The Gaza Pyramid thread got me thinking about Chichen Itza in Mexico. It's a really cool place to visit.
Went there many, many years ago (2002?) and at that time you could climb to the top (and we did)
Since 2008 you can no longer do that, just now found that out. Do it now and they will beat your ass or suggest you be sacrificed 😄
Went there many, many years ago (2002?) and at that time you could climb to the top (and we did)
Since 2008 you can no longer do that, just now found that out. Do it now and they will beat your ass or suggest you be sacrificed 😄

German tourist arrested after scaling Chichén Itzá pyramid during spring equinox
As thousands of tourists flocked to Chichén Itzá for the spring equinox, two were arrested, one for climbing the iconic Kukulkán pyramid.