This to me as a younger man was one of the most outrageous results I had ever contemplated (not that I was young when it happened, I was young when I learned of it). His will and foresight with regards to NAZI Germany may well be the only reason we have the world we do today. Had he not been prime minister following the events of May 1940, there may well have been a peace treaty signed. If GB sued for peace and Hitler had succeeded in conquering the Soviet Union, then one can only imagine the EU today.
Now, I view this (though I am a conservative) as exactly how democracy should work. It is similar to Bush I being defeated after presiding over the fall of the Berlin Wall, the end of the Soviet Union, and the successful defense of Kuwait and ouster of Noriega. Once men have done the job they were hired for, there is no rational reason for them to be hired by the people to do a different job unless they have proven abilities to do that job.
How this relates to now is this. Trump has far exceeded my expectations as a president and he has initiated some things that if brought to fruition will be game changing for the nation and world in a positive way. His agenda, though, will largely be achieved by the end of four years. He will remake the regulatory agencies and supreme court, change immigration enforcement at the executive level as he will not get a bill barring a major surprise this November, has already launched a major peace initiative with NK that will be proven true or false prior to the end of his term, has already pulled out of the Paris climate treaty and the Iran deal, and got the tax reform. There is really no reason for him to be elected to a second four year term even if his policies are successful, due to his temperament. The same was true with Churchill in most of his peers' eyes. Both are extraordinary men (but by no means comparable and it pains me to mention them together), but they also may both have their time and set of circumstances to address.
Now, I view this (though I am a conservative) as exactly how democracy should work. It is similar to Bush I being defeated after presiding over the fall of the Berlin Wall, the end of the Soviet Union, and the successful defense of Kuwait and ouster of Noriega. Once men have done the job they were hired for, there is no rational reason for them to be hired by the people to do a different job unless they have proven abilities to do that job.
How this relates to now is this. Trump has far exceeded my expectations as a president and he has initiated some things that if brought to fruition will be game changing for the nation and world in a positive way. His agenda, though, will largely be achieved by the end of four years. He will remake the regulatory agencies and supreme court, change immigration enforcement at the executive level as he will not get a bill barring a major surprise this November, has already launched a major peace initiative with NK that will be proven true or false prior to the end of his term, has already pulled out of the Paris climate treaty and the Iran deal, and got the tax reform. There is really no reason for him to be elected to a second four year term even if his policies are successful, due to his temperament. The same was true with Churchill in most of his peers' eyes. Both are extraordinary men (but by no means comparable and it pains me to mention them together), but they also may both have their time and set of circumstances to address.