Barry Switzer - Making the Wishbone Great Again!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2006
I know he may not be popular on this Board, but Barry Switzer is a funny son of a gun. He was at Trump Tower, walked up to the podium in the lobby in front of the press and said that he was interviewing to be Secretary of Offense, and that Trump wanted to make the Wishbone great again. We need him as the Big XII representative on the CFP Committee!
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Not no, but hell no.
The Okies know how to fight dirty - that's what the Big XII needs as its representative (assuming you could trust him to look after the conference's best interests and not just OU's, which is a BIG assumption).
I agree he's very funny. He's on the ticket in DFW from time to time, I don't think he keeps up with college football enough to be a rep, and he also admits his judgment is clouded with OU. Usually when they get into talking football his points don't seem very informed.[/QUOTE]

The Okies know how to fight dirty - that's what the Big XII needs as its representative (assuming you could trust him to look after the conference's best interests and not just OU's, which is a BIG assumption).


yeah...real dirty
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The Okies know how to fight dirty - that's what the Big XII needs as its representative (assuming you could trust him to look after the conference's best interests and not just OU's, which is a BIG assumption).

Barry Switzer is the original Art Briles.