Baylor/TCU the new a&m/TX rivalry


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2015
Wouldn't you know it the aggies leave for the SEC the years ago, TCU replaces them and now we have the new best in state rivalry in Texas. There was ridiculous story in this summer's DCTF about how we need that a&m/TX game back. No actually we don't.

Folks if you haven't been watching this game the last five years you're missing out. This is a hate rivalry. But these are two good teams, two good coaches and very close games, double ot tonight. The last two years the teams were ranked when they played.

Two coaches with different personalities to say the least. But GP is as good as it gets when it comes to defense and we all know about AB and offense.Their style of play is different as well. It's late in the Golden State I'll be back and finish this in the morning. And these guys flat out don't like each other. Respect each other yes like each other no. And there's no love lost between the alums and students either.

Last year after Baylor came from behind to win a Baylor player got in GP's face and a coach had to pull him away. Last night some TCU students got up in Briles face and taunted him. The was no post game handshake from GP. No matter how many fans who ran out on the field after the game he could have found Briles if he wanted to.

Two schools vastly different from UT and the cow college. The combined enrollment of both schools, counting graduate students is less than half the enrollment of either school. The combined capacity of both stadiums is less than DKR or Kyle Field. The athletic department budget at UT or a&m is probably bigger than Baylor and TCU combined. And yet both schools right now have a more successful ad than either school. At least right now.

Last year Baylor knocked TCU out of the playoffs. This year TCU knocked Baylor out in a game that will be remembered for being played in a monsoon. It was delayed for 45 minutes because of thunderstorms. I'll bet a rained more than an inch during the game.

Back in the SWC days this rivalry meant nothing. The stadiums were never more than half full. But both schools are now in a P5 conference and both teams are starting to prove they can run with the big dogs. In the Big XII the three best rivalries are the RRR, Bedlam, and Baylor/TCU.
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