What qualifies as right wing and left wing violence and who categorizes it?
Read the sources I listed.
What qualifies as right wing and left wing violence and who categorizes it?
"Obviously, only a tiny percentage of law enforcement officials are likely to be active members of white supremacist groups."
Read the sources I listed.
Cops defend other cops. Yes. It does happen. Therein lies the main problems with unionization. A large group protects a few knuckleheads. Remember when unions were supposed to help, not hinder, employees rights? Remember who warned you that unions would get out of control and abuse their power? I do. So do you. This is a byproduct of that warning going unheard.
As far as white supremacists recruiting into policing jobs being a fact-- mmmk-- if you say so. I don't doubt that somewhere out there in rural Mississippi there's a sheriff who's a real POS and he hires slackjawed white trash deputies to help "keep the darkies in line". I also know for a fact that there's Islamic extremists that are police and (were) working to recruit more of their kind into policing. And I'm no more intimidated by white trash cop than I am jihad cop.
But thats not what this is about.
This is about a misguided and misdirected show of "intimidation" to John Q Public. You say that some cops are the problem. I agree. Some are. But smashing in a Whatabuger window and burning down a Chick-fil-A while looting Nike tennis shoes from Footlocker and stealing a Samsung TV from Target isn't holding cops accountable. All it does is piss people off and turn them against your cause.
Look, for 400 hundred years the Romans openly killed Christians and others in the Colosseum. Either through fights are having them run from lions or whatever. You know, for entertainment. Tens of thousands were killed not just because of their skin color, but because they didn't pray to the sun God. It took 400 years to change things. You can't change people over night. You can't change police over night. And you certainly can't do it if you lose the support of the business owners in your community because you burned down their store, or took all their assets and now they are broke.
I'm white. I'm male. I'm part of the most hated group of Americans right now.
My family (all of them) came to this country in the 1890s and 1900s. They started off farming and ranching and then became oil workers. We owned no slaves. We hired no share croppers. My mother and father both were the first in their family to go to college. My father built a business. With his hands at first, then as it grew, he hired the best workers he could afford. White, black, latino-- he didnt care, so long as they could do their job well. I am a product of that household.
But now I'm being called a racist by people I don't even know.... my friends and family's businesses are under attack for no fault of their own. They are forced into a defensive posture because somewhere along the line, people were convinced that whitey got a free ride.
Who built the pyramids? The Egyptians didn't. Their slave labor did. Do you see Jewish folks walking around complaining about having a "history in the family of lower back problems" because they were forced to move heavy stones 5000 years ago?
There's no country on this planet where people get a fair shake. Not one. However, this country is BY FAR the closest you can get at actually having a fair chance to make something of yourself. Burning it down, especially burning down something that someone else built, isn't the way to accomplish what it is that you want to accomplish.