That's what Comey's testimony will be for the democrats and the media. Armageddon. This is their one and only shot at getting Trump. All the rest is smoke and mirrors. As CNN reported tonight... prosecuting Flynn or Kushner for illegalities can only "damage" Trump. The obstruction charge appears to be the only way to remove him from office.
What we know is that democrats and the MSM are setting Thursday's hearing up for maximum exposure. ABC and CBS have announced their plans to broadcast live throughout the hearing. Of course the cable networks will all have wall to wall coverage. And they're all bringing in their heavy hitters to provide legal and historical analysis. I.e., all the Watergate experts will be on hand to tell us why Donald Trump is the biggest threat to the republic since Richard Nixon.
As for Comey, I predict that after much bloviating about Trump he'll finally come out and say that, in the end, his only possible conclusion could be that the president was attempting to shut down the investigation into both Flynn and Russia. And yes, he's going to use the "O" word. He'll lay it right out on the table for all to see. And the democrats and media pundits will universally act flabbergasted. And the calls for impeachment will be instantaneous.
The only question is how the GOP will handle it. All the pressure from the MSM will be on them.
What we know is that democrats and the MSM are setting Thursday's hearing up for maximum exposure. ABC and CBS have announced their plans to broadcast live throughout the hearing. Of course the cable networks will all have wall to wall coverage. And they're all bringing in their heavy hitters to provide legal and historical analysis. I.e., all the Watergate experts will be on hand to tell us why Donald Trump is the biggest threat to the republic since Richard Nixon.
As for Comey, I predict that after much bloviating about Trump he'll finally come out and say that, in the end, his only possible conclusion could be that the president was attempting to shut down the investigation into both Flynn and Russia. And yes, he's going to use the "O" word. He'll lay it right out on the table for all to see. And the democrats and media pundits will universally act flabbergasted. And the calls for impeachment will be instantaneous.
The only question is how the GOP will handle it. All the pressure from the MSM will be on them.