I'm pretty well acquainted with Stanford as I have family who attended both Cal and Stanford. While they might be conservative when compared to Cal, this is a matter of degree. The faculty there leans left and the administration does as well. Just not as batsh*t crazy left as their rivals across the Bay. Stanfurd maintains a veneer of conservative bona fides by hosting the Hoover Institution which is actually an impressive think-tank for public and foreign policy. I read and watch their releases whenever I can.
I didn't think ST had anything to do with the Hoover In.stitution. I mean yeah it's close to the campus but I was under the impression they were independent of each other.
And young people from our ward and I'm talking about Mormons who go to Cal. They said they had just as many frat boys, sorority girls, and college Republicans as any other school. I've had the impression that this is not the Cal from the 60's. Now the school and the city of Berkeley are almost polar opposites. I'm exaggerating but you know what I mean.