Personally, I have really come around to the multi-party system of government. Due to political differences, ideologies are likely to create discord; which is the case in most developing countries whereby all the political parties are willing to do almost anything to get into power. However, it is among the few systems of government that provide citizens of any country, nation, or state with a say in the various leadership role such as presidents, governors, and ministers. Here are some of the benefits of implementing a multi-party governing system:
- Allows for democratic rule which is a guiding principle of a democratic system is that people should be allowed to choose the leaders they want. This multi-party system enables people to have as many choices as possible.
- Implementing a multi-party system requires diplomacy and provides mechanisms that promote transparent and diplomatic elections.
- Allows parties with different opinions and ideas to have a say in the country’s affairs. Once a party is voted into government, all the rest become the opposition.
- Since with a multi-party system, you can have as many political parties as are needed, minorities are represented in the elections.
- The installation of a multi-party governing system offers people an avenue for giving constructive criticism to the government. This prevents leaders from becoming dictatorial and repressive.
- You are allowed to join any political party based on your beliefs and the policies they represent. This alone encourages even more people to be actively involved in politics.
- The more political parties there are, as is the case of a multi-party system, the more competition there is to impress the citizens with favorable policies and promises. This competition guarantees people get to pick the most lucrative option for the many that have been provided.
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