Bru’s eligibility


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2018
Does anybody have any insider news on Bru’s chances of getting to play immediately. I think his chances are pretty good myself considering the fact Kingsbury ditched him.
Because this is one of those outlier situations, I'm certain the NCAA is not looking forward to ruling on this one. They see this as a slippery slope. This could be one of those rulings that takes place at 4am on a Sunday morning while the first round of the NCAA tourney is happening.
The Justin Fields ruling is a positive sign, but the NCAA has never been a paragon of consistency or good sense.

No one knows anything now, though. Just waiting on the NCAA, which could rule tomorrow or many months from now.
Ya I was thinking once they made the Fields ruling it would be another week at most once we heard something. But nope here we sit still.
Bru should be eligible, if he has a decent lawyer. How do they not let it become full free agency after letting Fields play? NCAA is pitiful, they need to have hard rules. Either everybody can transfer and play right away or nobody can (other than grad transfers). Letting corrupt bueracrats make willy nilly decisions never turns out well.
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My thoughts on this is the NCAA should just let anyone transfer, but just 1 time. You only get 1 time as a freebe. After that you have to sit a year or whatever.
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The NCAA doesn't want to get beaten in the ring of public opinion by controlling where kids can and cannot attend school. They don't want to be held responsible for hindering a kids "education" or future career. It just makes them look bad. So ultimately most players will get the waiver if they have a legit case. The NCAA just wants to make it difficult enough and expensive enough to where it deters a lot of players and slows it down enough to where it is not a full out free agency. I mean who wants to hire a lawyer and go through the process unless something is really wrong. Obviously a lot of players are deciding it is worth it though.