Biden fear mongering Covid hoax No. 2

It's not a parody site. The article is reporting a bill that may be filed in WA to prepare for the detention of unvaccinated citizens. 100% true. Nothing comical or amusing about it.
I didn’t read the article just saw the source. To be honest until something is in writing and 100% for sure I don’t believe it. The media is the single most destructive device this country has. There’s tons of misinformation floating around daily.
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Totally healthy 16 year old..........

Yep, see, even young....*clears throat*...healthy people can uh get knocked down by this thing.

In all seriousness, I'm glad this young man is making it out and seemingly on the road to recovery.
Hey Bell.....if your blood pressure wasnt already high enough....Justice Montamayor(sp) stated the there were 100,000 children hospitalized cue to Covid and many were on ventalators.....heartbreaking result of this horrible disease....,,uh,,,,,then the fact check....Less than 4000 total children hospitalized with Covid....none on ventalators!

Hey! if a Supreme says it (as long as they are a liberal Supreme) it must be true....and probably illegal to fact check!
Hey Bell.....if your blood pressure wasnt already high enough....Justice Montamayor(sp) stated the there were 100,000 children hospitalized cue to Covid and many were on ventalators.....heartbreaking result of this horrible disease....,,uh,,,,,then the fact check....Less than 4000 total children hospitalized with Covid....none on ventalators!

Hey! if a Supreme says it (as long as they are a liberal Supreme) it must be true....and probably illegal to fact check!
Yeah I know and the CDC director had to bust her balls over it and let her know is was only like 3500 kids and like you said, none on vents. I’ll have to go look but I’d be surprised if the CDC gal isn’t a Biden appointee, which would make this revelation even more astounding and underline the fact that even the libs can’t keep this charade up within their own ranks. Holy shit Biden is in trouble but I noticed he’s turning his attention to voting legislation and filibuster maneuvering, greasy ass weasel that he is.
Yeah I know and the CDC director had to bust her balls over it and let her know is was only like 3500 kids and like you said, none on vents. I’ll have to go look but I’d be surprised if the CDC gal isn’t a Biden appointee, which would make this revelation even more astounding and underline the fact that even the libs can’t keep this charade up within their own ranks. Holy shit Biden is in trouble but I noticed he’s turning his attention to voting legislation and filibuster maneuvering, greasy ass weasel that he is.
She’s a Biden appointee. Apparently she needs a media consultant to communicate the science.
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And knowing this, the evil regime has been locking down the healthy. Where has the messaging been for everyone to stay healthy or to lose weight? Why shut down gyms and schools? We all know the answer.
Someone tell me again Biden wasn’t/still is trying to run our economy in the ground
This pretty much follows what most of us already knew.

And this is why none of the Covid fear mongers on this forum here could ever provide the numbers of healthy folks contracting Covid and dying from it. Instead they convoluted the numbers of people dying from cancer etc. who contract pneumonia end stage and chalked it up to Covid just like the CDC has been doing. So who is going to be held responsible for all of the lost businesses in the name of Covid hoax shutdowns. I’ll be specific how about the thousands upon thousands of energy sector jobs lost due to this bs perpetuated by lies?
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