Every OU-SUCKS image and gif ever created


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Jan 14, 2011
Carlsbad CA
Work with a Navy Chief from Mobilhoma and I need to bust his chops...give me your best!!
Why do all the birds fly upside down over Oklahoma?
I don't have many sooner jokes, but I know these gems.

Q: What do you call a lesbian with fat fingers?
A: Well hung.

Q: what do you call two lesbians floating down a river
A: Fur Traders

Q: How can you tell if a lesbian is butch?
A: She kick starts her vibrator and rolls her own tampons.

The other day a feminist asked me how I view lesbian relationships. Apparently HD was the wrong answer.

Q: Whats the difference between a lesbian driving in the fog and eating p&ssy?
A: When u are eating p(ssy you can still see the a&shole in front of you!

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