
That would be interesting. Max Keiser may be a little crazy, but he knows his stuff, has been calling for people to buy physical silver for many many years. He wanted to see JP Morgan have to cover their shorts. Silver currently at $28. This is the highest it has been in years. We never know which one of these efforts will actually cause a cascading cross-default or fire sale disorderly liquidation as Alan Greenspan once said.

This will be the trade that breaks the central banks. They are going to have to print like mad to avoid bank runs. Here we go!!!! Initially, this will cause a liquidation by banks/hedge funds which will tank stocks but by April, inflation will be raging. RJI will go to the moon and so will your physical pm's. This is just getting started. Remember, the central banks bought this last election and are invested in control through manipulation and politician purchasing. The key measure will be the interest rate curve. It has been and always will be the measure of control. Watch the whole interest rate curve. The more parabolic it gets, the more they lose control. They have to keep government borrowing rates low so that they can easily finance control via big government. If the yield curve blows out, they have to print more to buy more bonds to force down rates but this will force inflation. Once the government cannot borrow at its preferred rates and inflation starts, they begin to lose control. They can no longer purchase loyalty/fealty.
Don't have much time but I wanted to post this graph for y'all. Lumber prices are a good predictor of inflation/deflation. They lead consumer prices by 1 year. This was one chart I used when I said back in 2017-18 that trouble was incoming..... Now REAL trouble is being signaled. I am not Kreskin but now is the time to prepare. Maybe this is nothing but maybe it's not.
I know a furniture manufacturer whose business model has been blown up by the doubling in price of lumber over the last year. Huge impact.
This will be the trade that breaks the central banks. They are going to have to print like mad to avoid bank runs. Here we go!!!! Initially, this will cause a liquidation by banks/hedge funds which will tank stocks but by April, inflation will be raging. RJI will go to the moon and so will your physical pm's. This is just getting started. Remember, the central banks bought this last election and are invested in control through manipulation and politician purchasing. The key measure will be the interest rate curve. It has been and always will be the measure of control. Watch the whole interest rate curve. The more parabolic it gets, the more they lose control. They have to keep government borrowing rates low so that they can easily finance control via big government. If the yield curve blows out, they have to print more to buy more bonds to force down rates but this will force inflation. Once the government cannot borrow at its preferred rates and inflation starts, they begin to lose control. They can no longer purchase loyalty/fealty.

What is RJI?
Reddit Bros. lost $100/share on GME today. Is this the beginning of the end of this story?

You know you're over the target when the right pigs are squealing.

This mother fvcker right here is squealing.
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You know you're over the target when the right pigs are squealing.

This mother fvcker right here is squealing.
What a waste of a human on a waste of a television channel (MSDNC).

RH is toast. What was advertised as a trading platform for cool, socially aware millennials actually turned out to be part of the insider Wall Street cartel.

You know you're over the target when the right pigs are squealing.

This mother fvcker right here is squealing.

Don't you know that being the "right" person on the other side of the trade is code language for being a stupid debt/tax donkey thay is owned by the banks. Own nothing and rent everything and look good doing it!

The silver market broke today. Somewhere the Hunt bros are smiling. This week is an inflection point. It's all going to change quickly. The volatility in markets is about to ramp up. The fiat scam is being exposed.
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Don't you know that being the "right" person on the other side of the trade is code language for being a stupid debt/tax donkey thay is owned by the banks. Own nothing and rent everything and look good doing it!

The silver market broke today. Somewhere the Hunt bros are smiling. This week is an inflection point. It's all going to change quickly. The volatility in markets is about to ramp up. The fiat scam is being exposed.
Understood. But silver has an actionable place in the market. Not for backing currency-- but for making cell phones, laptops, computer chips etc. Silver was soaring. So are some rare earth metals.

We are headed towards a bulkhead of sorts. The waves must eventually crash upon it.
Understood. But silver has an actionable place in the market. Not for backing currency-- but for making cell phones, laptops, computer chips etc. Silver was soaring. So are some rare earth metals.

We are headed towards a bulkhead of sorts. The waves must eventually crash upon it.

Silver is not categorized as an industrial metal yet. It does have some intrinsic properties as gold does. What has been accomplished with this fiasco is the increase in volume and volatility. While it looks like the banks won here, it will come at a price. Banks have had to liquidate enough stock holdings to potentially push markets into a correction. We will see. Markets are so brittle that any correction will be met with massive printing which is going to lead to inflation.
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If I were running this country, I would abolish all speculative instruments from wall street. No more shorts or the kind.
Just simple.... buy stock and sell stock.
We need to shift our economy towards tangible production from our companies rather than these gamers who are manipulating the system,

But, I am too smart and have high integrity and hence do not qualify to run the country.
Don't have much time but I wanted to post this graph for y'all. Lumber prices are a good predictor of inflation/deflation. They lead consumer prices by 1 year. This was one chart I used when I said back in 2017-18 that trouble was incoming..... Now REAL trouble is being signaled. I am not Kreskin but now is the time to prepare. Maybe this is nothing but maybe it's not.
I built a house in 2020, had it framed up in April/May, we all know Covid hoax shutdowns started right before that. I was fortunate to have bought most of my wood products before they sky rocketed. Even still, plumbing fixtures etc were 3 to 4 months out on some items. Has anyone tried to do purchase a Kitchenaid refrig. Lately? Good luck with that. You may be able to find a bottom of the line one but anything decent will have a 6 mos. plus wait
If I were running this country, I would abolish all speculative instruments from wall street. No more shorts or the kind.
Just simple.... buy stock and sell stock.
We need to shift our economy towards tangible production from our companies rather than these gamers who are manipulating the system,

But, I am too smart and have high integrity and hence do not qualify to run the country.

=)roll Our benevolent dictaster, I mean dictator. ;)
Silver is not categorized as an industrial metal yet. It does have some intrinsic properties as gold does. What has been accomplished with this fiasco is the increase in volume and volatility. While it looks like the banks won here, it will come at a price. Banks have had to liquidate enough stock holdings to potentially push markets into a correction. We will see. Markets are so brittle that any correction will be met with massive printing which is going to lead to inflation.

Should I buy some silver? I don't have much to invest, but any little bit helps
Now would be the time to pull the stops in tight. The downside risk is picking up steam. The move downward will likely be fast and you won't be ready.
I built a house in 2020, had it framed up in April/May, we all know Covid hoax shutdowns started right before that. I was fortunate to have bought most of my wood products before they sky rocketed. Even still, plumbing fixtures etc were 3 to 4 months out on some items. Has anyone tried to do purchase a Kitchenaid refrig. Lately? Good luck with that. You may be able to find a bottom of the line one but anything decent will have a 6 mos. plus wait

I as well got a new house built and the builder took a little longer than what expected. Our house sat there framed up with the sheathing for about almost 2 months to get anything else going. They took 3 weeks for our fireplace to get installed or installed properly. Now they are having trouble with getting lumber and windows and some contractors are just stealing them from other houses in different communities and taking them. Houses are taking almost up to a year now to be built.
I as well got a new house built and the builder took a little longer than what expected. Our house sat there framed up with the sheathing for about almost 2 months to get anything else going. They took 3 weeks for our fireplace to get installed or installed properly. Now they are having trouble with getting lumber and windows and some contractors are just stealing them from other houses in different communities and taking them. Houses are taking almost up to a year now to be built.
Not good.

Framing Lumber Prices
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I as well got a new house built and the builder took a little longer than what expected. Our house sat there framed up with the sheathing for about almost 2 months to get anything else going. They took 3 weeks for our fireplace to get installed or installed properly. Now they are having trouble with getting lumber and windows and some contractors are just stealing them from other houses in different communities and taking them. Houses are taking almost up to a year now to be built.

Covid fears have shut down supply lines. It's a mess right now. My appliance supplier does not even have appliances in the showroom. It looks like they were robbed. Fear causes all kinds of problems.
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Did you see the spike in 10 year treasuries this month? Up 30%!! Less demand or confidence in the full faith and credit of Uncle Sam?
Did you see the spike in 10 year treasuries this month? Up 30%!! Less demand or confidence in the full faith and credit of Uncle Sam?

The pressure is building on the central banks. They have to keep rates low so that their puppets in the government can continue to borrow and spend (control). Problem being, they have to issue more debt at higher rates or PRINT. Regardless, this largesse is going straight into commodities. Better get that wheelbarrow out of storage, we are going to need it so we can pay 100k for a loaf of bread.
The pressure is building on the central banks. They have to keep rates low so that their puppets in the government can continue to borrow and spend (control). Problem being, they have to issue more debt at higher rates or PRINT. Regardless, this largesse is going straight into commodities. Better get that wheelbarrow out of storage, we are going to need it so we can pay 100k for a loaf of bread.
RJI has done extremely well YTD.
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Other than the obvious, the other two things I got out of today's article is that Jim Rickards loves Gold and Trump was in the way of the globalists.

Rickards: The Great Reset Is Here
FRIDAY, FEB 26, 2021 - 6:30
Authored by James Rickards via The Daily Reckoning,
The Bretton Woods conference of 1944 set the global financial system that still prevails today.
The period 1969-1971 can be regarded as the First Reset, which involved the creation of Special Drawing Rights (SDR, ticker:XDR), the devaluation of the dollar and the end of the gold standard.

For years, commentators (myself included) have discussed the next global monetary realignment, which is sometimes called The Big Reset or The Great Reset.
Now, it looks like the long-expected Great Reset is finally here.
Details vary depending on the source, but the basic idea is that the current global monetary system centered around the dollar is inherently unstable and needs to be reformed.
Part of the problem is due to a process called Triffin’s Dilemma, named after economist Robert Triffin. Triffin said that the issuer of a dominant reserve currency had to run trade deficits so that the rest of the world could have enough of the currency to buy goods from the issuer and expand world trade.
But, if you ran deficits long enough, you would eventually go broke. This was said about the dollar in the early 1960s.

In 1969, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) created the SDR, possibly to serve as a source of liquidity and alternative to the dollar.
In 1971, the dollar did devalue relative to gold and other major currencies. SDRs were issued by the IMF from 1970 to 1981. None were issued after 1981 until 2009 during the global financial crisis.
“Testing the Plumbing”
The 2009 issuance was a case of the IMF “testing the plumbing” of the system to make sure it worked properly. Because zero SDRs were issued from 1981–2009, the IMF wanted to rehearse the governance, computational, and legal processes for issuing SDRs.
The purpose was partly to alleviate liquidity concerns at the time, but it was also to make sure the system works, in case a large new issuance was needed on short notice. The 2009 experiment showed the system worked fine.
Since 2009, the IMF has proceeded in slow steps to create a platform for massive new issuances of SDRs and the creation of a deep liquid pool of SDR-denominated assets.
On January 7, 2011, the IMF issued a master plan for replacing the dollar with SDRs.
This included the creation of an SDR bond market, SDR dealers, and ancillary facilities such as repos, derivatives, settlement and clearance channels, and the entire apparatus of a liquid bond market.
A liquid bond market is critical. U.S. Treasury bonds are among the world’s most liquid securities, which makes the dollar a legitimate reserve currency.
The IMF study recommended that the SDR bond market replicate the infrastructure of the U.S. Treasury market, with hedging, financing, settlement and clearance mechanisms substantially similar to those used to support trading in Treasury securities today.
China Gets a Seat at the Monetary Table
In July 2016, the IMF issued a paper calling for the creation of a private SDR bond market. These bonds are called “M-SDRs” (for market SDRs), in contrast to “O-SDRs” (for official SDRs).
In August 2016, the World Bank announced that it would issue SDR-denominated bonds to private purchasers. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), the largest bank in China, will be the lead underwriter on the deal.
In September 2016, the IMF included the Chinese yuan in the SDR basket, giving China a seat at the monetary table.
So, the framework has been created to expand the SDR’s scope.
The SDR can be issued in abundance to IMF members and used in the future for a select list of the most important transactions in the world, including balance-of-payments settlements, oil pricing and the financial accounts of the world’s largest corporations, such as Exxon Mobil, Toyota and Royal Dutch Shell.
Now, the IMF is planning to issue $500 billion of new SDRs, although some Democrat senators are lobbying for an issue of $2 trillion SDRs or more.
This would be almost ten times the amount of SDRs issued in 2009 and would go a long way to increasing SDR liquidity and advancing the globalist agenda of eventually having the SDR replace the U.S. dollar as the leading reserve asset.
This proposal closely follows the global elite game plan predicted in chapter 2 of my 2016 book, The Road to Ruin.
Over the next several years, we will see the issuance of SDRs to transnational organizations, such as the U.N. and World Bank, to be spent on climate change infrastructure and other elite pet projects outside the supervision of any democratically elected bodies. I call this the New Blueprint for Worldwide Inflation.
More Than Just SDRs
But there’s more to the Great Reset than the issuance of new SDRs. Here’s another breaking news story that validates the longstanding prediction of a coming reset in the global financial system.
In 1999, the euro replaced the individual currencies of Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy and other major economies in Europe. Today, the number of countries that have joined the euro is up to 19, and more countries are awaiting admission.
The euro is the second largest reserve currency asset after the U.S. dollar. The creation of the euro can be thought of as a stepping stone from national currencies to a single world currency.
Now, the euro (along with the Chinese yuan) is moving quickly to become a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). A CBDC combines a traditional currency with the blockchain technology of a cryptocurrency.
It’s an important move in the direction of eliminating cash and forcing users into a 100% digital system using credit cards, debit cards, and smartphone apps.
Why are China and Europe so focused on eliminating cash?
Use It or Lose It
I’ve said all along that you cannot put negative interest rates on consumers until you eliminate cash. Otherwise, savers would just withdraw cash from the banks and stuff it in mattresses to avoid the negative rates. Implicitly, the European Central Bank (ECB) seems to agree.
One of the ECB Board members says that negative rates (really confiscation) will be applied as a “penalty” against “hoarding” cash. In plain English, that means they will create digital money, force you to spend it, and if you don’t spend it, they will take it away as a “negative rate.”
Now all of the pieces of the global elite plan are converging.
The IMF SDR issuance will reliquify global central banks that cannot print dollars. Then CBDCs will be used to eliminate cash.
Once the cattle (that’s us) have been herded into the digital slaughterhouse, we will be told to “use it or lose it” when it comes to our own money. In other words, either we spend the money, or the government will take it away.
Of course, the spending can be channeled into politically correct causes by excluding unpopular vendors such as gun dealers or conservative social media platforms from the payment system. This represents total domination of human behavior through world money + digital currencies + confiscation.
This is not speculation anymore; it’s happening in front of our eyes. The Great Reset is coming fast. The future is here.
The only solution is to use a non-digital, non-bank store of wealth that cannot be traced or manipulated. Given the planned dollar devaluation, it’s one more reason to own physical gold and silver.
Get it while you still can.

The Great Reset is Here before our very Eyes. Jim Rickards