Ketch's 10 Thoughts From the Weekend (First-ballot OB HOF Class)

Originally posted by Ketchum:

Originally posted by cdunagan051:
Yay, let's celebrate a poster who makes personal attacks against other members on the DAILY.

My respect for this site has gone down so much.

I'm sure that doesn't mean anything to most people, but I just can't believe we are really "enshrining" people who don't just "stir the pot," they literally call people derogatory and demeaning names ALL THE TIME.

Congrats to Echeese. You've earned it! Apparently.

Utx, Rayg (RIP brother), Iceman, EricG, EL Mahico... I think yall are all GREAT posters, and I'm mentioning yall because I'm more familiar with yall. I think yall are GREAT for this board. I wish all of yall would post more often.

Sorry if I feel a little bitter about a couple of people in the induction class, though.
a. echeese isn't perfect by any stretch. If it was the Hall of Perfect Posters, it'd be a short list of inductees. We're all flawed people.

b. He might be hated by some, but he' the most prolific poster in the history of the site in terms of post count, no small feat IMO.

c. If you're feeling bitter about this, you're taking it too seriously.
He is right though. Most annoying poster. I suppose that can and did make a HOF.
No Indyhorn?! I stood alone and said what a screw up was the LHN and staying in our scud-wrecked Big 12 conference. And here it is three years later and I know I'm a prophetic SOB. Back then I was labeled a panty-laced lilly-livered skirt boy. Now just call me "correct". Guess Geoff and crew aren't down with folks who make accurate journalistic takes. Stay with your beer swilling cronies and pat one another on the back, tail gating before that big rivalry game with West Virginia
I am honored to be included with the rest of those posters, I read most of all their post when I can.

The time Mack spent obsessing about what I had reported to the board should have been spent doing what he was getting paid five million dollars a year to do,which was coach football.

What really happened is that time kind of bypassed him insofar as he was better able to control the message or as some saw it the propaganda machine when it was local TV and print media.

The internet was and is a different animal,you cant control 20000 members from having opinions like you can control a few local newspapers and TV stations,

To me ,the real question is -Why would you want too,? Any savvy PR man will tell you that you want all the publicity you can get.

To me Orangebloods represents the fanatical fan base,the most rabit of the rabid--But isn't that a good thing,I would think that you would want their support,rather than hate their existence.

If you get 30000 people to a spring game,probaly 15000 of them are OB members.

Hell,If I was coach I would use them,I would do exclusive interviews with them. I would support them at times and disagree with them at times because they are part of this thing that is called a fanbase.

And for the simple fact that like them or loathe them,they aint going away

Too me I would want UT fans talking UT football at every coffee shop and every time they go dove hunting.

What you better worry about is when there isn't anyone talking about UT football.

That when your program has a real problem.--utx
wB is the best poster on this forum and that will never change.
Posted from[/URL]
Originally posted by Ketchum:
Bickering among Hall of Famers?

I love Orangebloods.
I'm liking it a lot less now as a result. I'll wait and see what exactly you do with it (HOF) before deciding whether to stick around.
Originally posted by amahorn:
I agree that the omission of armadillo slim was an oversight on your part. You also named CS to the list. I still believe CS to be an Aggie. I've met several of the other guys including echeese, longhornrealtor and a few others and consider them to be great longhorn fans.

I read the list and I agree completely with you that Hornya belongs on the list. My first day in Houston I met Ken at work. When he found out I was a Texas grad and an orangebloods member and we immediately became friends. I will say one thing about Hornya (Ken). I agree that no one loved life or being a Longhorns more than he.

Even though I loath the idea of CS being mentioned as a hall of fame poster (and I still believe him to be an Aggy sympethizer). I remember what Hornya told me once after I complained about our fans at DKR. "Everyone that loves the Horns loves them in their own way."
Think you may have CS confused with Jodybo
Originally posted by Kronic22:

Originally posted by Ketchum:
Bickering among Hall of Famers?

I love Orangebloods.
I'm liking it a lot less now as a result. I'll wait and see what exactly you do with it (HOF) before deciding whether to stick around.
Por que?

I'm not sure I understand where you're coming from.
Originally posted by Supesec:
Is Ketch still trying to convince us he's not CS?
I stay away from controversy so will be hard for me to be considered even though been here since day1. I really only keep my posts about football stuff but that bores most people on here that like to just be silly etc...

Having echeese even considered is laughable. There is not a poster i can think of more than him that is completely lost on football knowledge although he will try an act like he does. One of the worst football guys on this site. With that said, I've heard he's a good guy so he has that going for him.

When i think of OB HOF i think of intelligent football guys not just guys that try to be funny on the sight and post in every thread.

ElMahico is one i completely agree with.
Posted from[/URL]
Ths is a list of OB Royalty. Love them or hate them, they were/are present. Some great names on that list.

I had not heard about Hornya (please no posts about a man landing on the moon).

Funny, I have attended maybe 1 or 2 OB events total) over the years and met a few folks including Ketch. That said have not met many in person. I was sitting in a LA area Marriott with a couple of other OBers in 2005 the day of the Rose bowl. Sitting next to an older guy spinning a yarn to some folks. Real friendly. They got up and He spins to us. Introduces himself and starts talking texas football.

We get 20 minutes deep and He asks if we ever get on Orangebloods. We say we do and he says his handle is Hornya. I gave him mine( I posted a bunch back then) and he says "well noooo shi-t" and he got excited and yelled across the Lobby at his wife to come over and meet us. Just a great guy....It was kinda funny.

Again, this is a great list. Several Legends on there.
Originally posted by The Giant Baba:
Ths is a list of OB Royalty. Love them or hate them, they were/are present. Some great names on that list.

I had not heard about Hornya (please no posts about a man landing on the moon).

Funny, I have attended maybe 1 or 2 OB events total) over the years and met a few folks including Ketch. That said have not met many in person. I was sitting in a LA area Marriott with a couple of other OBers in 2005 the day of the Rose bowl. Sitting next to an older guy spinning a yarn to some folks. Real friendly. They got up and He spins to us. Introduces himself and starts talking texas football.

We get 20 minutes deep and He asks if we ever get on Orangebloods. We say we do and he says his handle is Hornya. I gave him mine( I posted a bunch back then) and he says "well noooo shi-t" and he got excited and yelled across the Lobby at his wife to come over and meet us. Just a great guy....It was kinda funny.

Again, this is a great list. Several Legends on there.

That's a great story. Made me smile.
Originally posted by Ketchum:

Originally posted by Kronic22:

Originally posted by Ketchum:
Bickering among Hall of Famers?

I love Orangebloods.
I'm liking it a lot less now as a result. I'll wait and see what exactly you do with it (HOF) before deciding whether to stick around.
Por que?

I'm not sure I understand where you're coming from.
Echeese and CS bickering is nothing new. I'd guess that 90% of echeese's posts and 60% of CS's posts involve bickering. Yet you feel the need to point out that now that they are 'HOF'ers it makes special.

This is why I was opposed to the idea in the first place. You just turned OBs into HS (even more than it already was). This place was already too clique-ish, you just made it harder for someone new to feel comfortable posting, IMO.

But hey, it's your business, run it how you want.
Originally posted by Kronic22:

Originally posted by Ketchum:

Originally posted by Kronic22:

Originally posted by Ketchum:
Bickering among Hall of Famers?

I love Orangebloods.
I'm liking it a lot less now as a result. I'll wait and see what exactly you do with it (HOF) before deciding whether to stick around.
Por que?

I'm not sure I understand where you're coming from.
Echeese and CS bickering is nothing new. I'd guess that 90% of echeese's posts and 60% of CS's posts involve bickering. Yet you feel the need to point out that now that they are 'HOF'ers it makes special.

This is why I was opposed to the idea in the first place. You just turned OBs into HS (even more than it already was). This place was already too clique-ish, you just made it harder for someone new to feel comfortable posting, IMO.

But hey, it's your business, run it how you want.
I think that's a fairly extreme way of looking at the situation.

I don't think someone new is going to be less comfortable posting because a handful of posters were recognized.

This is the Internet message board at that. The point is for it to be fun on some level and I think the overwhelming majority of people reading this have been very receptive of the idea, enjoyed the storytelling and did have fun with it.

For the record, my email is probably 10:1 in terms of those who liked it vs. didn't like it and that almost never happens with anything I write.
Originally posted by Ketchum:

Originally posted by Kronic22:

Originally posted by Ketchum:

Originally posted by Kronic22:

Originally posted by Ketchum:
Bickering among Hall of Famers?

I love Orangebloods.
I'm liking it a lot less now as a result. I'll wait and see what exactly you do with it (HOF) before deciding whether to stick around.
Por que?

I'm not sure I understand where you're coming from.
Echeese and CS bickering is nothing new. I'd guess that 90% of echeese's posts and 60% of CS's posts involve bickering. Yet you feel the need to point out that now that they are 'HOF'ers it makes special.

This is why I was opposed to the idea in the first place. You just turned OBs into HS (even more than it already was). This place was already too clique-ish, you just made it harder for someone new to feel comfortable posting, IMO.

But hey, it's your business, run it how you want.
I think that's a fairly extreme way of looking at the situation.

I don't think someone new is going to be less comfortable posting because a handful of posters were recognized.

This is the Internet message board at that. The point is for it to be fun on some level and I think the overwhelming majority of people reading this have been very receptive of the idea, enjoyed the storytelling and did have fun with it.

For the record, my email is probably 10:1 in terms of those who liked it vs. didn't like it and that almost never happens with anything I write.
sorry Ketch... echeese I'm sure is a great person but your rewarding someone for attacking others, like Ernest T Bass throwing rocks through peoples windows. Gets your attention, but for the wrong reasons.

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