I don’t think I have seen this guy’s posts before, but thought this was interesting enough to share.
I have seen this one before from 1986 though which is similar.

Thread by @cliftonaduncan on Thread Reader App
@cliftonaduncan: If I were a White Supremacist, I wouldn't say so publicly. Instead I'd use the education system, pop culture, & the press to demoralize generations of Black people into a sense of Learned Helplessne...…

I have seen this one before from 1986 though which is similar.

Squires: The ‘Richard Snipp’ letter proves the assault on the black mind and man has been decades in the making | Blaze Media
I recently came across the text of a letter from a man named Richard Snipp. I'm assuming the name is a pseudonym, although he occasionally refers to himself as Dick in other letters. Mr. Snipp's letter appears to be written to political officials who wanted to know how to reach, influence, and...