In no particular order...
1. He should have aggressively pursued justice in the following "matters"
A. HRC destroying evidence
B. IRS targeting of conservative non-profits
C. The slushy Clinton foundation
I think he wrongly assumed he would get a honeymoon and thought overtures of playing nice would be reciprocated. The Dems don't play that way. Look at ANTIFA. Look at their language and demeanor in official party meetings. Look at HRC declaring she is part of the resistance, I can't f'n believe a loser in the presidential election would say such a thing. He should have gone scorched earth from second one and I bet he regrets not doing it.
2. Fire Comey on day 1. His handling of HRC's emails is inexplicable.
3. No Priebus and no RNC people in sensitive positions. He should have pulled state level people into power and suffered the growing pains instead of trying to drain the swamp by putting swamp dwellers in power.
4. Get your family away from power. Nobody likes nepotism. It's likely at the very least leading to hurt feelings and more leaks. Deplorables don't want a bunch of spoiled NYC liberals advising the president.
I'm sure the libs on here will follow up with a bunch of "Muh Russia" nonsense and that's fine but I'm more interested in hearing thoughts from those on the right as to what they think should have been done differently in the first 6 months.
1. He should have aggressively pursued justice in the following "matters"
A. HRC destroying evidence
B. IRS targeting of conservative non-profits
C. The slushy Clinton foundation
I think he wrongly assumed he would get a honeymoon and thought overtures of playing nice would be reciprocated. The Dems don't play that way. Look at ANTIFA. Look at their language and demeanor in official party meetings. Look at HRC declaring she is part of the resistance, I can't f'n believe a loser in the presidential election would say such a thing. He should have gone scorched earth from second one and I bet he regrets not doing it.
2. Fire Comey on day 1. His handling of HRC's emails is inexplicable.
3. No Priebus and no RNC people in sensitive positions. He should have pulled state level people into power and suffered the growing pains instead of trying to drain the swamp by putting swamp dwellers in power.
4. Get your family away from power. Nobody likes nepotism. It's likely at the very least leading to hurt feelings and more leaks. Deplorables don't want a bunch of spoiled NYC liberals advising the president.
I'm sure the libs on here will follow up with a bunch of "Muh Russia" nonsense and that's fine but I'm more interested in hearing thoughts from those on the right as to what they think should have been done differently in the first 6 months.