Clob breaks down Covid 19-- Adult style

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2014
My sophomore sunglasses are over on the shelf and I've broken out the suit and tie to have a real talk with you about this virus situation.

Peanut gallery, please keep the noise down.

People are dead. Anytime someone dies, it's bad--- for someone, somewhere. A baby is still born and it's parents and parent's parents-- parent's friends, etc etc mourn that loss.

Hitler offs himself in a bunker and Ava Braun cries and skin heads fifty years later mourn that loss.

Point--- when someone dies, USUALLY someone cares and is hurt inside.

As a person that relies on math, I am cogent enough to realize that someone is dying 24/7 on this planet. Someone just died right now. Someone else just died right now. Someone else just died too. Seriously, 100 people on the planet will died before you'll finish reading this paragraph.

All death sucks, especially if it's a loved one or friend. Your death won't suck because you won't know it. You'll be dead. Whether you believe in an afterlife (whatever your belief system may be or not) you're still dead. And you won't mourn it, because you'll be dead.

Most people FEAR death. Fear is a motivator to stay alive. But death is unavoidable. Prolonging it isn't a choice, all the time. If it were, we'd live forever.

Now let's look at facts based on numbers.

What kills people these days? All people die of essentially the same thing-- lack of oxygen to the brain. It could be caused because you had a massive heart attack and can't pump blood to your brain. It could be caused by drowning. It could also be caused by a bomb landing on you. But the fact is, oxygen stopped going to your brain. Hence, you're dead.

What is the biggest killer in this country?

Let's list the top ten-

The Centers for Disease control say that heart disease in number 1.
2. cancer
3. accidents (ooops)
4. Lower respiratory disease
5. stroke
6. Alzheimer's (but you won't remember it)
7. diabetes (soon to be #1 -thanks refried beans)
8. Flu/pneumonia
9. nephrosis
10. Suicide

Being a numbers guy, I'm sure many of you can scroll down that list and tick of numerous people you know that fall into one of those 10 categories. However, can any of you remember when we as a nation were FORCED to address any of these issues?

I know that SOME places like NYC stopped selling 154 ounce big gulps to try and curb fat people from drinking sodas. I know tobacco companies were FORCED to put cancer warning labels on their products. I know ladders and blow dryers have warning labels like "don't fall off this" or "don't blow dry your hair while you're in the shower". But ask yourself-- who are these warnings for? Do you naturally want to just fall off a tall ladder? Or is it instinct to plug your blow dryer in and toss it into the bath tub with you?

No. These things are labeled because, unfortunately, we are a country that is populated by two certain sets of individuals that we all must be wary of.

1. Stupid people
2. Asshole lawyers

Let's address stupid people.

Stupid people now, officially, outnumber smart people. Don't believe me? Turn on YouTube and type in "hit in the balls". Enjoy yourself. Stupid people run that website.

Stupids (as I call them) wear helmets to masturbate. Stupids are the reason cigarette lighters say "Do not use near open flame". Stupids are why we have to take our shoes off at airports and must eat with plastic forks. Stupids are responsible for so many facets of our lives that we have had to change who we are as a society to accommodate them. We don't live by Darwinian law where the strongest survive, breed, propagate and flourish-- like every other animal species on the planet--- no no my friend--- we have to make special accommodations for the stupids. Look around you. Most of your life is directed by something that was created to control the populace because of the Stupids.

Don't believe me? Tide pods now have a label warning people NOT TO EAT THEM. I bought some baby wipes at the store yesterday that said "not for oral consumption" . Seriously. Who the fvck eats baby wipes? Stupids.

Let's talk about what Stupids are attracted to.

Fear! Emergencies! Warnings! Panic!
Stupids pay attention to these things because deep down, Stupids know they are already living on borrowed time and need all the help they can get.

Stupids watch news casts that riddle them with fear. Stupids LOVE to be afraid. It's their 2nd most natural state to be in. How do we pray upon stupids? Simple. We blast news casts that keep the Stupid afraid and keep them watching. And we REALLY crank it up to TEN when our news channel is dying in the ratings and we seriously need to keep the Stupids at home, not at work, so they can keep feeding the fear part of their brain by watching out news channel.

The Smarts know that diseases can spread with contact. We tell everyone to "be smart. Wash your hands. Stand away from people. Cover your mouth if you cough or sneeze. If you're sick or starting to feel sick, stay home. But that doesn't sell to the Stupids. We then convince the Stupids that wearing a cloth mask will keep them from dying. Smarts know that masks really only help a tiny bit with SPREADING a disease, not preventing you from contracting it. But Stupids don't get it. Stupids hoard things that won't keep you from getting sick. Like, toilet paper. All the smarts see the Stupids acting stupid and then the Smarts are forced to do something stupid like, buy some extra toilet paper, for fear of the Stupids buying it all and then having to use leaves to wipe their asses because of the Stupids hoarding habits.

When the Stupid get home, the Stupids are convinced by the fear mongering news they are watching that it's OK to go to the WalMart and the HEB and planned Parenthood, it appears those areas are free of disease for now-- but you can't go to your job and work because, well, your job is saturated with murder bugs and your Stupid ass will die and won't be able to watch our fear mongering news channel anymore.

Airliners are now punishing us because of the stupids. Do the math for me smart people. A 737 has two rows with three chairs each. We are supposed to stay 6 feet away from each other. The airlines are now saying they will keep the middle seat empty for "social distancing" (never mind you're not 6 feet away from any other passenger) but flight prices will increase by 50 to 75%.

Hold up-- an airplane drops 1 out of every 3 seats (that's 33% right?) But prices will go up by 50 to 75%? This has Stupids written all over it.
Thank you Stupids. You've now officially ruined air travel.

How about Los Angeles. They just announced they would leave the stay at home order in place for 3 more months. Honestly I'm all for it. No more sh!tty Hollywood movies, but those clowns will survive. Who won't survive are the people that run the taco stands. Or sell fruit on the street corners. Or run the local gas station. Or clean rich people's houses. Certain people say they care about poor people in this country when it's time to get their vote, but instead of letting them work, let's treat them like Stupid people and give them free money to survive while we keep everything shut down for, you know, the protection of the stupid people. Cui Bono? <---- that's Latin for "who benefits from this stupid sh!t?".

It's not the Stupid people who benefit. It's the Stupid people who vote for those that give them free stuff to continue to stay at home, living in fear, not working, but end up keeping their enablers in office. All because we as a nation aren't believed to be smart enough to stop touching people, wash our hands, and practice basic hygiene.

Thanks Stupid people. You're finally on the verge of ruining a planet.
Well said Clob. What this world needs is a collaborative, well-measured and sensible response to this pandemic (and many other things as well). That seems impossible for the reasons you stated above.
Trump needs to put Fauci back in his box first and foremost he’s adding nothing to the conversation at this point but doom and gloom. The California colleges not opening for fall semester is truly laughable and sad. This country needs a purge from the inside out.
This is a planned event. The real issue is the weak and ready to collapse financial system. There are trillions of bad derivatives worldwide that need to be cleared. At this point, we have 2 options.....

1. Print money and force bailouts to continue the current system. The Central Banks want negative interest rates and centrally controlled blockchain currency. Why? Slavery.... and the "stupids" are perfect for this. There is a term that the money changers of the Bible called the "stupids". They were "goyim" or milk cows. They existed to be milked. Negative rates with a negative rate for paper money will be an excellent way to milk the masses going forward. Not to mention the behavioral control which can be forced with a 100% traceable currency.

2. Debt Jubilee. The amount of debt in the system is massive. It's going to take decades to untangle the mess this plandemic has caused. The best route would be to suspend debt payments, allow for the econ to recover, and then officially start clearing the debt via law. The last step would be to limit the banking system to 1% apr on all loans via legislation. I'm sure you can imagine that the bankers don't want this option and will fight it tooth and nail. There will be blood if this road is traveled.
I found out that after 70 , you don't give a shit anyway...when the Pale Rider gets on ya ass, that's it! Think of all the close calls ya had with death in your lifetime, oh shit, I was just standing there 6 mins ago, that coulda been me, happens everyday folks!

Trump needs to put Fauci back in his box first and foremost he’s adding nothing to the conversation at this point but doom and gloom. The California colleges not opening for fall semester is truly laughable and sad. This country needs a purge from the inside out.

Yep, he has not said anything new in a month. Just the same old if we do that then this could happen BS over and over. They need to tell him that his opinion has been noted but he does not decide policy and to go back to the lab.
This is a planned event. The real issue is the weak and ready to collapse financial system. There are trillions of bad derivatives worldwide that need to be cleared. At this point, we have 2 options.....

1. Print money and force bailouts to continue the current system. The Central Banks want negative interest rates and centrally controlled blockchain currency. Why? Slavery.... and the "stupids" are perfect for this. There is a term that the money changers of the Bible called the "stupids". They were "goyim" or milk cows. They existed to be milked. Negative rates with a negative rate for paper money will be an excellent way to milk the masses going forward. Not to mention the behavioral control which can be forced with a 100% traceable currency.

2. Debt Jubilee. The amount of debt in the system is massive. It's going to take decades to untangle the mess this plandemic has caused. The best route would be to suspend debt payments, allow for the econ to recover, and then officially start clearing the debt via law. The last step would be to limit the banking system to 1% apr on all loans via legislation. I'm sure you can imagine that the bankers don't want this option and will fight it tooth and nail. There will be blood if this road is traveled.

Option 1 it is then...:(
And the asshole lawyers?
We can cover them at some other time. But the asshole lawyers are the people that take advantage of the stupid people and get them to sue Jim Bob's tire shop because Jim Bob put tires on their truck and wasn't wearing a mask and I got sick after getting new tires. Jim Bob HAD to have given it to me.
I’m just waiting for the attorney that claims Tube Rental Company X didn’t disinfect his clients tube properly causing his client to get sick etc.
I’m just waiting for the attorney that claims Tube Rental Company X didn’t disinfect his clients tube properly causing his client to get sick etc.
Oh you know it's coming. The lawsuits are going to be flying like swallows in Capistrano.
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My sophomore sunglasses are over on the shelf and I've broken out the suit and tie to have a real talk with you about this virus situation.

Peanut gallery, please keep the noise down.

People are dead. Anytime someone dies, it's bad--- for someone, somewhere. A baby is still born and it's parents and parent's parents-- parent's friends, etc etc mourn that loss.

Hitler offs himself in a bunker and Ava Braun cries and skin heads fifty years later mourn that loss.

Point--- when someone dies, USUALLY someone cares and is hurt inside.

As a person that relies on math, I am cogent enough to realize that someone is dying 24/7 on this planet. Someone just died right now. Someone else just died right now. Someone else just died too. Seriously, 100 people on the planet will died before you'll finish reading this paragraph.

All death sucks, especially if it's a loved one or friend. Your death won't suck because you won't know it. You'll be dead. Whether you believe in an afterlife (whatever your belief system may be or not) you're still dead. And you won't mourn it, because you'll be dead.

Most people FEAR death. Fear is a motivator to stay alive. But death is unavoidable. Prolonging it isn't a choice, all the time. If it were, we'd live forever.

Now let's look at facts based on numbers.

What kills people these days? All people die of essentially the same thing-- lack of oxygen to the brain. It could be caused because you had a massive heart attack and can't pump blood to your brain. It could be caused by drowning. It could also be caused by a bomb landing on you. But the fact is, oxygen stopped going to your brain. Hence, you're dead.

What is the biggest killer in this country?

Let's list the top ten-

The Centers for Disease control say that heart disease in number 1.
2. cancer
3. accidents (ooops)
4. Lower respiratory disease
5. stroke
6. Alzheimer's (but you won't remember it)
7. diabetes (soon to be #1 -thanks refried beans)
8. Flu/pneumonia
9. nephrosis
10. Suicide

Being a numbers guy, I'm sure many of you can scroll down that list and tick of numerous people you know that fall into one of those 10 categories. However, can any of you remember when we as a nation were FORCED to address any of these issues?

I know that SOME places like NYC stopped selling 154 ounce big gulps to try and curb fat people from drinking sodas. I know tobacco companies were FORCED to put cancer warning labels on their products. I know ladders and blow dryers have warning labels like "don't fall off this" or "don't blow dry your hair while you're in the shower". But ask yourself-- who are these warnings for? Do you naturally want to just fall off a tall ladder? Or is it instinct to plug your blow dryer in and toss it into the bath tub with you?

No. These things are labeled because, unfortunately, we are a country that is populated by two certain sets of individuals that we all must be wary of.

1. Stupid people
2. Asshole lawyers

Let's address stupid people.

Stupid people now, officially, outnumber smart people. Don't believe me? Turn on YouTube and type in "hit in the balls". Enjoy yourself. Stupid people run that website.

Stupids (as I call them) wear helmets to masturbate. Stupids are the reason cigarette lighters say "Do not use near open flame". Stupids are why we have to take our shoes off at airports and must eat with plastic forks. Stupids are responsible for so many facets of our lives that we have had to change who we are as a society to accommodate them. We don't live by Darwinian law where the strongest survive, breed, propagate and flourish-- like every other animal species on the planet--- no no my friend--- we have to make special accommodations for the stupids. Look around you. Most of your life is directed by something that was created to control the populace because of the Stupids.

Don't believe me? Tide pods now have a label warning people NOT TO EAT THEM. I bought some baby wipes at the store yesterday that said "not for oral consumption" . Seriously. Who the fvck eats baby wipes? Stupids.

Let's talk about what Stupids are attracted to.

Fear! Emergencies! Warnings! Panic!
Stupids pay attention to these things because deep down, Stupids know they are already living on borrowed time and need all the help they can get.

Stupids watch news casts that riddle them with fear. Stupids LOVE to be afraid. It's their 2nd most natural state to be in. How do we pray upon stupids? Simple. We blast news casts that keep the Stupid afraid and keep them watching. And we REALLY crank it up to TEN when our news channel is dying in the ratings and we seriously need to keep the Stupids at home, not at work, so they can keep feeding the fear part of their brain by watching out news channel.

The Smarts know that diseases can spread with contact. We tell everyone to "be smart. Wash your hands. Stand away from people. Cover your mouth if you cough or sneeze. If you're sick or starting to feel sick, stay home. But that doesn't sell to the Stupids. We then convince the Stupids that wearing a cloth mask will keep them from dying. Smarts know that masks really only help a tiny bit with SPREADING a disease, not preventing you from contracting it. But Stupids don't get it. Stupids hoard things that won't keep you from getting sick. Like, toilet paper. All the smarts see the Stupids acting stupid and then the Smarts are forced to do something stupid like, buy some extra toilet paper, for fear of the Stupids buying it all and then having to use leaves to wipe their asses because of the Stupids hoarding habits.

When the Stupid get home, the Stupids are convinced by the fear mongering news they are watching that it's OK to go to the WalMart and the HEB and planned Parenthood, it appears those areas are free of disease for now-- but you can't go to your job and work because, well, your job is saturated with murder bugs and your Stupid ass will die and won't be able to watch our fear mongering news channel anymore.

Airliners are now punishing us because of the stupids. Do the math for me smart people. A 737 has two rows with three chairs each. We are supposed to stay 6 feet away from each other. The airlines are now saying they will keep the middle seat empty for "social distancing" (never mind you're not 6 feet away from any other passenger) but flight prices will increase by 50 to 75%.

Hold up-- an airplane drops 1 out of every 3 seats (that's 33% right?) But prices will go up by 50 to 75%? This has Stupids written all over it.
Thank you Stupids. You've now officially ruined air travel.

How about Los Angeles. They just announced they would leave the stay at home order in place for 3 more months. Honestly I'm all for it. No more sh!tty Hollywood movies, but those clowns will survive. Who won't survive are the people that run the taco stands. Or sell fruit on the street corners. Or run the local gas station. Or clean rich people's houses. Certain people say they care about poor people in this country when it's time to get their vote, but instead of letting them work, let's treat them like Stupid people and give them free money to survive while we keep everything shut down for, you know, the protection of the stupid people. Cui Bono? <---- that's Latin for "who benefits from this stupid sh!t?".

It's not the Stupid people who benefit. It's the Stupid people who vote for those that give them free stuff to continue to stay at home, living in fear, not working, but end up keeping their enablers in office. All because we as a nation aren't believed to be smart enough to stop touching people, wash our hands, and practice basic hygiene.

Thanks Stupid people. You're finally on the verge of ruining a planet.

Looks like Clob got an overdose of this today....

One thing that I hope can make people laugh. This is another one of those Hitler reacts to GA reopening for business. I'm not trying to make a statement just something that's funny.

There are a lot of these Hitler reacts to....... and it can be about anything. In fact this clip has taken on a life of it's own it's popular all over the world in various languages.

Of course if you're burnt orange any of these involving the aggies is hilarious. It's all from one scene at the end of the movie Downfall which btw was a great movie best foreign film I ever saw. The actor who played Hitler in this movie didn't really care about this clip taken out of context. Anyway watch Hitler reacts to GA reopening it's very funny.
Not sure what yall are so worried about. No reason to worry about Covid anymore. CNN is holding a Covid panel with Greta Thornburg.

Lol! Even the stupids will sniff this stupidity out.

One thing that I hope can make people laugh. This is another one of those Hitler reacts to GA reopening for business. I'm not trying to make a statement just something that's funny.

There are a lot of these Hitler reacts to....... and it can be about anything. In fact this clip has taken on a life of it's own it's popular all over the world in various languages.

Of course if you're burnt orange any of these involving the aggies is hilarious. It's all from one scene at the end of the movie Downfall which btw was a great movie best foreign film I ever saw. The actor who played Hitler in this movie didn't really care about this clip taken out of context. Anyway watch Hitler reacts to GA reopening it's very funny.

I just watched it. Two parts had me crying. The part at the beginning where he dismissed people by their Zoom backgrounds and the part about getting to Disney is 9 hours from Atlanta....8 if you haul ass....I have Fast passes for July. I was rolling.
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I just watched it. Two parts had me crying. The part at the beginning where he dismissed people by their Zoom backgrounds and the part about getting to Disney is 9 hours from Atlanta....8 if you haul ass....I have Fast passes for July. I was rolling.

And the part where he said he was willing to wait in line to go a second time lmao
I just watched it. Two parts had me crying. The part at the beginning where he dismissed people by their Zoom backgrounds and the part about getting to Disney is 9 hours from Atlanta....8 if you haul ass....I have Fast passes for July. I was rolling.

It's been a slow evening so I saw a bunch of these videos. There's a couple more about the coronavirus that are funny.
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Trump needs to put Fauci back in his box first and foremost he’s adding nothing to the conversation at this point but doom and gloom. The California colleges not opening for fall semester is truly laughable and sad. This country needs a purge from the inside out.

Trump needs to be put back in his box first. He's added nothing to the conversation at any point.
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Trump needs to be put back in his box first. He's added nothing to the conversation at any point.
The media needs to go first. They have now decided (since we are starting to move back toward normal life in society) to double down with a secondary disease that "could" be link to Covid that (gasp and hold your breath) affects CHILDREN! There's a total of FOUR kids in NY that have this respiratory affliction that doctors compare to Kawasaki syndrome--- so we need to keep the world shut down for about----- ohhhhhh about 6 more months just to be safe.

This is agenda driven. If you can't see that, I'm sorry lit but, it's because you don't want to.

Serious question-- do you leave the house every day afraid of doing anything in your life that has a 0.024% death rate? I know it's a rhetorical question-- but math is math. You can try and make excuses or use your feelings or your "inner humanity" to justify your opinion---- and that's fine if you use your emotions as your compass in your decision-making paradigm. I prefer, as we all should, to make decisions based on probability of outcomes. I will take a 0.024% risk every day all day. Multiply that by 50 and you'll start approaching your odds of dying in a car crash on an given day.
I can assure you @litbhorn3 is either on a fixed income or has a job that is secure regardless, that is the only reason ANYONE in this country would be ok with the status quo. If you don’t think it’s political, take 5 minutes and toggle between CNN and Fox News. One is saying let’s open up, get back to work, get the economy going, the other is saying “oh no! Why won’t the president listen to science?!?! Also anyone thinking it’s not political look at Pelosi’s proposals in the latest 3 trillion stimulus bill. She’s a joke.
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The media needs to go first. They have now decided (since we are starting to move back toward normal life in society) to double down with a secondary disease that "could" be link to Covid that (gasp and hold your breath) affects CHILDREN! There's a total of FOUR kids in NY that have this respiratory affliction that doctors compare to Kawasaki syndrome--- so we need to keep the world shut down for about----- ohhhhhh about 6 more months just to be safe.

This is agenda driven. If you can't see that, I'm sorry lit but, it's because you don't want to.

Serious question-- do you leave the house every day afraid of doing anything in your life that has a 0.024% death rate? I know it's a rhetorical question-- but math is math. You can try and make excuses or use your feelings or your "inner humanity" to justify your opinion---- and that's fine if you use your emotions as your compass in your decision-making paradigm. I prefer, as we all should, to make decisions based on probability of outcomes. I will take a 0.024% risk every day all day. Multiply that by 50 and you'll start approaching your odds of dying in a car crash on an given day.

The media doesn't care when illegals bring polio over the border.
The media doesn't care when illegals bring polio over the border.
Yes, remember the great plights of caravans last year and it was confirmed many were carrying disease but the left wing media were crickets, just like in the current Biden scandal #metoo
Media - Who can we get that can bring more polarization and sensationalism while at the same time has no expertise in the matter and is easy to manipulate? Enter Greta Thurnberg.
I watched that last night. I'm in the same boat with cali--- I couldn't stop laughing. 0.024%---- that's your odds of dying. That's it. I could run you ten pages of things more likely to kill you--- our odds of dying in a bicycle accident, plane crash, hypothermia and heat exposure/stroke are higher than this. It's fvcking math. Math can't be biased. Math can't lie. 1 + 1 = 2 everywhere in the universe except college station.

I'm officially done with this topic. I can't Mic drop any harder than common sense and MATH. If you don't understand the math on this and still prefer to cower to an agenda driven initiative, then I'm sorry you skipped school on the day they taught math.
Yes, remember the great plights of caravans last year and it was confirmed many were carrying disease but the left wing media were crickets, just like in the current Biden scandal #metoo
Left wing or right wing doesn't matter dude. Drop that. It's media-- PERIOD. They don't report the news anymore. Their job is to ENTERTAIN and keep their ratings and profits up. This is ALL fear driven.
Left wing or right wing doesn't matter dude. Drop that. It's media-- PERIOD. They don't report the news anymore. Their job is to ENTERTAIN and keep their ratings and profits up. This is ALL fear driven.

Exactly. That's why I don't watch the news and all of the hysteria and "pandemic" nonsense that they push nonstop about the corona virus. America needs to open back up and get things back to normal.
Sigh. Some people have no common sense and couldn't spell cat if you spotted them the c and the t. :rolleyes:

Turn off the news and stop believing their propaganda, hate and political motives.
That applies to you as well.

I do not follow the news on these mainstream channels. Any of them.

I fully agree that the media is biased. All of them. They all have their own agendas.
So does Trump. So does Pelosi.
These idiots have nothing else on their mind than personal gain and power.
Trump, Pelosi and other nincompoops care only about the election and furthering their own interests. The only reason they even care about the economy is because of the elections and what is in it for them.

If you do not see that there is a lack of genuineness on both sides, then I am sad to say that you are absolutely guilty of the same thing you are preaching.
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This shit is going to die down. How do I know? The media will shut up when 20 million illegals are massing at the border, because of the planned economic depression, to cross and 20% of them have the virus.
That applies to you as well.

I do not follow the news on these mainstream channels. Any of them.

I fully agree that the media is biased. All of them. They all have their own agendas.
So does Trump. So does Pelosi.
These idiots have nothing else on their mind than personal gain and power.
Trump, Pelosi and other nincompoops care only about the election and furthering their own interests. The only reason they even care about the economy is because of the elections and what is in it for them.

If you do not see that there is a lack of genuineness on both sides, then I am sad to say that you are absolutely guilty of the same thing you are preaching.

Oh I get it. Believe me, I do. God and my upbringing blessed me with common sense. I used to take it for granted, until I realize how many stupid people there are in this world with zero common sense.
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That applies to you as well.

I do not follow the news on these mainstream channels. Any of them.

I fully agree that the media is biased. All of them. They all have their own agendas.
So does Trump. So does Pelosi.
These idiots have nothing else on their mind than personal gain and power.
Trump, Pelosi and other nincompoops care only about the election and furthering their own interests. The only reason they even care about the economy is because of the elections and what is in it for them.

If you do not see that there is a lack of genuineness on both sides, then I am sad to say that you are absolutely guilty of the same thing you are preaching.

Sure but at this point, we are at an empass of centralized vs non centralized government. We need a government that does not centralize control in DC. We need a financial system that does not revolve around the central banks. A currency that can be held in hand, not in account.
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