NDAFarly, Unintended spin from you, since you love to waste your gold on football helmets?
1. It's not about being expelled. It's about being dismissed from the team. It's about whether they play. Brian Kelly is saying, "For 4 out of 5, I'm not going to make that decision, on whether they should play."
2. It's probably that the police were unable or just unwilling to make the charges stick, than that they were, "cleared by police."
Kelly dismissed Max Redfield (FS, Senior), who had the same 2 misdemeanors (unlicensed gun + marijuana) as did Kevin Stepherson (WR, Fr) and Dexter Williams (RB, Soph). So 3 guys did that, unless the cops are somehow confused, yet only Redfield leaves the team? Are there complicating factors?
All but Redfield are back practicing with the team!
I know how Strong would handle those 3, and probably the other 2 who just had the weed. I'm not saying Strong's approach is superior, but Kelly seems a little on the permissive side, just going by these 5.
The suspension of Devin Butler (CB, Sen.) is a separate issue. He's accused of 2 felonies: resisting law enforcement and battery against a public safety official. Kelly's hands were tied.
Redfield confessed the gun & drugs were his. You must have missed the current events.
You understand the police charge everyone in the car until the DA figures out who it belongs to, right?
And now Max confessed the others have been cleared of charges (which always happens when you charge four people for one gun). They charged all three in the backseat because the gun was under the seat. They charged all five for drugs because it was in the middle console.
None of the other four failed a sobriety test. And only one person (Max, his car) has now been charged with possession.
Max has told coaches he didn't tell the other players he had a gun under the seat.
And Kelly is stating that he is allowing them to play, but he doesn't have the final say, the ND Community Standards Board does. That is how it works at ND. They still might suspend/expell them.
He didn't wait for the board to expell Max, he did it on his own after speaking with him & getting the real story, which now seems to be what the police see also.
And the Butler case has made very strange turns. Multiple eye witnesses are now saying Butler was the victim. So his case is ongoing, but still suspended for season.
And Kelly dismissed AA's, NFL draft picks, & the returning starting QB from the title game. He is not afraid to dismiss anybody.
And Strong has stated his handling of players is what he learned as a coach at ND working with ND's Community Standards Board (Ethics Committee). They don't play around, at all.
You are just catching snippets here & there, but it is being handled at great lengths by Kelly & ND.