Anybody watching GameDay now?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2014
Is it just me..... or is it snowing like a mother fvcker there?

It looks colder than a well diggers a$$.
I am just barely getting to sit down and catch up with everything. Men's basketball is on-I missed Texas Gameday.
Its why I would never want to live there,I will take the sunshine.
I have a buddy that lives just east of there. His wife and he moved from Tampa to be closer to her family. He's hating life right now.
My dad went to Western Michigan, so he was a Bronco. It gets butt freezing cold there.
It's why I want to move back to Texas one day haha. Not quite that cold here in Kansas City but the snow kills me.
It's a beautiful day in Gruene, Texas today. I'm shoveling the sh!t outta this sunshine!