Baylor plays Rice on September 17th


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2015
For anyone who wonders if the Rice MOB is no more fear not. Baylor will play Rice in Houston on September 17th and the school announced today that the MOB is starting to prepare a halftime show during the game. And we all know the MOB can be unmerciful when it comes to the other team just ask a&m. I wish I could go to the game.
For anyone who wonders if the Rice MOB is no more fear not. Baylor will play Rice in Houston on September 17th and the school announced today that the MOB is starting to prepare a halftime show during the game. And we all know the MOB can be unmerciful when it comes to the other team just ask a&m. I wish I could go to the game.

Yikes! Yeah, they definitely had MOB members in orange prison jump suits running from other band members in cardboard police cars back right after a few UT players had been arrested. I'd imagine the biggest question with the Baylor halftime show will be how far they want to take things. I mean, they usually try to do something mockingly funny (even if the opponents' fans end up booing them for it) and very little of what happened with Baylor's ongoing scandal was funny. I'd think the Ken Starr angle could be an easy target, but I don't know if the band members are even old enough to remember much about what happened with him and Bill Clinton for contrast...
Baylor and Starr deserved to be mocked no doubt. However, this topic is not one to be made light of. I'm not sure if comedians or the like got any mileage out of the Penn St. scandal but I never heard any. IMO, Rice MOB would be better off to let this one pass.
The Mob will eviscerate them. It will be worth the price of admission.
I don't know man. It's hard to walk a fine line between humor and "man, that sh!t is just WRONG!". Don't get me wrong, Rice kids are usually a little sharper than the average snowflake college kid. Ya, if they wanted to it could get super ugly at the drop of a hat. I just don't see them going rip sh!t riot on baylor.
They're a bunch of smartass kids. They're not going to be nice. They don't have decorum.
Well when you start making comedy of rape you often are humiliating the victim as well. That's why I doubt they touch it, or do a very toned down version. We will see.

If they do go full throttle, it will easily be the most taboo subject they've satirized.
For anyone who wonders if the Rice MOB is no more fear not. Baylor will play Rice in Houston on September 17th and the school announced today that the MOB is starting to prepare a halftime show during the game. And we all know the MOB can be unmerciful when it comes to the other team just ask a&m. I wish I could go to the game.
Thank God for YouTube. Should be up by 3rd Q kickoff.
It would be awesome if fox sports or whomever aired it live. But again, nobody is touching that hit potato.
Ken Starr/Southern Baptist/Hypocrisy angle is low hanging fruit. They don't even have to bring up rape.

This. I think that they're plenty smartass to go into the topic on the whole, but could easily do so without going into rape. That said, I could see their planning session (or whatever they do to come up with them) having a LOT of ideas thrown out there that walk the line. Either way, it will end up online pretty soon after it is performed, so I guess we'll see when we see...
The MOB is fearless. One year at A&M they wore ridiculous military uniforms with pots on their heads and goose stepped up and down the field.
The easy way to make make a statement about Baylor and not the victims is have all female band members wear burkas throughout the game.
The MOB is fearless. One year at A&M they wore ridiculous military uniforms with pots on their heads and goose stepped up and down the field.

Yes, but aggies, whatever else they may be (and despite one of our fellow poster's message board handles), are not literally Nazis. They clearly don't have a very good sense of humor, given how they reacted to that performance, but what were they really making fun of in that situation? How the aggies dress and how their band marches? A few traditions? That's like getting offended over someone making fun of Bevo. Or the idea that Austin has a bunch of hippies. Or the whole "Mike's Pirate School" thing that Leach pulled when he was at Tech. (Man, I kind of miss having him around the conference, though I guess it wouldn't be the same without the aggies to mock). Anyway, again... that was just a case of the aggies not having a sense of humor.

The MOB's 2007 performance at the UT football game is a little closer to what we're talking about, with the way they mocked UT for having had several arrests and suspensions for various incidents over the summer and at the beginning of the season. And even there, they didn't go into the details of what the specific crimes were, opting instead to just have orange-jumpsuited, Longhorn-helmeted band members run from other band members who were in cardboard police cars to the car chase song from Blues Brothers. (They then moved on to an aggie joke involving Michael Vick).

If they didn't delve into the gritty parts of the DWIs, aggravated robbery, and breaking into vehicles (all of which were dealt with rather swiftly, even by "ol' softie", Mack Brown, I might add), then I'm not sure how far they'll take things on the actual topic of rape.
What is it, is the MOB fearless, or are they going at the low hanging fruit?