good as Urban would do at Texas I think us missing out is probably long term a positive.
Yep pretty much this. A lot of the Florida stuff didn’t get talked about because the media was focused on Tebow and all the goody good family values nonsense, but most coaches would of got run out of there for the off field stuff that was going on at Florida.

Then at Ohio state he had a wife beater on staff knew about it and did nothing. Now that he’s out of the college football bubble his character is being exposed.

As good as Urban would do at Texas I think us missing out is probably long term a positive.
Welp, there you have it. How bout Art Briles?
If you needed proof college success doesn’t always equal pro success.

kliff Kingsbury coaches the only undefeated team in the NFL
Urban Meyer could resign tomorrow and no one would be shocked.
Isn't Husker coach Frost in the dog house for the same thing.\? Just will take him a lot longer to find another high paying job than Urban.