Wake up! 3 out of 4 convicted domestic terrorists are immigrants.
Most people convicted of international terrorism in U.S. courts since 2001 were foreign-born, the Trump administration said in a report Tuesday that officials said boosts the president’s calls for tougher immigration restrictions and limits on travel.
“This report, unfortunately, is likely just the tip of the iceberg,” she said.
The numbers are being released as President Trump calls for stiffer immigration enforcement and changes to chain migration as part of the debate on Capitol Hill over what to do about illegal immigrant Dreamers.
No surprise, top Democratic lawmakers labeled the study “bigotry,” and Muslim Advocates, one group, said native-born citizens present a “far more significant threat” to safety.
Most people convicted of international terrorism in U.S. courts since 2001 were foreign-born, the Trump administration said in a report Tuesday that officials said boosts the president’s calls for tougher immigration restrictions and limits on travel.
“This report, unfortunately, is likely just the tip of the iceberg,” she said.
The numbers are being released as President Trump calls for stiffer immigration enforcement and changes to chain migration as part of the debate on Capitol Hill over what to do about illegal immigrant Dreamers.
No surprise, top Democratic lawmakers labeled the study “bigotry,” and Muslim Advocates, one group, said native-born citizens present a “far more significant threat” to safety.