People that complain about Trump don't really know what fascist views are if they call him that. Marine Le Pen on the other hand is legitimately borderline fascist. Her political party has historic ties with pretty disgusting statements with regard to Nazi Germany, the holocaust and anti antisemitism in general. The FN has been called neo-fascist on numerous occasions. With this news breaking she is now the front runner to win the next election. She already has a narrow lead but should jump out to a decent gap now. This is what happens when you ignore the issue of radical Islam until it is too late. Please learn from France's mistakes USA. Please.
Think of it this way. Marine Le Pen is about on par with Richard Spencer. She's toned down the rhetoric to be palatable in an election but your colors are your colors.
Think of it this way. Marine Le Pen is about on par with Richard Spencer. She's toned down the rhetoric to be palatable in an election but your colors are your colors.