Texas just completed a 10 year cyclical bottom. I posted this on Surly for the millennial kids and they didn't understand. Anyway, enjoy the chart.
This chart compares the actual win % year by year. (Blue Dot) 1890ish was the beginning year.
I inserted a moving average... maybe 5 year or so. (Red Dot).
The light blue line is a trend line.
As you can see there is a cycle from 1890 to 1950 ish and is repeated from 1950 to 2020. Both cycles ended with 2 approximate 10-15 year down cycles. The Mack years were a small respite between down periods. We are about to enter a new period of significant win win win. The trend line is about to bend up.
Any idea what he's up to now? I have absolutely no idea if this true but someone went on a date with someone who was claiming to be him. She called a radio station to give her story. Who knows
Any idea what he's up to now? I have absolutely no idea if this true but someone went on a date with someone who was claiming to be him. She called a radio station to give her story. Who knows
Any idea what he's up to now? I have absolutely no idea if this true but someone went on a date with someone who was claiming to be him. She called a radio station to give her story. Who knows
He's living in St. Petersburg. Well actually he's living right in between Tampa and St Pete. At least he was a few years ago. Some buddies and I were playing golf at a place in Florida called "Stream-song" and my buddy recognized him. Drew walked over and chatted him up and it turned out they both lived in neighborhoods close to each other. Seemed like a nice guy in the 10 or so minutes we were around him.