I'l touch on these in more detail in tomorrow's War Room, but wanted to pass along a couple notes to hold you all over ...
I spoke with UT commitment LaGaryonn Carson last night, and he's still feeling very positive about his Texas pledge. Carson is no longer at Texarkana Liberty-Eylau and is finishing his high school days at Premier High School in Texarkana. According to Carson, the move was necessary to get his academic situation squared away, and he feels very confident in the progress he's made. He talked to the UT coaches a couple weeks ago, and said he's still solid with his Texas pledge.
Fellow UT commitment Montrell Estell was at the Texas game on Saturday and spent most of his time hanging out with QB pledge Sam Ehlinger. Estell said he's completely locked into his Texas commitment. He hears the discussion of Charlie Strong being in the hot seat, but said he mostly tunes it in and he's "still going to Texas" regardless of what happens.
Lastly, I posted an update on 2018 OL Garrett Nickelson, the younger brother of current UT OT Tristan Nickelson. He was at the game Saturday, spent some time talking to Mattox and was told Texas will continue to evaluate him moving forward.
Again, I'll more detailed reports on Carson and Estell in the War Room.
I spoke with UT commitment LaGaryonn Carson last night, and he's still feeling very positive about his Texas pledge. Carson is no longer at Texarkana Liberty-Eylau and is finishing his high school days at Premier High School in Texarkana. According to Carson, the move was necessary to get his academic situation squared away, and he feels very confident in the progress he's made. He talked to the UT coaches a couple weeks ago, and said he's still solid with his Texas pledge.
Fellow UT commitment Montrell Estell was at the Texas game on Saturday and spent most of his time hanging out with QB pledge Sam Ehlinger. Estell said he's completely locked into his Texas commitment. He hears the discussion of Charlie Strong being in the hot seat, but said he mostly tunes it in and he's "still going to Texas" regardless of what happens.
Lastly, I posted an update on 2018 OL Garrett Nickelson, the younger brother of current UT OT Tristan Nickelson. He was at the game Saturday, spent some time talking to Mattox and was told Texas will continue to evaluate him moving forward.
Again, I'll more detailed reports on Carson and Estell in the War Room.