Charlie Williams - former colts reciever coach to UT

That would be a start. Not buying tickets. Calling a radio show. Some public condemnation for such low moral behavior. Something. Which there has been zero from any of your fans. Zero.
Ok I'll send Stoops a letter. Can I count on you to send a letter to Strong letting him know he's ripping off the UT fan base by posing as a competent coach:D
Really? Obama saved the US auto industry and kept the US out of a 2nd great depression. He also didn't allow the worst attack on US soil in history like his predecessor.
Along those lines, when can I expect an oil industry bailout? Oh that's right, he's now proposing a new $10 per barrel tax to fund other programs that benefit unproductive citizens.
Scholz you're a good poster and I get along with you pretty well but one has to not look further than the ridiculous p5+1 nuclear agreement with Iran which by the way was not signed by Iran but instead of forcing their hand, he went ahead and lifted sanctions and the influx of 'refugees' that he describes as women and children, as prime recent examples of his failures.
Too dumb to respond to. Literally. Idiot America can't engage in an adult conversation anymore. You know, one with facts. Iran has been disarmed from having a nuclear bomb. Without going to war. But that's a bad thing. Jesus Christ. :rolleyes: And what refugees? The US is barely taking any, like 4K compared to 200K in European countries. Reality much? And victim blaming the most vulnerable people in the world is shameful.
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Ok I'll send Stoops a letter. Can I count on you to send a letter to Strong letting him know he's ripping off the UT fan base by posing as a competent coach:D
No you won't. Nor will any of your win at all costs fans who couldn't care less about violence against girls as long as football is good. Personally I don't find that humorous. I find your fanbase to be despicable.
Along those lines, when can I expect an oil industry bailout? Oh that's right, he's now proposing a new $10 per barrel tax to fund other programs that benefit unproductive citizens.
Yeah, the oil and gas guys can never catch a break. Go dumb yourself down some more listening to the republican party propaganda channel. :rolleyes:
Yeah, the oil and gas guys can never catch a break. Go dumb yourself down some more listening to the republican party propaganda channel. :rolleyes:
Scholz I'm in the business I live it first hand every day
Too dumb to respond to. Literally. Idiot America can't engage in an adult conversation anymore. You know, one with facts. Iran has been disarmed from having a nuclear bomb. Without going to war. But that's a bad thing. Jesus Christ. :rolleyes: And what refugees? The US is barely taking any, like 4K compared to 200K in European countries. Reality much? And victim blaming the most vulnerable people in the world is shameful.
How have they been disarmed? They themselves said the will not sign the agreement because they did want their people legally bound. You really need to go read the conditions of that agreement and the conditions of inspections Scholz. It's truly laughable and one of the biggest set ups and sell outs of all time. Seriously.
Too dumb to respond to. Literally. Idiot America can't engage in an adult conversation anymore. You know, one with facts. Iran has been disarmed from having a nuclear bomb. Without going to war. But that's a bad thing. Jesus Christ. :rolleyes: And what refugees? The US is barely taking any, like 4K compared to 200K in European countries. Reality much? And victim blaming the most vulnerable people in the world is shameful.
As far as refugees, obamas FY2017 budget allows for 300,000 fully funded Muslim migrant visas in 2016 alone
How have they been disarmed?
Let's see, there was an implementation day last month where the UN certified that Iran has fulfilled its obligations under that 7/15 agreement to dismantle its nuclear program by giving up their enriched uranium (25K lbs or 98% of their stockpile), 2/3 of their centrifuges and their heavy water reactor. They can't make a bomb now. That's how they've been disarmed. 5 other world powers were in this agreement with Iran btw, not just the US.

Iran also released 5 US prisoners. Without going to war. Which proves that diplomacy and economic sanctions work in lieu of invading yet another Muslim country which republicans obviously hate. But yeah, let's go back to how it was when we didn't engage with our enemies like Iran and didn't talk to them for years like W.Bush did and let their nuclear progam explode and their centrifuges increase by tens of thousands. That worked great. :rolleyes:
As far as refugees, obamas FY2017 budget allows for 300,000 fully funded Muslim migrant visas in 2016 alone
4K have been allowed in. Islamaphobes like Michael McCaul won't allow any more in even if it's a very stringent process and women and children are dying because of it. Very Christian.
4K have been allowed in. Islamaphobes like Michael McCaul won't allow any more in even if it's a very stringent process and women and children are dying because of it. Very Christian.
Scholz I'm just posting the facts and 300,000 visas are fully funded so clearly there is intent there, whether it reaches its full allowable only time will tell
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This whole thing about Syrian immigrants coming in to the US is a silly debate. First of all Isis and other terrorist groups have acess to passports both fake and otherwise to travel freely between countries. Why in the hell would they pose as refugees and wait to go through the 5 year vetting process when thry can enter the country whenever thry want? You aren't stopping anything by keeping them out. Is there a chance someone comes in and does something bad? Sure but there are folks every day who come here legally and do bad things.

This country has a history of being fearful or hatred of different ethnic groups. Only to look later and be like well that was pretty stupid. This will be the same thing.
This whole thing about Syrian immigrants coming in to the US is a silly debate. First of all Isis and other terrorist groups have acess to passports both fake and otherwise to travel freely between countries. Why in the hell would they pose as refugees and wait to go through the 5 year vetting process when thry can enter the country whenever thry want?
Exactly. It's the hardest way to enter this country.

And heaven forbid we help dying women and children fleeing for their lives from a war torn country. But Obama wants it so it must be bad.
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Scholz you're a good poster and I get along with you pretty well but one has to not look further than the ridiculous p5+1 nuclear agreement with Iran which by the way was not signed by Iran but instead of forcing their hand, he went ahead and lifted sanctions and the influx of 'refugees' that he describes as women and children, as prime recent examples of his failures.
Went off track here when belldouche was flailing to change the subject from his morally corrupt fanbase that doesn't mind girls getting beat up to this idiocy.
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Swvahorn he beat an OU team with a new offense, new OC, new qb etc. good win but nothing to write home about being an earlier season win
wow.....Texas had a NEW QB, a new offense (and will again this year) new OC you ever think of BOTH sides of an argument? You have your head so far up your ass that you can't even fathom being wrong. Hell most of us are wrong many times a day....but not you. I hate talking to idiots about politics on either side...You have your mind made up and no amount of talking, showing, or anything else will change your mind. I dont like talking about that and I don't know why Obama was even brought up?? Get this straight if you hate half of all Americans what does that make you?
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As far as refugees, obamas FY2017 budget allows for 300,000 fully funded Muslim migrant visas in 2016 alone

That's not "Obama's budget." You're talking about the omnibus spending bill that the GOP-controlled House passed 316-113 and that the GOP-controlled Senate passed 65-33. Your source from the right-wing echo chamber probably didn't highlight the fact that the visa numbers are virtually unchanged from two years ago. The 300,000 figure includes temporary work and student visas. Only 10,000 visas are allocated for Syrian refugees.

But I guess facts bereft of any context (or flat-out made up) are more fun.
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Keep listening to the republican propaganda channel, bell. It's easier than informing yourself and makes you look smart.
Let's see, there was an implementation day last month where the UN certified that Iran has fulfilled its obligations under that 7/15 agreement to dismantle its nuclear program by giving up their enriched uranium (25K lbs or 98% of their stockpile), 2/3 of their centrifuges and their heavy water reactor. They can't make a bomb now. That's how they've been disarmed. 5 other world powers were in this agreement with Iran btw, not just the US.

Iran also released 5 US prisoners. Without going to war. Which proves that diplomacy and economic sanctions work in lieu of invading yet another Muslim country which republicans obviously hate. But yeah, let's go back to how it was when we didn't engage with our enemies like Iran and didn't talk to them for years like W.Bush did and let their nuclear progam explode and their centrifuges increase by tens of thousands. That worked great. :rolleyes:
No Scholz I'm not advocating war but I am advocating forcing them to sign the freaking agreement. Instead they chanted death to America the sole time the negotiations were going on. Now they have signed economic deals with some of those same p5+1 nations so do you really think sanctions will be re-introduced not if but when they continue to defy the worlds best interest
That's not "Obama's budget." You're talking about the omnibus spending bill that the GOP-controlled House passed 316-113 and that the GOP-controlled Senate passed 65-33. Your source from the right-wing echo chamber probably didn't highlight the fact that the visa numbers are virtually unchanged from two years ago. The 300,000 figure includes temporary work and student visas. Only 10,000 visas are allocated for Syrian refugees.

But I guess facts bereft of any context (or flat-out made up) are more fun.
Earmarked for Muslim migrant visas. Refer to it how you want buddy
No Scholz I'm not advocating war but I am advocating forcing them to sign the freaking agreement. Instead they chanted death to America the sole time the negotiations were going on. Now they have signed economic deals with some of those same p5+1 nations so do you really think sanctions will be re-introduced not if but when they continue to defy the worlds best interest
Completely ignored that they can't make a bomb now. Because of what they gave up. Because of the deal. Without war. Because of Obamas foreign policy. But failure. Got it.
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That's what I'm trying to determine here bubba:)
Don't you have a strongly worded letter you said you were going to write Stoops decrying him coddling girl abusers time and again? Because you're strongly against that sort of thing, right?
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In the political spectrum there is a far left, far right and some barely to left and barely to the right.......bell is so far to the right that he thinks we should kill every non Christian in the world and half of Americans who are to the left of center. If only everyone was far right all the worlds problems would disappear.
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In the political spectrum there is a far left, far right and some barely to left and barely to the right.......bell is so far to the right that he thinks we should kill every non Christian in the world and half of Americans who are to the left of center. If only everyone was far right all the worlds problems would disappear.
I don't consider myself all that liberal but lately I feel pretty far left by today's standards.
Don't you have a strongly worded letter you said you were going to write Stoops decrying him coddling girl abusers time and again? Because you're strongly against that sort of thing, right?
Scholz I sent Stioops an email instead of a letter and he responded back that he was deeply troubled by your ostrich head in the sand political views. I then asked Saint Stoops to keep you in his prayers.
I don't consider myself all that liberal but lately I feel pretty far left by today's standards.
That's kind of how I feel. I am left on some things and right on some others. But today's GOP has gone so far to the right that Reagan would be a liberal today.
In the political spectrum there is a far left, far right and some barely to left and barely to the right.......bell is so far to the right that he thinks we should kill every non Christian in the world and half of Americans who are to the left of center. If only everyone was far right all the worlds problems would disappear.
Ha I don't know man I've been watching the debates and I don't feel too great about the Republican front runners
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As far as refugees, obamas FY2017 budget allows for 300,000 fully funded Muslim migrant visas in 2016 alone
Earmarked for Muslim migrant visas. Refer to it how you want buddy
Obama proposes a budget, but it has to pass both houses of congress before he can sign it. Paul Ryan and House republicans are working on the real budget which must pass the house before going to the senate. If the senate doesn't agree, it must go to a joint committee to reconcile. Then it goes to Obama to sign or not. The power of the purse is the original power of parliament and our congress.