anything you're looking to see in tonights debate?

Are there actually people that get persuaded one way or the other during political debates?

It's all about who screws up or who gets the most zingers in. Really a waste of time & resources imo.

I wish the format were more like the following:
1) question about singular issue (shuts up)
2) each candidate has an equal time to provide their policy or action with no interaction with moderator or other candidates.
3) each candidate then gets a shorter yet equal time to either add to their statement or dissect opponents statement
4) move on to another issue

Rinse & repeat for slotted time.
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Are there actually people that get persuaded one way or the other during political debates?

It's all about who screws up or who gets the most zingers in. Really a waste of time & resources imo.

I wish the format were more like the following:
1) question about singular issue (shuts up)
2) each candidate has an equal time to provide their policy or action with no interaction with moderator or other candidates.
3) each candidate then gets a shorter yet equal time to either add to their statement or dissect opponents statement
4) move on to another issue

Rinse & repeat for slotted time.
I would also like to see each candidate select their own moderator. Talk about fireworks and entertainment. That would make it way more interesting to watch.
cruz is the smartest guy in EVERY room he walks into. for whatever reason, he lacks that like-ability. but that doesn't mean he isn't the best dude for the job.
That's because he looks and talks like a rich Ivy league know it all grease ball, and that's only because he IS a rich Ivy league know it all grease ball.
The important part is that what he says is usually always correct & truthful. He still has my vote.
Anybody thinking that because they played college or professional sports makes them smarter than the regular folk is equivalent to to bestowing intelligence upon tv celebrities just because they are on tv or are good singers. Collin Allred is a mental midget

That's because he looks and talks like a rich Ivy league know it all grease ball, and that's only because he IS a rich Ivy league know it all grease ball.
The important part is that what he says is usually always correct & truthful. He still has my vote.
Cruz argued cases many cases before the US Supreme Court. That is a very small world reserved for the best of the best. He's got superior debating chops. It's nice to see guys like him and JD Vance on the debate stage - complete command of the facts and the ability to stay on point.
Cruz argued cases many cases before the US Supreme Court. That is a very small world reserved for the best of the best. He's got superior debating chops. It's nice to see guys like him and JD Vance on the debate stage - complete command of the facts and the ability to stay on point.
Vance vs Cruz debating something would be outstanding
Democrats and Allred need to cease the Cruz Cancun trip story. But, they won't.
If I have my story straight (you Houstonians verify it) to make his daughters happy, the family arranged a trip to Cancun when the ice storm was about to begin. Cruz flew w the family, but on the way, he decided it was best to come back to help Texas, so he caught the next flight back. Didn't vacation. His wife and daughters stayed.
I think he did double the right thing....escorted family to Cancun and then honored his duty to Texas.
But...ya know those sleazy democrats.....

Vote Cruz!
Anybody thinking that because they played college or professional sports makes them smarter than the regular folk is equivalent to to bestowing intelligence upon tv celebrities just because they are on tv or are good singers. Collin Allred is a mental midget

Allred was shaking his head 'no' as if the facts are not facts. Did not see the debate - how did he reply to facts?
Democrats and Allred need to cease the Cruz Cancun trip story. But, they won't.
If I have my story straight (you Houstonians verify it) to make his daughters happy, the family arranged a trip to Cancun when the ice storm was about to begin. Cruz flew w the family, but on the way, he decided it was best to come back to help Texas, so he caught the next flight back. Didn't vacation. His wife and daughters stayed.
I think he did double the right thing....escorted family to Cancun and then honored his duty to Texas.
But...ya know those sleazy democrats.....

Vote Cruz!
Yes I recall this was what happened but unfortunately he was already castigated to the dungeons before he could make it back. When he got back his house was pummeled with media and protesters.
Allred was shaking his head 'no' as if the facts are not facts. Did not see the debate - how did he reply to facts?
I saw that. I would error on the side of if being factual only because I don’t think he would have gotten all of the democrat and Soros money if he wasn’t on board with their core values. Additionally, I googled it and his history is backing trans men playing women sports. After the debate I saw where hi is now saying he doesn’t back it. I don’t trust him. He knows Texas won’t vote for anybody voting that way so he is claiming a new position only to get elected. Allred was probably just emabarrassed that Cruz articulated his position really well in public.
Allred’s votes are public record. He fell into the Democrap trap of voting by party instead of by conscience. Now when he’s got to answer for it, he’s got that deer in the headlights look. He thinks he can put out a couple of BS commercials saying “I’ve got kids. I don’t support men in women’s sports”.
At least if he came out and said “I voted for that crap because I wanted the money”, I’d at least respect him for having the balls to own it. Instead, we get the votes and then the denial.
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To coin a common phrase that seems to be popping up routinely these days, …you got to pick a side. Allred picked his. He can’t have it both ways. I’m voting for the other side and I hope it stays that way for the rest of my lifetime.
This whole "trans" rights thing is simply a wedge issue brought to the table by the left to create a larger divide. There's what- .000001% of the population that's trans?
And, I'm sorry but +90% of trans people aren't TRULY trans. The society we live in now glorifies victim-hood. The bigger your victim status, the more attention that's heaped onto you.
Don't belive me?

Look at the % of trans kids in Hollywood families. Remember the hot brunette from the first Transformwrs movie? Megan Fox..... she's got 3 kids. All 3 are trans. That's statistically impossible. Charlise Theron has 2. There's juts no fvcking way. Our #1 cost in Healthcare now is diabetes. Get ready for it to be mental health in the next 20 years.
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Democrats and Allred need to cease the Cruz Cancun trip story. But, they won't.
If I have my story straight (you Houstonians verify it) to make his daughters happy, the family arranged a trip to Cancun when the ice storm was about to begin. Cruz flew w the family, but on the way, he decided it was best to come back to help Texas, so he caught the next flight back. Didn't vacation. His wife and daughters stayed.
I think he did double the right thing....escorted family to Cancun and then honored his duty to Texas.
But...ya know those sleazy democrats.....

Vote Cruz!
Meh, once he saw that he was spotted at the airport he knew he was going to get hammered by the media and that is why he came back. If he didn't get spotted I doubt he would have come back. With that said, there wasn't anything he could do about the freeze anyway. He doesn't run ERCOT and he can't change the weather so there was no reason he needed to be in Texas. Anything he needed to do he could do over the phone. He's a slimy politician like everyone else, but I'll still vote for him because I can't go along with what the left wants to do.
I saw that. I would error on the side of if being factual only because I don’t think he would have gotten all of the democrat and Soros money if he wasn’t on board with their core values. Additionally, I googled it and his history is backing trans men playing women sports. After the debate I saw where hi is now saying he doesn’t back it. I don’t trust him. He knows Texas won’t vote for anybody voting that way so he is claiming a new position only to get elected. Allred was probably just emabarrassed that Cruz articulated his position really well in public.
That's the Dem playbook. Come across as ultra liberal to get noticed by all the radical morons so you can get the big money backing and then become more moderate in the election so you can hope to steal some independent votes. Once elected they sit back and watch their bank account grow while following their backers orders, vote on what they tell them to vote for, and tweet some zingers about republicans. It's all a hustle.
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