In the aftermath of the devastating loss to tOSU, I have a question I would like to see discussed by all of you OB members who probably have a much better understanding of this than I have. Beginning at the start of the season I heard commentators everywhere raving about the offensive line for UT; how experienced and developed they were, and talk throughout the season about them being one of the very best o-lines in all of college football. But it seemed to me that in every game in which we needed the line to open holes for the running backs or to effectively protect the quarterback on passing downs, the line failed to perform. True, Kelvin Banks rarely seemed to miss, but between false starts and whiffed blocks by the others on the line it seemed to me that the offensive line players were basically a dud unit. There's all sorts of critiques of Sarkisian's play calling which I totally understand, but all too often it seemed that his plays failed simply because the offensive line couldn't execute. Am I wrong here?