Clob What’s Your Take on the Drone Strikes in Saudi?


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2005
Just saw that the Houthi rebels backed by Iran, hit the Saudi oil fields with drone strikes. The fires look pretty damn serious.
I used to have a pretty decent handle on the different tribes within the Shia sects and now with all this splintering of Mutazila and Ibadi and who wrote the Qur'an and what to believe in the book---- it has sort of lost my attention. When two tribes have been warring with each other for five centuries because in 1487 some tribal head stole another tribal heads prize goat just so he could fornicate with it---and a blood feud has ensued for centuries over goat fvcking-- who can keep up?

What I do know is that they hit the largest Saudi refinery and the Saudis won't be able to process about five million barrels a day for quite some time. Iran is such a bad actor. If they would simply use all the money they pump into terror organizations, into their own infrastructure, perhaps they would avoid constantly being placed on the global naughty list.

But when complete clownshoes organizations like the United Nations (yes, they are fvcking clowns-- the lot of them) continues to appoint Iran to committees like "The Women's rights committee", you simply embolden Iran. Seriously, think about that-- IRAN has a chair on the United Nations council committee devoted to WOMEN'S RIGHTS. You simply can't make sh!t like this up. It's like the UN thinks because Iran sucks so badly at women's rights that if they are appointed to this global panel that somehow the lightbulb will come on and Iran will see the error of their ways and let woman start driving or going to college. Instead, everyone else is looking around the room like someone just cut a rank fart and Iran smiles with blood in their teeth and just keeps doing what they're doing. It's asinine.

Those of you in here that think we can play nice and get along with bad actors like Iran, take heed. There are decent people in Iran--- the average Joe types that just want to run their hookah lounge and pay the bills and be left alone. Unfortunately, they bow to the alter of their Islamic imam who happens to be running some radicalized splinter group of the IRG that take orders from no-one but Allah, and have unlimited funds provided to them by French oil companies and former American administrations, and their favorite thing to do is fvck shit up with bullets and bombs. Honestly, I'm surprised it took them THIS long to launch a drone strike like this.

One thing is for certain, though they'd LOVE to replicate these sort of attacks here in America, for the time being, they won't. They are scared poopless by the current administration because they literally think he's crazy. They think if they attack the US mainland that POTUS is crazy enough to grab the football and wipe their 5000 year history off the map forever. They really are petrified by him. Where the previous administration and the one before that would punch you in the nose, they fear this one will go megaton at the drop of a hat. Terrorism is fun and all until someone gets an H bomb dropped on their head.

Another reason for this is the Saudis have grown a pair after we sold them almost big boy weapons, so Saudi is trying to clean house and get their hands back around global oil production (good luck with that OPEC is DOA).and with the Saudis slowly rolling through the Yemeni hood, many Yemenis don't take kindly to it, and the ATM sitting on Iran's front lawn is more than happy to dole out mega bucks to help make Saudis life as miserable as possible, because "if Iran can't sell no oil, then neither can them damn Saudis."

It sounds insensitive to say, but the world would be a much more quiet place if we glassed the entire area. It sucks to say that, but because our State dept and Intel agencies can't seem to keep their nose out of everyone else's sh!t, and because Mossad thinks they're all the Yiddish cousin to James bond, the cluster fvck over there will continue. We have to get a leash on Mossad, get the GIGN to quit playing footsie with Iran and reduce our Intel foot print, and then just throw a live grenade in the room and let those two factions play hot potato until only one is left standing.

Then toss another grenade in the room.
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Having just wrapped up a lesson segment for my classes on Ancient Civilizations in the Near and Middle East, I am forced to agree with much of your assessment. How much of an impact will it have on domestic gas prices if any? Either way, as always, an entertaining read....
Interesting writing at least. Appreciate the effort.

But we just have to hold the fort until western culture seeps in through all the cracks, and destroys the bad actor regimes from within. Individualism is powerful. Incredibly powerful.

Not saying it's going to be next week. It might take a century or more. But our cultural victory over the Chinese communists, and Islamic radicals, is inevitable.
Having just wrapped up a lesson segment for my classes on Ancient Civilizations in the Near and Middle East, I am forced to agree with much of your assessment. How much of an impact will it have on domestic gas prices if any? Either way, as always, an entertaining read....
I was getting gas this morning AS they were changing the price sign. Bounced it a dime. Valero at common and 306. The same place I see @Belldozer1 gassing up all the time.
Interesting writing at least. Appreciate the effort.

But we just have to hold the fort until western culture seeps in through all the cracks, and destroys the bad actor regimes from within. Individualism is powerful. Incredibly powerful.

Not saying it's going to be next week. It might take a century or more. But our cultural victory over the Chinese communists, and Islamic radicals, is inevitable.
You have more faith than I do. They have been westernized insofar as they all have cell phones now. They use our westernized products and services like social media to further their agenda. It's like we are giving their movement a shot in the ass with steroids. They just used western tech (drones) to launch one of the largest industrial sabotage strikes since WWII. And what are WE teaching them about western ideals and technology? Well, they are learning that we can use our westernized technology to kill them. Don't believe me?

Get Fresh in here and he will tell you. In the early days of the Iraq war, we wanted to know who was talking to whom on cell phones. The agency set up a cell phone store using local assets and started selling the cell phone attachments that had sparkly lights on them. Nothing more than a good old westernized bling bling attachment to your cell phone that made it look different than everybody else's. You know, westernized individualism.

Turns out, the alphabet agencies had put trackers in the bling phones and we used that to spy on, track and eventually kill people. Now I ask ya, with the population demographic of te united states going through a major shift in the next 50 years and a global population that is half in half out with globalization (FYI these Islamic folk are against globalization because we are literally the great Satan) and with 60% of Americans against globalization (for one reason or another) I don't see it possible for a Judeo-christian, an Islamic, a Jewish, and a Hindu world, EVER getting along. If you look at all the major conflict zones on the planet, who is it that can't get along with their neighbors?
Are the Buddhists and the Russian Orthodox churches blowing each other up? Are the Hindus and the Jews lobbing rockets at each other? When was the last time the Catholics stoning the Mormons?

More people have died because "my god can kick your God's ass" over the last 5000 years than cancer and HIV combined. And it's been happening that way since the volcano god got pissed at the sun god and required human sacrifice to placate him.

Unfortunately we will westernize the rest of the world and they will simply start killing people in Air Jordan's instead of Puma's.
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You have more faith than I do. They have been westernized insofar as they all have cell phones now. They use our westernized products and services like social media to further their agenda. It's like we are giving their movement a shot in the ass with steroids. They just used western tech (drones) to launch one of the largest industrial sabotage strikes since WWII. And what are WE teaching them about western ideals and technology? Well, they are learning that we can use our westernized technology to kill them. Don't believe me?

Get Fresh in here and he will tell you. In the early days of the Iraq war, we wanted to know who was talking to whom on cell phones. The agency set up a cell phone store using local assets and started selling the cell phone attachments that had sparkly lights on them. Nothing more than a good old westernized bling bling attachment to your cell phone that made it look different than everybody else's. You know, westernized individualism.

Turns out, the alphabet agencies had put trackers in the bling phones and we used that to spy on, track and eventually kill people. Now I ask ya, with the population demographic of te united states going through a major shift in the next 50 years and a global population that is half in half out with globalization (FYI these Islamic folk are against globalization because we are literally the great Satan) and with 60% of Americans against globalization (for one reason or another) I don't see it possible for a Judeo-christian, an Islamic, a Jewish, and a Hindu world, EVER getting along. If you look at all the major conflict zones on the planet, who is it that can't get along with their neighbors?
Are the Buddhists and the Russian Orthodox churches blowing each other up? Are the Hindus and the Jews lobbing rockets at each other? When was the last time the Catholics stoning the Mormons?

More people have died because "my god can kick your God's ass" over the last 5000 years than cancer and HIV combined. And it's been happening that way since the volcano god got pissed at the sun god and required human sacrifice to placate him.

Unfortunately we will westernize the rest of the world and they will simply start killing people in Air Jordan's instead of Puma's.

Very good. I won't belabor the point.

Appreciate you sharing your insight.
I was getting gas this morning AS they were changing the price sign. Bounced it a dime. Valero at common and 306. The same place I see @Belldozer1 gassing up all the time.
negative. You'll either catch me at the corner of 306 and hunter or @buccees
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We are doing it all wrong! We should pull everything outa there and let them kill each other and then whoevers still standing , kill their asses and take the oil wells and Field over and put in a Walmart and a Sonic and a couple of good Tiddy bars, save money let them kill each other and saves our soldiers, they been killing each other since the Bible days , why stop them? let them have at it and we sit on a mountain top and drink beer and watch them
I used to have a pretty decent handle on the different tribes within the Shia sects and now with all this splintering of Mutazila and Ibadi and who wrote the Qur'an and what to believe in the book---- it has sort of lost my attention. When two tribes have been warring with each other for five centuries because in 1487 some tribal head stole another tribal heads prize goat just so he could fornicate with it---and a blood feud has ensued for centuries over goat fvcking-- who can keep up?

What I do know is that they hit the largest Saudi refinery and the Saudis won't be able to process about five million barrels a day for quite some time. Iran is such a bad actor. If they would simply use all the money they pump into terror organizations, into their own infrastructure, perhaps they would avoid constantly being placed on the global naughty list.

But when complete clownshoes organizations like the United Nations (yes, they are fvcking clowns-- the lot of them) continues to appoint Iran to committees like "The Women's rights committee", you simply embolden Iran. Seriously, think about that-- IRAN has a chair on the United Nations council committee devoted to WOMEN'S RIGHTS. You simply can't make sh!t like this up. It's like the UN thinks because Iran sucks so badly at women's rights that if they are appointed to this global panel that somehow the lightbulb will come on and Iran will see the error of their ways and let woman start driving or going to college. Instead, everyone else is looking around the room like someone just cut a rank fart and Iran smiles with blood in their teeth and just keeps doing what they're doing. It's asinine.

Those of you in here that think we can play nice and get along with bad actors like Iran, take heed. There are decent people in Iran--- the average Joe types that just want to run their hookah lounge and pay the bills and be left alone. Unfortunately, they bow to the alter of their Islamic imam who happens to be running some radicalized splinter group of the IRG that take orders from no-one but Allah, and have unlimited funds provided to them by French oil companies and former American administrations, and their favorite thing to do is fvck shit up with bullets and bombs. Honestly, I'm surprised it took them THIS long to launch a drone strike like this.

One thing is for certain, though they'd LOVE to replicate these sort of attacks here in America, for the time being, they won't. They are scared poopless by the current administration because they literally think he's crazy. They think if they attack the US mainland that POTUS is crazy enough to grab the football and wipe their 5000 year history off the map forever. They really are petrified by him. Where the previous administration and the one before that would punch you in the nose, they fear this one will go megaton at the drop of a hat. Terrorism is fun and all until someone gets an H bomb dropped on their head.

Another reason for this is the Saudis have grown a pair after we sold them almost big boy weapons, so Saudi is trying to clean house and get their hands back around global oil production (good luck with that OPEC is DOA).and with the Saudis slowly rolling through the Yemeni hood, many Yemenis don't take kindly to it, and the ATM sitting on Iran's front lawn is more than happy to dole out mega bucks to help make Saudis life as miserable as possible, because "if Iran can't sell no oil, then neither can them damn Saudis."

It sounds insensitive to say, but the world would be a much more quiet place if we glassed the entire area. It sucks to say that, but because our State dept and Intel agencies can't seem to keep their nose out of everyone else's sh!t, and because Mossad thinks they're all the Yiddish cousin to James bond, the cluster fvck over there will continue. We have to get a leash on Mossad, get the GIGN to quit playing footsie with Iran and reduce our Intel foot print, and then just throw a live grenade in the room and let those two factions play hot potato until only one is left standing.

Then toss another grenade in the room.

The vast majority of the people in Iran (95-99%) hate their government. Country is straight out of the Hunger Games. Their government is the embodiment of evil. Fagits like Obama think you can “negotiate” with evil. You can’t.
We are doing it all wrong! We should pull everything outa there and let them kill each other and then whoevers still standing , kill their asses and take the oil wells and Field over and put in a Walmart and a Sonic and a couple of good Tiddy bars, save money let them kill each other and saves our soldiers, they been killing each other since the Bible days , why stop them? let them have at it and we sit on a mountain top and drink beer and watch them
It's almost as if you read what I wrote and country fried it.
The vast majority of the people in Iran (95-99%) hate their government. Country is straight out of the Hunger Games. Their government is the embodiment of evil. Fagits like Obama think you can “negotiate” with evil. You can’t.
As I stated, the average Joe just wants to run his hookah lounge and pay his bills. But at the end of the day, these guys are listening to their Imam and not all Imams are warm and or fuzzy.
From all I have ever seen on the news is nonworking men, each with more testosterone than all if us put together. Not a good recipe for peace.
From all I have ever seen on the news is nonworking men, each with more testosterone than all if us put together. Not a good recipe for peace.
Imagine spending your entire life living in a country where the free flow of information was limited to only what your government wanted you to know about. And the people that did get out and report back about what was REALLY going on in the world, were labeled as conspiracy theorists and dismissed by the powers that be. Then imagine those people showing up dead in a ditch on some road in rural France.

Welcome to being the average Iranian citizen.

They aren't bad people. They are simply programmed and controlled by bad people. And if push came to shove, they would side with those that have indoctrinated them.
As I stated, the average Joe just wants to run his hookah lounge and pay his bills. But at the end of the day, these guys are listening to their Imam and not all Imams are warm and or fuzzy.
I once bought a mansion sized persian carpet from an Iranian carpet merchant in D.C. His son was nailing the daughter of the chairman of one of the big Dallas banks at the time. He had fled Iran in the early 50s. He said, "We thought that the Shah was the worst man in the world. Then we got the ayatollah."
I once bought a mansion sized persian carpet from an Iranian carpet merchant in D.C. His son was nailing the daughter of the chairman of one of the big Dallas banks at the time. He had fled Iran in the early 50s. He said, "We thought that the Shah was the worst man in the world. Then we got the ayatollah."
There are so many stories about that dude and his wife. She was quite the dish, by the way, and she knew it.

He used to have the concord fly his lunch in directly from Paris. She used to take baths in goat milk because she believed it kept her skin wrinkle free. There's even stories about her having doctors from maternity hospitals bring her placenta so she could do who knows what with-- because she believed it helped her age more gracefully.

The story about the Shah's fleeing Iran and his 747 barely being able to take off because if was loaded down with gold bricks is total BS.

He had his gold flown out weeks before he was forced to flee.
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I once bought a mansion sized persian carpet from an Iranian carpet merchant in D.C. His son was nailing the daughter of the chairman of one of the big Dallas banks at the time. He had fled Iran in the early 50s. He said, "We thought that the Shah was the worst man in the world. Then we got the ayatollah."
What did he think of Mosaddegh the CIA got rid of who was replaced by the Shah.
Imagine spending your entire life living in a country where the free flow of information was limited to only what your government wanted you to know about. And the people that did get out and report back about what was REALLY going on in the world, were labeled as conspiracy theorists and dismissed by the powers that be. Then imagine those people showing up dead in a ditch on some road in rural France.

Welcome to being the average Iranian citizen.

They aren't bad people. They are simply programmed and controlled by bad people. And if push came to shove, they would side with those that have indoctrinated them.

They need a Tiddy Bar to cut down on their stress!
Ruh Ro.....evidence mounting the drones came directly from Iran.....whoops.....
us not at all...(maybe 600.000 bbls a day)....but China, S Korea and Japan have to have MILLIONs of bbls of Saudi crude a day.
Global oil consumption is right around 100 million barrels a day. The Saudi plant could process right at 5 million a day. No word on how long it will take to repair this and I won't believe the Saudis when they come out and tell us anyway.