What's this I hear about hs stadium in McKinney?

Unreal... you think about what $63 million would buy, in terms of better textbooks, better teaching, and (to some degree) useful technology...

There are HS principals just mailing it in, frankly, while half the teachers are heroic, and the other half are just plodding on, week-to-week. (And some of these piss-poor principals are up for awards -- even national awards -- unbelievably.)

Parents are as disrespectful, naturally, as the kids they send to school. (How do you think the kid got that way? Listen in on a parent-teacher call and find out why that kid is so narrow-minded and prejudiced.)

"Well, at least my kids are awesome." In a few cases, hopefully mine, it's actually true. ;)

I love sports, and I'm relatively patriotic, but the priorities of my fellow Texans are wacko.