Well that makes some sense. But if Mazzone didn't want Martell because he was too small, he should have just told him. I don't get many of my fellow Aggies being pissed at Martell, if he saw he wasn't wanted and moved on. I don't blame him one bit.The father of five-star 2017 QB Tate Martell says his son decommited from Texas A&M due to the hiring of former UCLA offensive coordSeeinator Noel Mazzone.
Al Martell, Tate's dad, said the family was not kept in the loop about seismic program shifts, even during multiple campus visits to College Station. "It was different with Mazzone with the whole communication," Al Martell said. "Mazzone had been there two weeks for our visit in January, he had been there maybe all of 10 days ... I get that but when you go out a month later, for two days on that trip, didn’t talk to him once and then when we were there in March for their scrimmage, again, we were there for four days and not once did Mazzone ever talk, and I was five feet from him. Not a handshake, not anything." While Mr. Martell believes Mazzone likes his son, he stated a belief that he's never, during a 35-year coaching career, coached a QB under 6-foot-2. Tate Martell is 5-foot-11. "In Mazzone’s defense maybe that’s where it kind of stems from because everybody he’s offered, even the kids a couple weeks ago, 6-2 and 6-4," Al said.
Moorehead needs to grow up. He is the real embarrasment in all this.